Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCR) of life insurance undertakings

In accordance with Articles 290 ff. of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 of 10 October 2014 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (hereinafter the “Solvency II Directive”), all insurance and reinsurance undertakings are required to publicly disclose their Solvency and Financial Condition Report (hereinafter the “SFCR”). 

For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that the administrative, management or supervisory body of the Luxembourg insurance or reinsurance undertaking bears ultimate responsibility for compliance by the undertaking concerned with the legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions adopted pursuant to prudential regulation in accordance with the provisions of Article 70 of the amended law of 7 December 2015 on the insurance sector. 

The Commissariat aux Assurances (hereinafter the ‘CAA’) wishes to make it clear that it makes no representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, as to the quality, accuracy, completeness or updating of the information contained in the SFCRs listed above. Furthermore, the CAA accepts no liability whatsoever towards any party in respect of any possible loss, damage or prejudice of any nature whatsoever relating directly or indirectly to the information and data and to the use of the said information and data contained in the SFCRs by any party.

The CAA has created this repository for the sole purpose of facilitating access by any interested party to the information and intelligence contained in the SFCRs by making it public through a single access point. 

Name of the undertaking Solvency ratio* Direct link (PDF) Link to the SFCR page
AFI.ESCA Luxembourg S.A. (222100YT3TT9HR81IS56) 118,56 %

ALLIANZ Life Luxembourg (5299008KOP6QNQ1WNH72) 131,62 %

AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg (2221007TDHL8NJ2B3448) 208,91 %

AXA Wealth Europe (222100WCM48LSUO2KP31) 158,98 %

BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. (549300NF39GNDIKK4T88) 122,18 %

BPCE Life (213800ZIGVOZ992FNQ85) 145,58 %

CALI Europe (222100RHVHGHNBQ4VV91) 154,95 %

CARDIF Lux Vie (213800I92TAU7I3FP232) 179,39 %

CNP Luxembourg (222100YKBGQFZEHE4Y78) 146,10 %

DB Vita (529900TYAVA2GRNJ1P86) 252,63 %

ERGO Life S.A. (529900FMF2P7MBTLRS77) 292,03 %

FOYER VIE S.A. (549300387YFQKY1VF456) 249,25 %

GENERALI Luxembourg (2221004RVIS03ZBFVY21) 165,92 %


iptiQ Life S.A. (2221004JZS1OVTAB1650) 223,60 %

LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A. (2221008M42B0WFF4KY04) 225,67 %

La Mondiale Europartner S.A. (5493006JYRVV78QV6K46) 231,37 %


Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A. (222100C4VOJPC7CJGW54) 262,67 %

RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A. (549300QOM0DY7TROFK76) 265,38 %

Scottish Widows Europe (213800KWRFPFZHUEMW58) 222,19 %

SOGELIFE S.A. (549300G1P6577D6TH121) 113,27 %

Swiss Life (Luxembourg) (549300KSAOIBSRXY2E64) 159,35 %

Swiss Life Products (Luxembourg) S.A. (54930048FDANNGN4UV52) 201,42 %



The OneLife Company S.A. (213800S5I8AHISIGZE12) 147,32 %

VITIS LIFE S.A. (5493006C4TIBBW408972) 258,24 %

WEALINS (529900DRTSUMACSSIX70) 153,74 %

ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A. (549300JY6DK7MPK8MF28) 147,81 %

(*) The solvency ratio equals the last ratio communicated by the insurance undertaking to the CAA in the context of the "solo" Solvency 2 annual report 

(**)  The undertaking does not have a website. Please contact them directly via the attached e-mail address to obtain the SFCR.

(***) The undertaking has no more insurance commitments

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1