Persons responsible for distribution

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Name of the undertaking Person responsible for distribution Type of undertaking  
C.D.A. RE Gérard DARDENNE Reinsurance undertaking
CAFINA Gérard DARDENNE Reinsurance undertaking
CAISRELUX Hervé MONIN Reinsurance undertaking
CALATRAVA RE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
CAMCA ASSURANCE S.A. Alain SIEGRIST Non-Life insurance undertaking
CAMCA REASSURANCE S.A. Alain SIEGRIST Reinsurance undertaking
CANAL RE S.A. Sophie VANDEVEN Reinsurance undertaking
Cap Verallia Cyril BAN Reinsurance undertaking
CARDIF Lux Vie Juan José RODRIGUEZ GARCIA Life insurance undertaking
CARGOLUX RE S.A. Gérard DARDENNE Reinsurance undertaking
CARMAN S.A. Viviane DESCLES Reinsurance undertaking
Cash Re Georges MICHELENA Reinsurance undertaking
CASINO RE S.A. Ingrid NINANE Reinsurance undertaking
CGPA EUROPE S.A. Eric EVIAN Non-Life insurance undertaking
CGPA RE Lycia SEKROUN Reinsurance undertaking
CHALLENGER REASSURANCE Philippe GOUTIERE Reinsurance undertaking
CHC REINSURANCE S.A. Sophie VANDEVEN Reinsurance undertaking
China Taiping Insurance (LU) S.A. Tian LIANG Non-Life insurance undertaking
CIBELES RE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
CLIMRE Concetta ALIBRANDI Reinsurance undertaking
CNA INSURANCE COMPANY (EUROPE) S.A. Julien PARASIE Non-Life insurance undertaking
CNP Luxembourg Antonio VALENTE Life insurance undertaking
Cold Ré Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
COLOMBE ASSURANCES S.A. Alvaro VILLAMOR GARCIA Non-Life insurance undertaking
COLONNADE INSURANCE S.A. Peter CSAKVARI Non-Life insurance undertaking
COMPASS RE S.A. Concetta ALIBRANDI Reinsurance undertaking
COMURA S.A. Sophie VANDEVEN Reinsurance undertaking
CONVEX EUROPE S.A. Julie DUBUISSON Non-Life insurance undertaking
COREA S.A. David BOSSIERE Reinsurance undertaking
COREVAL Maxime SCHONS Reinsurance undertaking
COREVI Nicolas FOUQUET Reinsurance undertaking
COVEA LUX S.A. Hervé MONIN Reinsurance undertaking
COWEN REINSURANCE S.A. Muriel SOSNOWSKI Reinsurance undertaking
CREARE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking
CUBE RE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking

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L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1