Persons responsible for distribution

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Name of the undertaking Person responsible for distribution Type of undertaking  
BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A. Laurent HEILES Non-Life insurance undertaking
BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. Laurent HEILES Life insurance undertaking
BALSPEED RE S.A. Viviane DESCLES Reinsurance undertaking
BanSabadell Reassurance S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
BARENTS REINSURANCE S.A. Amandine MOTTE Reinsurance undertaking
BESIX GLOBAL RE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
BIL REINSURANCE S.A. Nicolas LEONARD Reinsurance undertaking
BLUE RE M.A. Danny VANWELKENHUYZEN Reinsurance undertaking
BNP PARIBAS S.B. RE S.A. Claude WEBER Reinsurance undertaking
BOLTON INTERNATIONAL RE S.C.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
BOLTON INTERNATIONAL S.C.A. Danilo GIULIANI Non-Life insurance undertaking
BOURBON CAP RE S.A. GĂ©rard DARDENNE Reinsurance undertaking
BPCE Life Annemarie HEUS Life insurance undertaking
BREW RE S.A. Nicolas LEONARD Reinsurance undertaking

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1