Insurance agents

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Name Registration number Address  
ABBATI Lucas 2022AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

ABBRUSCATO Marcello 2022AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ABDIU Thierry 2013AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ABONDANCE Pierre 1991AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ABOUEL FALAH Elmehdi 2025AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

ABREU DA SILVA BRANDAO Carla 2003AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010)

ACCORINTI Nicolas 2020AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ADAM Brigitte 2018AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ADAM Christiane 1991AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ADAM Corinne 2019AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ADAM David 2010AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ADAM Jean 2019AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ADAM Marie-Christine 2019AG316 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ADROVIC Armin 2023AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ADROVIC Lejla 2023AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

AGNES Martine 1998AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AGNES Sally 2014AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

AGOSTA Luca 2015AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

AGOVIC Alija 2019AG373 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

AICHOUNI Courage 2021AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

AILLOUD Jean-Philippe 2019AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

AKNINE Curt 2019AG249 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

ALBANELLI Andrea 2019AG358 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

ALBERS Heike 2019AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALBERT Pia 2013AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALBORINO Alfredo 2023AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ALEXANDRE Dominique 2008AG225 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

ALEXANDRE Matthieu 2018AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

ALFF Christiane 2016AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ALLACHE Willy 2012AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALLIAUME Marc 2008AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ALMEIDA DA SILVA Vania 2024AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALMEIDA PINTO Cassandra 2023AG263 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ALMEIDA SANTOS Monica 2020AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ALMEIDA SILVA Marta Sofia 2017AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ALTMANN Claudine 1994AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES FISCHER-ALTMANN SARL (2005AC015)

ALUNNI Alessandro 2014AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Alunni & Luisi S.à r.l. (2022AC017)

ALUNNI Maurizio 1995AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALVAREZ CORNIELES PAIS Yamileth Désirée 2024AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ALVES Carlos 2004AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Carlos Alves S.à r.l. (2018AC003)

ALVES DA SILVA Gabriela 2022AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Tania Stein S.àr.l. (2018AC004)

ALVES Daniel 2000AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

ALVES DOS SANTOS GRILO Neuza Cristina 2018AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : FEEL SAFE BY GUY BECK Sàrl (2009AC007)

ALVES GONCALVES Victor 2002AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALVES GUEDES José Manuel 2019AG327 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ALVES Ivo 2019AG381 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ALVES Jean 1991AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ALVES Nuno Miguel 2016AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AlvesAssur (2017AC017)

ALVES PATRICIO Nuno Filipe 2014AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALVES PEREIRA Vanessa 2023AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ALVES PINTO Vera 2005AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence générale Alba (2006AC009)

ALVES RODRIGUES DA COSTA Vanessa Andreia 2007AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ALVES TEIXEIRA Artur 2022AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

AMARAL JANECO Sylvia 2001AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AMARAL Manuel Fernando 2016AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

AMDA Fatima 2021AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AMODIO Angelo 2005AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

AMORIM DA SILVA Elisabete 2018AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GLOBALIA ASSUR s.à r.l. (2016AC002)

AMORIM FREITAS Dany 2023AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

AMOROSO Cyrio 2023AG232 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

AMRAOUI Sandrine 2019AG314 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

ANDRADE ALVES Kelly 2025AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANDRE AIRES Sara 2009AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

ANDREASEN Bénédicte 2013AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ANDRINO MOURA Filipe 2010AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

ANDRINO MOURA Pedro 2003AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurZen s.àr.l. (2011AC026)

ANGBA Karl 2023AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

ANGELI Benoit 1996AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ANGELSBERG Linda 2011AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANICETO Stéphane 2024AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANTIL Abdullah 2023AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ANTONY Alphonse 1978AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : COLPRASSUR (2005AC024)

ANTONY Bryan 2025AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANTONY Mireille 2009AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANTONY Sandy 2019AG408 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

ANTUNES DA COSTA GONÇALVES David 2019AG277 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

ANTUNES LOUREIRO Flavio 2019AG230 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ANTUNES RODRIGUES Jorge 2011AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

APOLINARIO Graziele 2023AG262 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

APOLO MONTALVO Carolina 2024AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

ARAUJO DA SILVA Ivanna 2024AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ARAUJO DE ALMEIDA Cristiano 2014AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ARAUJO Patricia 2013AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

ARAUJO Stéfanie 2020AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

ARBAUT David 2011AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : EasyNext S.à r.l. (2011AC024)

ARBAUT Patrick 2011AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

AREND Annemarie 2007AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : amaras S.à r.l.-S (2019AC018)

ARENDT Chiara 2024AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ARENDT Christian 2014AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

ARENDT Georges 2016AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ARENDT Sandy 2010AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ARMANDO Adelaïde 2023AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

ARROYO BARROS DA SILVA Diana 2004AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE ZENNER s.à r.l. (2017AC016)

ARSENOVIC Aleksandar 2022AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ASCANI Natalina 2008AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ASSEBBANE Safwan 2024AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ASSELBORN Karin 2002AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ASSUNCAO BANDEIRAS Carlos 2024AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ATANASOVSKA Daniela 1997AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ATTEN Michel 2025AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AUBERTIN Nathalie 2002AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

AULNER Julie 2017AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AULNER Philippe 1989AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

AUST Marie-Jeanne 1992AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

AZEVEDO LEITE Isabel 2003AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

AZEVEDO TEIXEIRA Adrien Imanuel 2025AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

AZEVEDO TEIXEIRA Patrick 2022AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

AZIZI Antoine 2018AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BAAZI Nagete 2023AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BABACIC Kevin 2022AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BADNA Sonia 2024AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

BADOIS CACAO - SCHLEICH Gracinda 2009AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BAIJOT Patrick 2018AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

BAILLIE Michael 2020AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BAILLIF Pierre-Yves 2024AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BALANCE Steve 1993AG298 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BALDAUF Célia 2023AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MUTUEL LIFE

BALDUCCI Laurène 2022AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

BALTHASAR Gil 2005AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Schaus & Co S.à r.l. (2012AC053)

BAOUZ Karim 2009AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BAPTISTA BRANCO Cecilia Raquel 2009AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BARBADORI Liliane 1989AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.

BARBARO Gabriella 2023AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BARBEL Samuel 2024AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011)

BARBERA Luigi 2012AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Italie

BARBOSA Marinho 1992AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARBOTTE-LAMBERT Philippe 2012AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BARNABA Paola 1994AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BARNICH Chantal 2003AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BARNICH Claude 2010AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARONE Giovanni 2011AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES BARONE S.à r.l. (2015AC016)

BARRAGAN Jaime 2023AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BARRECA Sandra 2013AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BARREIRA ANTUNES Stéphanie 2019AG467 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BARRELA LAVINAS Dany 2016AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARROS Vanessa 2013AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARROSO Patrick 2015AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARRY Maïmouna 2023AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BARTHELEMY Corinne 2005AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BARTHELEMY DE SAIZIEU Gabriel 2021AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BARTHELEMY Fabienne 2018AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ZÜRCHER & ASSOCIES S.à.r.l. (2001AC001)

BARTHOLME Linda 2009AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BARTOCCI Isabelle 2003AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BASSING Pit 2020AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BASTIAN Jérôme Gilbert 2010AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BASTIN Ghislain 1991AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

BASTIN Marie-Cecile 2002AG217 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

BASTIN-PETIT Bernadette 2004AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BASTOS Michel 2001AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence générale Alba (2006AC009)

BATH Raphael 2001AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BATTAGLIA Giuseppina 2019AG368 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BAUM Sandra 1994AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BAUQUIN Benjamin 2024AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BAYARD Ludovic 2019AG451 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

The agent is attached to the agency : Generali Employee Benefits Network S.A. (2021AC032)

BEAUFILS Guénolé 2023AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BECK Guy 1998AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : FEEL SAFE BY GUY BECK Sàrl (2009AC007)

BECKER Annette 1997AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BECKER Christian 2011AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BECKER Edmee 1987AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BECKER Frank 2022AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ERGO Life S.A.

BECKER Gilles 2014AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SIEBENALLER S.A. (2011AC016)

BECKER Neil 2024AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BECKER Susanne 2010AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BECKIUS Sandra 1996AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BECUS Caroline 2016AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : EasyNext S.à r.l. (2011AC024)

BEER Rainer Alexander 2014AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BEGUIN Martial 2012AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BEHREND Chad 2019AG339 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BELABBACI Myriam 2022AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

BELACCHI Michel 1993AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BELKEIRI Lamine 2002AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

BELLO Fabienne 1999AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BEN SI AMAR Jérémy 2019AG325 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE HEIDERSCHEID S.A. (2002AC012)

BENEDETTI Lucien 1983AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURBEL (2021AC039)

BENIT Gauthier 2021AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BENOIT Virginie 2019AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

BENTZ Laurent 1991AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PRINCIPALE BENTZ ET DUARTE Sàrl (2014AC015)

BERAN Monika 2022AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BERCOT Patricia 2017AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France, Portugal

BERDOT Laurent 2019AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BERG Kevin 2018AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BERGAMO Didier 1992AG343 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BERGE Séverine 2011AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : NEOFISC S.àr.l. (2016AC004)

BERGMANN Silvia 2009AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BERMES Jean-Luc 2000AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BERMES Laurent 2003AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

BERNARD Gaëtan 2019AG513 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BERNARD Markus 2010AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BERNARDES COSTA Thiago 2021AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

BERNARDINI Luigi 2020AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Nico Zago & Partners SARL. (2024AC009); T.J.B. SARL (2005AC009)

BERNARDINO LOPES VARELA Ana 2022AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

BERSCHEID Serge 2010AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BERTACCO Estelle 2019AG422 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

BERTEMES Eric 2017AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence EWERS S.à.r.l (2008AC002)

BERTRAND Alain 2022AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BERTRAND Claude 2019AG299 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BERVILLER Guillaume Edouard Marie 2023AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

BESCH Tim 2018AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

BESENIUS Yannick 2023AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BESSALEM Sonia 2024AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BESSIERES Damien 2021AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BETTENDORFF Patrick 2012AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011); Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

BETZ Laurent 1995AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BETZ-RUSSELLO Rosalinda 2010AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BEVER Sandy 2023AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BEVITORI Sarah 2019AG387 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BEVOT Monique 2019AG508 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

BEZIER Laurence 2022AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BIBAYA YAKANA Roland 2023AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BIDOLI Floriana 2014AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BIEDERMANN Gabriel 2024AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

BIERMANN François 2001AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

BIESEN Patrice 2015AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

BIETHERES Aline 2009AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BIEVER Cédric 2024AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

BIEVER Nadine 2021AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BIEWERS Nadine 2021AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BILLEMON Dirk 2018AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE EUROPE SE; LLOYD'S INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Liberty Specialty Markets Europe S.à r.l. (2017AC009); Liberty Specialty Markets Europe Two S.à r.l. (2019AC023)

BINDA Anne 2018AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BINSFELD Solange 1993AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BINTENER Jacqueline 1974AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BIRCHEM Thomas 1992AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BIREN Alain 2010AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BIREN Michele 1999AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BIRKEL Jean-Claude 2005AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BIRTZ Kevin 2022AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BISCHOF Tino 2017AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BISSEN Laurent 2009AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BISSENER Marie-Rose 2001AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BITTOLO Massimo 2020AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FM INSURANCE EUROPE S.A.

BIWER Antonella 2025AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BIZEUL Vincent 2019AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BLANCHOT Elodie 2020AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BLASEN Nadine 2020AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE F. DECKENBRUNNEN S.à r.l. (2018AC012)

BLISS Isabelle 2005AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BLOCK Alain 2008AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BLOM Georges 2007AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BLOM PETERS Johny 2009AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : TransSport S.A. (2011AC018)

BOCQUE Catherine 2018AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BODEM Leon 1972AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BODEM Steffen 2022AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

BODEN Jean 1982AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BODEN Paul 2023AG227 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BODET Quentin 2023AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A.

BODRI Isabel 2002AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BODÉ Alban 2005AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

BOETTCHER Danilo 2015AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BOEVER Tom 2012AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BOFFERDING Sabrina 2018AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

BOHLER Alex 2017AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BOHNERT Marius 2020AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BOJCOVSKI Goce 2013AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BOJCOVSKI Zarko 1999AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LATINI & BOJCOVSKI Assurances S.à r.l. (2015AC011)

BOLDO Christophe 2013AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

BOLMER Denis 1983AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BONIFAZI Giuseppina 2004AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BONJEAN Marine 2025AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

BORGES CARVALHO Lucie 2017AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Yves Breistroff S.àr.l. (2012AC039)

BORGES DE OLIVEIRA Raquel 2019AG416 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BORGES Elisabeth 2003AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BORGES Hugo 2013AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

BORGES PAIS Carla 2004AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BORGES TEIXEIRA Luis Carlos 2010AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BORMANN Rene 1983AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BORRACCI Olivier 2004AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BORTOLUSSI Vincent 2023AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BOS Marc 1997AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BOSO Lucas 2022AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BOTTICELLI Dante 2014AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BOTTIN Stéphanie 2022AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

BOUALAM Naima 2023AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BOUCHENTOUF Soria 2009AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : OESCH Pitt & David S.àr.l. (2012AC029)

BOUDAOUDI Chafia 2012AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BOUDJEMIA Amel 2020AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

BOUDREAU Séverine 2022AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BOULAY Laurent 2018AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BOULKROUNE Mélissa 2024AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BOUR Nicole 2014AG287 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BOURG Ben 2024AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

BOURG Claude 1989AG220 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BOURG Jeannot 1995AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

BOURGGRAFF Felicie 1984AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BOURONE Don 2019AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BOZZETTI Stanley 2019AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRAAS Eric 2020AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

BRAAS Romain 1991AG284 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRACHMONT Maïté 2009AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BRACONNIER Yves 2009AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Braconnier & Kirsch (2022AC007)

BRANDAO Rui 2024AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

BRANDENBURGER Ricky 2023AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BRAQUET Robert 1983AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BRAUN Daniel 2010AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

BRAUN Fernande 1997AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRAUN Henri 2012AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011); Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

BRAUN Marcus 2019AG499 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

BRAWINSKI Mateusz Michal 2023AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BRECHIGNAC Christophe 2019AG518 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

BREIDBACH Stephan 2008AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BREININGER Sandra 2018AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BREISTROFF Yves 2012AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Yves Breistroff S.àr.l. (2012AC039)

BRESCIA Yan 2023AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BRIMEYER Jim 2003AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRINCK Sam 2018AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRIQUET Coralie 2022AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURSUD S.à r.l. (2011AC020)

BROCK Florence 2004AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BROSSARD Pascal 2013AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES BROSSARD S. à r.l. (2014AC002)

BRUCCULERI Cristian 2022AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

BRUCH Martin 2019AG405 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

BRUIJN Marcel 2002AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREPRO-LUX S.à r.l (2007AC001)

BRUN Isabelle 2019AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRUNEAU Céline 2016AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BRUNETTI Mandy 2019AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Charpantier S.à r.l. (2015AC007)

BRUNTZ Salomé 2024AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BRUZZESE Angelica 2016AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BRÜCK Serge 1998AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BRÜCKS Isabelle 2009AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BUCHMÜLLER Frank 2013AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

BUMMA Julie 2024AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BUNNIK Antonia 2019AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

BURG Julie 2003AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BURG Nathalie 2014AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

BURG Stéphanie 2020AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

BURKHARD Vincent 2024AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BUTLER Andrew Austin 2008AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

BÖTTGER Maud 2023AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CABEZA ALCINA Javier 2025AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CABRAL FERNANDES Carlos 2021AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

CABRERA CABRERA Sandra 2021AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CACAO LOUREIRO Mélanie 2018AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CACEIRO FERREIRA Mario Antonio 2010AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

CAGNATO Tania 2010AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CAHUZAC Cédric 2020AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

CALABRESE Nathalie 2022AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

CALDARELLI Thierry 2006AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CALES Carole 2024AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CALES Claude 1983AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CALES Jean 1984AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CALES Tom 2013AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CALMETTES Charlène 2018AG295 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CALVO Elodie 2024AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CAMELO MOURA Sandra 2023AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CAMILO PEGAS Marco 2022AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CAMMARA Dominique 2021AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CAMPAGNA Valérie 2019AG280 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CANAIS Noah 2023AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

CANELAS COELHO Mike 2023AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CANEPARO Bruno 1999AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : NEOFISC S.àr.l. (2016AC004)

CARABIN Thierry 2003AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

CARDOSO Ana-Paula 1999AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CARDOSO BRAS Joana 2022AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CARDOSO COUTINHO Luis Carlos 2006AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

CARDOSO DA SILVA Johnny 2023AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARDOSO MARQUES Flavio 2024AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

CARDOSO PORTELA Ana Beatriz 2023AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CARDOSO SALGADO Paula Cristina 2016AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARDOSO SILVA Diogo André 2023AG237 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARIDADE SOARES Filipa 2024AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARIER Lara 2022AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARIXAS Fatima 2007AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CARLONI Chantal 1975AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CARLONI Pascale 2018AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CARNEIRO DE SOUSA Dominique 2019AG359 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CARVALHO VIEIRA Tiago 2022AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CASANOVA Humberto 1994AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CASIMIRO NAVALHA Katia 2019AG526 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CASSARA Gianni 2014AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CASSARA Nicola Angelo 2015AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CASTEL Patrick 1999AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CASTEL ASSURANCES S.à r.l. (2004AC016)

CASTELLANI Albert 1981AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CASTELLANI David 2013AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : RODANO S.à r.l. (2016AC015)

CASTROGIOVANNI Stéphane 2019AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CAVUOTO Romina 2020AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CECCHETTO Mirko 1990AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE ZENNER s.à r.l. (2017AC016)

CEREJO CRUZ João Luis 2023AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CERQUEIRA DE SOUSA Dalila 2005AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CERVULLE Alexandre 2024AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CHAABNA Aïcha 2024AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : GALGO S.àr.l. (2012AC054)

CHAMBEL DA CONCEICAO Andrea 2018AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CHAMBORD David 2003AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CHAMPION Sébastien 2018AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Swissquote Bank Europe SA (2014AC005)

CHARPANTIER Yannick 2010AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Charpantier S.à r.l. (2015AC007)

CHARTIER Sabrina 2007AG234 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CHASSIN Annabelle 2022AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

CHEFFAH Samy 2022AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CHEN Lei 2011AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CHENUEL Christiane 2017AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A.

CHIAMPAN Jeremy 2023AG261 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CHRISTNACH Roland 1993AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CHRISTOPHE Léa 2024AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CIMOLINO Steve 2005AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Steve Cimolino S.à r.l. (2019AC013)

CINGIRT Emine 2024AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CIOFFI Alberto 2019AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CIPPARRONE Antonio 2018AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CIPRIANO Mario 1989AG270 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CIVIC Nihada 2015AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CIVOVIC Denis 2024AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CLAIRFAYS Viviane 2020AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

CLAREN Sandy 2011AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CLARO CORREIA Catarina 2021AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CGFP Assurances (2012AC034)

CLAUDIANO Carlo 2003AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Claudiano S.à r.l. (2017AC007)

CLAUSI Giovanni 2009AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CLAUSTRE Florian 2023AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

CLEES Isabelle 1995AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CLEES Patrick 1991AG318 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CLEES ASSURANCES S.A R.L. (2004AC012)

CLEES Sarah 2014AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CLEMENT Carlyn 2022AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

CLEMENT Félix 2024AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CLEMENTE Fabian 2015AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CLER Marc 1999AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Cler & Conrad S.A R.L. (2003AC009)

COIMBRA Antonio dit Tun 2013AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COIMBRA FERREIRA GOMES Quim 2022AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

COIMBRA MARQUES Gilberto 1995AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurJR S.à r.l. (2016AC013)

COIMBRA RODRIGUES Susana 2019AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COKELAERE Céline 2023AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

COLACI Chiara 2018AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COLLA Fabienne 2022AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

COLLEE Pierre-Yves 2006AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : EasyNext S.à r.l. (2011AC024); PROACTIVE CONSULTING S.À.R.L. (2008AC001)

COLLET Louise Marie 2023AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

COLLETTE Dany 2017AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence générale d'assurances COLLETTE & HEINEN S.à r.l. (2021AC033)

COLLIGNON Christelle 2019AG481 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

COLLIN Paul 2008AG219 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COLLING Melissa 2014AG281 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COLOMBI Marie 2008AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; Foyer Global Health

COMELLI Noémie 2022AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COMMANDINI Lucile 2018AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CONCEICAO Dany 2006AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ANTONIO TAVARES ASSURANCES SARL-S (2023AC012)

CONRAD Frank 2013AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Cler & Conrad S.A R.L. (2003AC009)

CONSIGILIO Annalisa 2023AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

CONSOLI Giuseppe 1993AG229 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CONSTANTINO RODRIGUES Sandrine 2022AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CONTE Martine 1999AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CONZEMIUS Martin 2023AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

CORAZZOL Sabrina 2023AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

CORDEIRO Elisabeth 2020AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

CORDERO Raymond 1992AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

CORDIER Jeannot 1996AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CORRADI Lionel 2021AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CORREIA CANELHAS Marlène 2007AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CORREIA DA COSTA Jose 2002AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

CORREIA DA COSTA Tânia Cristina 2023AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES BROSSARD S. à r.l. (2014AC002)

CORREIA MARTINS Ana 2024AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

CORREIA PIRES Maera 2022AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CORSIN Delphine 2023AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

CORVASCE Ruggiero 2019AG262 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

COSTA FERNANDES José 2009AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

COSTA Marylène 2014AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

COSTA Michael 2023AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

COTTIN Raphael 2011AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Luxembourg Assurance S.à r.l. (2012AC030)

COURANGE Charles 1993AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

COURRIER Danielle 1993AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

COUTINHO DOS SANTOS Sandra 1999AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

COUTINHO Pedro 2023AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PAD Assurances (2010AC021)

CRAPANZANO Laura 2017AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CREMER Bianca 2010AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CRISTOVAN FERREIRA Jessica 2024AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

CROISE Josee 1979AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CROSET-BLANCHEMANCHE Audrey 2010AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

CROUVIZIER Stéphane 2018AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CRUZ CARNEIRO Sofia 2024AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

CRUZ MARICATO Paulo Jorge 2019AG310 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CRUZ Stéphanie 2021AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CSAKVARI Peter 2020AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : COLONNADE INSURANCE S.A.

CUCCA Maryse 2005AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

CUGLIETTA Frédéric 2004AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CUKA Michel 2018AG241 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

CUNHA DA SILVA Pedro Manuel 2014AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : GALGO S.àr.l. (2012AC054)

CUNHA JORGE Daniel 2005AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CUNHA PINTO Vanessa 2021AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : VMC3 S.à r.l. (2015AC015)

CURADO CARRICO Claude 2017AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

CURRELI Fabio 2023AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.; WEALINS

CURRIDOR Walter 1978AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

CURVERS Loic 2020AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

D'AIGREMONT Renaud 2015AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

D'ANZICO Pit 2022AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA CONCEICAO GRANGEIA Jakeline 2011AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Jak CONSULTING (2014AC014)

DA COSTA Béatrice 2014AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

DA COSTA CUNHA Cindy 2022AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Joé 2023AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA LOPES Vitor Bruno 2021AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Mario 2016AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Da Costa & Associés S.àr.l. (2016AC016)

DA COSTA Paula 2017AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA TEIXEIRA Teresa 2025AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Zulmiro 2011AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

DA CRUZ ANDRE Cindy 2009AG245 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA CRUZ Angela 2014AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA CRUZ Catarina 2019AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : GERONZI & BIERSBACH S.àr.l. (2003AC011)

DA CRUZ Dean 2023AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA CRUZ DIAS Fábio 2009AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Wahl & May S.à r.l. succ. Da Cruz, Rech, Weissen (2018AC009)

DA CRUZ FARIA Jessica 2023AG204 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA CRUZ PAIS Sonia 2023AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA CRUZ Victor 2016AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA CUNHA Daniel 2017AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA FONSECA FERNANDES Sandra 2019AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FERREIRA SARL (2009AC004)

DA FONSECA Odette 2019AG318 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA NATIVIDADE BASTOS Catia 2016AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

DA QUELHA GONCALVES Ana Paula 2022AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA ROCHA LOURENCO Carina Isabel 2011AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA AFONSO Joëlle 2023AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA ALVES Fernando Manuel 2013AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fernandes Alves Assurances S.à r.l. (2023AC008)

DA SILVA ANGELO Kelly 2023AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Bruno Miguel 2009AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA SILVA Carlos Manuel 2020AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DA SILVA CARNEIRO Vitor 2002AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Cindy 2019AG356 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA SILVA COLACO Filipa 2025AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DA SILVA CORREIA Leandro José 2016AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Claudiano S.à r.l. (2017AC007)

DA SILVA COSTA Heitor 2016AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA DIAS Marie-Jose 2007AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GOMES Sylvie 2009AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GOMES Yvonne 2018AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GONCALVES Eva 2024AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GONCALVES Marco 2008AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MN ASSURANCES s.àr.l. (2011AC003)

DA SILVA GONCALVES Nelia 2007AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DA SILVA Johnny 2018AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Lauriane 2017AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES BARONE S.à r.l. (2015AC016)

DA SILVA LOPES Lionela 2012AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA Mauro 2014AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Paula 1994AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA PAULOS Julio 1950AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

DA SILVA Sonia 2022AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA SOUSA Filipa 2024AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

DA SILVA TAVARES Anna 2006AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA VIEIRA Jose Antonio 2010AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DACO Denis 2000AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Rombach-Martelange S.à r.l. (2011AC005)

DADDATO Michelangelo 2019AG265 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAHM Gaston 1960AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAHM Liette 2022AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DALEIDEN Fabienne 2019AG305 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011)

DALIER Pierre 2023AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DALL'O Nadine 2023AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DALLA-VALERIA Nathalie 2021AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DAMAS MAGALHAES Pedro 2001AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Asfalia s.à r.l. (2011AC009)

DAMIT Henri 1979AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DAMIT Raymond 1986AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DANGLADE Séverine 2024AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DANJOU Xavier 2007AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DAOUD Sami 2007AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DAPRILE Stefanino 2000AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DAS NEVES Audrey 2023AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAS NEVES BENTO Sandra 2019AG458 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DASKALAKIS Marie 2019AG377 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DAUTBASIC Amer 2019AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DAUTEL Isabelle 1994AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DAVID Americo 1994AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DAVID AMERICO SARL (2011AC008)

DE ALMEIDA NUNES Igor Filipe 2024AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE ALMEIDA Philippe 2015AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

DE ALMEIDA Sarah 2024AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DE AMORIM ARAUJO Teresa 2017AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DE AMORIM GONCALVES Ricardo 2019AG274 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE ANGELIS Nicolas 2019AG371 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE BARSY Pauline 2019AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DE BIASIO Stefania 2018AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE BOM VAN DRIESSCHE Eric 2022AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DE BRITO DO SELEIRO Victor 2003AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE BUSSAC Florian-Briac 2023AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DE FREITAS Christine 2018AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MANZA SSURANCES S.àr.l (2011AC015)

DE GRAEVE Véronique 2023AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE IACO Andrea 2018AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

DE IULIIS Luca 2023AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE LA HOZ Nathalie 2003AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : GERCO IMMO S.àr.l. (2009AC019)

DE LA INFIESTA Luis 2019AG476 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Malte, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni

DE LEMOS MENDES Sergio 2012AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DE LORENZI Luca 2023AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MARC GILSON SARL (2011AC030)

DE MARCHI Daniel 2007AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DE MARIA DI BARI Sabrina 2002AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE MATOS Sandra 2025AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE METS Lieve 2019AG409 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE MORAIS André 2015AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DE MOURA Andrea 2010AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DE MUYNCK Michele 1996AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

DE OLIVEIRA MEDEIROS Andreia 2022AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE OLIVEIRA NUNES Andy 2019AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DE OLIVEIRA SIMOES Rodrigo 2020AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DE PAOLI Pascale 1992AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES DE PAOLI Sàrl-S (2019AC014)

DE POTTER D'INDOYE Amaury 2012AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Finlande, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni, Suède

DE SOUSA ALVES Samuel 2023AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DE SOUSA Andrea 2019AG464 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Sandro SANTINI S.à r.l. (2022AC019)

DE SOUSA Helder 2014AG274 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DE SOUSA SACRAS Mandy 2023AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE SOUSA SERRANO KELLY 2022AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

De WAZIERES Ambroise 2014AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE WEIRT Leene 2019AG364 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE ZORZI Anne-Laure 2020AG248 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEBATY Sylvie 2011AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEBRA Annick 1999AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

DEBRABANDER Lutgart 2005AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DEBRY Anthonin 2023AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DECKENBRUNNEN Frank 2011AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE F. DECKENBRUNNEN S.à r.l. (2018AC012)

DECKENBRUNNEN Michel 1963AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE DECKENBRUNNEN (2010AC020)

DECKER Claudine 2009AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DECKER Marie-Rose 2000AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEGANO Mike 2014AG270 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : DEGANO & PARTNERS (2024AC010)

DEGANO Nino 1973AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DEGANO & PARTNERS (2024AC010)

DEGRAND Romaine 1999AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEHARCHIES Julien 2009AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

DEISKES Roxane 2016AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEISKES Vanessa 2019AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Pundel S.à r.l. (2013AC022)

DEJON Eric 2015AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DEKONING Maxine 2020AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

DEL BENE Vito 2019AG329 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

Del Mul Fabienne 2019AG429 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DELAGARDELLE Germain 2011AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

DELANNE Mayra 2016AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELANNE Olivier 2019AG341 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DELAPORTE Emile 1963AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELAPORTE Guy 2004AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELAVALLE Jérôme 2023AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELHEZ Patrick 1996AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DELIGNY Jerome 2008AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURSUD S.à r.l. (2011AC020)

DELLA SCHIAVA Eric 2010AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ACTUEL IMMOBILIERE S.àr.l. (2011AC006)

DELLA SIEGA Stevenson 2003AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

DELLA-VECCHIA Adan 2025AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DELLI CARPINI Alexandre 2025AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

Delli Zotti Isabelle 2019AG465 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DELOT Sandrine 2018AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DELPLANQUE France 2019AG418 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

DELRUE Nadine 2024AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEMAREST Nicolas 2007AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni

DEMEULDER Laurent 2010AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEMUTH Christophe 2016AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DENEFFE Christelle 2024AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DENELL Gilbert 1981AG262 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DENGLER Marie-Therese 1993AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DENIGRO Vittorio 2008AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DENTZER Raoul 2025AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEPIENNE Lynn 2022AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DEPIESSE William 2022AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

DEPREZ Philippe 2023AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DEPREZ Philippe Antoine 1999AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DERAPPE Jeff 2007AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DERFALOU Karima 2018AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DERIDDER Geert 2020AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DERIEUW Marie-Laure Patricia 2023AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DERSIN Marie-Dominique 2005AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011); Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

DESBORDES Isabelle 1989AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DESBORDES Julien 2023AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DESBORDES Yves 1983AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DESSY Eddy 1994AG261 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DETERME Mandy 2014AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DETTORI Davide 2023AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DEUTSCH Nathalie 2021AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEVACHT Sabrina 2010AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

DEVILERS Tiffany 2025AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEVILLET Laurence 2024AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DEVISCOUR Myriam 2009AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DHUR Patrick 2001AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI BARTOLOMEO Gilles 2011AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI BENEDETTO Claudio 2014AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DI DEDDA Renato 1989AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DI GENNARO Mara 1949AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DI GIAMMATTEO Stéphanie 2017AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI LAURO Maria 2005AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DI NARDO Christian 1998AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

DI PRIZIO Adriano 2024AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DI SANTOLO Albert 2009AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TERESA ALVES Raffaele 2025AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TRANI Nunzio 1995AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TULLIO Eloise 2021AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS Catherine 2016AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DIAS CORREIA Stefanie 2024AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS CORREIRA Catarina 2014AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS DA CRUZ Sam 2015AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DIAS DE CASTRO GONCALVES Helder Joaquim 2018AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS DE MAGALHAES Filipe 2016AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS MARQUES Cindy 2010AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

DIAS MATIAS Sara 2023AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DIAS RAMADA Filipe 2008AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DIAS RAMADA Luis 2012AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

DIAS Rui 2014AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DIAS Sandra 2014AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS Silvia 2019AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DIAS TAVARES Solange 2016AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIEDERICH Anna 2024AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIEDERICH Michel 2000AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : A.M.D. S.à r.l. (2024AC008)

DIEDERICH Sven Arnold 2025AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIENER André 2009AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

DIESCHBOURG Marthe 1991AG305 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIESCHBOURG Tammy 2020AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence GREISCH Steve S.à r.l. (2021AC034)

DIEUDONNE Stéphane 2020AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DIEUX Nicolas 2020AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FM INSURANCE EUROPE S.A.

DILION Tatiana 2019AG298 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIMMER Anne 2016AG208 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

DIN Emine 2013AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIN Hulya 2023AG241 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIOGO CARVAS Michel 2012AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DISIVISCOUR Yves 1992AG335 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DO CANTO Dany 2020AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

DO ESPIRITO SANTO DIAS Fernando Manuel 2014AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

DO NASCIMENTO LOPES Ivo Claudio 2021AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DO SENHOR Edgar 2025AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOHM André 2009AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

DOIJEN Armand 1994AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOMINGUES Melissa 2016AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DONCKEL Laurent 2008AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CONFISIO S.à r.l. (2007AC023)

DONDLINGER Marie-France 1998AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GLOBALIA ASSUR s.à r.l. (2016AC002)

DORE Alexander 2025AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DORSCHNER Jonathan 2017AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS ANJOS Mike 2016AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

DOS REIS GONCALO Ludovic 2021AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS REIS TAPADA PEREIRA DE ABREU Rui 2024AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS AUGUSTO Sonia 2024AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Carlos Humberto 2023AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS CARVALHO Patricia 2019AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DOS SANTOS COIMBRA Filipe 2017AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Monica 2023AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DOS SANTOS FIGUEIREDO NEVES Jose 1994AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DOS SANTOS Gilberto 2019AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS LIMA Jerusa 2019AG448 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

DOS SANTOS MACEDO Dylan 2022AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Manuela 2020AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Carlos Alves S.à r.l. (2018AC003)

DOS SANTOS MARQUES Marco 2007AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS NIETO Sandrine 2012AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

DOS SANTOS PALMA Ilda 2000AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

DOS SANTOS PEREIRA Cristina 2018AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS ROSA Marco Paulo 2024AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Tanja 2016AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSSER Philippe 2019AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOSSERAY Sylvie 2009AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSTERT Louis 2007AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSTERT Nadine 2019AG460 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DRAGOVIC Dalibor 2013AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRAGOVIC-MARKOVIC Svetlana 2017AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRAUTH Paul 2023AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRIES Valérie 2009AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DROUET Jacqueline 1993AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DRYVERS Joëlle 2018AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

DUARTE Alexandre 2021AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE COELHO Daniela Filipa 2024AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUARTE DA SILVA Davide 2010AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE DE ASSUNCAO Ricardo 2010AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

DUARTE Monica 2019AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DUARTE Paulo 2004AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PRINCIPALE BENTZ ET DUARTE Sàrl (2014AC015)

DUARTE SIMOES Marco Paulo 2015AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE Sofia 2020AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

DUBOIS Romain 2021AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUBRU Pierre 2018AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DUBUISSON Julie 2022AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CONVEX EUROPE S.A.

DUCAMP Caroline 2019AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUCHENE Chantal 2020AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DUHR Gilles 2022AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUHR Lynn 2021AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DUHR Nicolas 1979AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMONG Frederic 1991AG373 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMONT Claudine 2007AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUMONT Norbert 1969AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMOULINS Frédéric 2016AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUPREL Martine 2019AG287 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DUPREZ Joé 2023AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

DURAND Olivia 2019AG390 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DURIEUX Jessica 2015AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DURMARQUE Juliette 2018AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DURRE Sacha 2023AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DUSCHENE Deborah 2014AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUVAL Claude 1994AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DÖRING Annett 2024AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

ECHEGARAY DE LOS SANTOS Fernando 2022AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

EDWARD Christopher 2012AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en France, Royaume-Uni

EGAN Peter 2019AG423 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

The agent is attached to the agency : Stonehage Fleming Corporate Services Luxembourg S.A. (2018AC007)

EHRET Richard 2007AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

EICHER Tom 2015AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

EISCHEN Marie 2019AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

EISCHEN Thierry 2001AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

EL HABBI Sanaâ 2024AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ELCHEROTH Jo 2016AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ELIAS Samir 2014AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ELS Eric 2006AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ELSEN Anne 2000AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ELSEN Claude 1983AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ENDERS Guy 1993AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ENGEL Jean-Luc 2021AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ENGEL Lea 1997AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ENGELBERG Sonja 1989AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ENGELDINGER Luc 2013AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ENGELEN Jeannot 2019AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ENGRAND Olivier 2011AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ENSCH Laurie 2020AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ENTRINGER Cyril 2012AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CLEES ASSURANCES S.A R.L. (2004AC012)

ERDEL Yves 2002AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ERNENS Sophie 2023AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ERRICO Donato 2006AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

ESCH Guy 1996AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ESCHENAUER Anik 2006AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ESCHETTE Patrick 1998AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

ESCUDERO-VALLEJO Katherine 2019AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

ESPENAN Thierry 2021AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ESSMANN Mario 2015AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ESTEVES CASINHA ALVES Sara 2018AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ESTEVES JACINTO Raquel 2019AG247 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

ESTROIA FALEIRO Raul Manuel 2018AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : IMMO PRO ASSUR S. à r. l. (2018AC011)

ETIENNE Geneviève 1997AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ETIENNE Sébastien 2022AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ETTINGER Cindy 2025AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

EVEN Lynn 2011AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

EVERAD Yves 2014AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES YVES EVERAD S.à r.l. (2020AC024)

EVERETT Ruben 2019AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

EVERLING Micheline 1993AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

EVRARD Sébastien 2010AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Belfralux S.à r.l. (2015AC013)

EWEN Lynn 2011AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE KIRSCH s. à r.l. (2019AC010)

EWERS Ben 2005AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence EWERS S.à.r.l (2008AC002)

EWERS Emile 1984AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence EWERS S.à.r.l (2008AC002)

EWERT Roland 1984AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

EYDT Pascale 2020AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FABER Claude 1991AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

FABER Claude 2020AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FABER Corinne 2014AG187 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FABER Eric 2017AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FABER Francis 1977AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FABER Jeannot 1994AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FABER Joe 2015AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FAGNERAY Marie-Christine 1992AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

FAGNY Pascale 1998AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FAHY Sandrine 2019AG392 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

FARAUD Sébastien 2020AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FARHI Soraya 2022AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

FARNETI Louis 1980AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FASBENDER Valérie 2015AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FASCIO Emmanuel 2002AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : MANZA SSURANCES S.àr.l (2011AC015)

FATERL Laure 2018AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

FAUGERE Nicolas 2017AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FAUTSCH Christian 1998AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FAUVEL Catherine 2005AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FAUZZI Giovanna 2005AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FAZARI Vanessa 2018AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

FECCHI Corrado 2016AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FECCHI Nicoletta 2007AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FEDERSPIEL Mike 2022AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FEHLEN Patrick 2006AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FEIEREISEN Alain 2000AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

FEIL Michele 2000AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FEIPEL Pia 2014AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FEITH Manon 2006AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES FEITH S.à r.l. (2013AC005)

FELLER Eliane 1989AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FELLER Marc 2020AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FELLER Marc François 2020AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FELLER Paul 1998AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FELLER Sheila 2024AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FELTEN Carlo 1981AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FELTEN Kim 2023AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FELTES Edith 1993AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FELTGEN (Schaack) Tessy 2022AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FELTGEN Sven 2025AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

FELTUS Eric 2007AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FERNANDES Catarina 2010AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.

FERNANDES COIMBRA Ana Filipa 2023AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FERNANDES DE MATOS LOURENCO Tiago 2019AG338 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

FERNANDES DIAS Sofia 2005AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Schaus & Co S.à r.l. (2012AC053)

FERNANDES DOS SANTOS Nuno 2021AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FERNANDES FELIX Philippe 2018AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PRINCIPALE BENTZ ET DUARTE Sàrl (2014AC015)

FERNANDES FERREIRA Gustavo 2013AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU SERVICE MOHR Sarl (2010AC017)

FERNANDES George 2000AG217 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Axa Fernandes, Tranchida & Neumann S.à r.l. (2020AC016)

FERNANDES Georges 1997AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

FERNANDES Georges 2010AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

FERNANDES Luis Claudio 2008AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FERNANDES MARTINS Joelle 2011AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FERNANDES Patrick 2020AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FERNANDES RIBEIRO Alexandre 2018AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FERNANDES RODRIGUES CANEIRA Gisela 2022AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FERNANDES RODRIGUES Sandra Cristina 2010AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011)

FERNANDES Sergio 2013AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FERNANDES TAVARES Nelida da Conceicao 2018AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FERNANDES TAVEIRA Brigitte 2019AG266 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FERNANDES TEIXEIRA Helena 2022AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

FERREIRA ALMEIDA Sandy 2023AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Da Costa & Associés S.àr.l. (2016AC016)

FERREIRA Bruno 2021AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

FERREIRA Catia 2019AG323 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

FERREIRA DA SILVA Jéssica Patricia 2024AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FERREIRA DE CARVALHO Luis Nuno 2019AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FERREIRA DE CARVALHO Miguel 2011AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fermassur S.à r.l. (2022AC010)

FERREIRA DUARTE Beatriz 2023AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence EWERS S.à.r.l (2008AC002)

FERREIRA Dylan 2019AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FERREIRA SARL (2009AC004)

FERREIRA Georges 1994AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FERREIRA SARL (2009AC004)

FERREIRA GODINHO Jorge Fernando 2016AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France, Portugal

FERREIRA GONCALVES Maria Elisabete 2024AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FERREIRA MACHADO Christian 2024AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

FERREIRA MARQUES Maria Do Carmo 2024AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FERREIRA MARTINS Jennifer 2021AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

FERREIRA MONTEIRO LEITE SAMPAIO Raissa 2022AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kohl & Associés (2011AC014)

FERREIRA Olivia 1994AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GLOBALIA ASSUR s.à r.l. (2016AC002)

FERREIRA PEREIRA Dora Maria 2001AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JENNY ASSURANCES S. à r.l. (2023AC005)

FERREIRA PEREIRA Nadine 2018AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FERREIRA Renata 2019AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FERREIRA Vítor 2019AG307 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Sandro SANTINI S.à r.l. (2022AC019)

FERREIRINHA Jose 2004AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

FERRING Simone 1990AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FERY Noëlle 2007AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FEYDER Frank-Nicolas 2001AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FEYEREISEN Alain 2019AG425 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FIANI Sandra 2015AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FICHANT Aurélie 2019AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

FIELITZ Ulrich 1985AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FIGUEIREDO ACURCIO Mario 1997AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : M.J. ASSURANCES sàrl (2007AC010)

FIGUEIREDO DE CARVALHO João Carlos 2019AG351 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Carlos Alves S.à r.l. (2018AC003)

FIGUEIREDO Marco 2002AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

FIGUEIREDO MARQUES Juliana 2022AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

FILIPE Catherine 1998AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Filipe & Schiltz S.à r.l. (2016AC018)

FILIPE LIMA Joana 2023AG219 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FILIPE Patrick 2017AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FILIPUZZI Stéphane 2011AG255 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FIORENTINO Luca 2023AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

FIORENZI Rosamaria 2018AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FIORINO Nico 2010AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FISCH Martine 2024AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

FISCH Patrick 1995AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FISCHBACH Alix 2006AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FISCHBACH Francine 1986AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FISCHBACH Jessica 2009AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FISCHBACH Joël 2023AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FLAMAND Luc 2013AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

FLAMMANG Pascale 2001AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WARKEN S.à r.l. (2022AC018)

FLENER Steve 2000AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : FLENER S.à r.l. (2007AC014)

FLENGHI Sandra 2007AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FLESCH Alain 2024AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FLOREQUIN Olivier 2022AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

FLORIANI Jessie 2016AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FLORY Matthieu 2015AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FOHL Romain 1947AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FOLEGNANI Paola 2019AG399 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

FOLNY Brigitte 2019AG439 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Rodick et Associé S.à r.l. (2013AC025)

FONCK Frank 2013AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FONCK Nathalie 2001AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FONSECA RODRIGUES Marco 2006AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FORESTI Alessandro 2007AG294 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FORGET Marie 2019AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FORGIONE Fabrice 2022AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FORIERS Marc-Laurent 2014AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FORTEGUERRE Philippe 2021AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Luxembourgeoise BPALC S. à r.l. (2024AC006)

FOUCTEAU Fabrice 1998AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FOURMANN Jean-Paul 1988AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FOURNE Carine 1996AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FOURNELLE Melinda 2007AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FOUSS Christian 2019AG389 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

FOX Morgane 2019AG296 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MoDern Assur S.à r.l. (2022AC011)

FRADE FERNANDES Arcenia 2021AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

FRADET Magali 2021AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FRAGALE Laura 2023AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FRANCES LOPES Cristina 2019AG379 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

FRANCK Patrick 2016AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CNI-assurances s.à r.l. (2019AC007)

FRANK Serge 1976AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRANZEN Yasmine 2018AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

FRASELLE Célia 2024AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

FRATINI Manuela 2024AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

FREDERIC Laurent 1995AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FREICHEL Sam 2024AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FREIMANN Marc 1983AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FREITAS CARNEIRO Mario Filipe 2004AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

FREITAS CASIMIRO Ricardo Alberto 2018AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FREITAS Cristine 2020AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

FRERE Roland 1979AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FREYLINGER Raymond 2005AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRIEDEN Alex 2016AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRIEDEN Myriam 2020AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

FRIEDEN Sven 2012AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRIEDERES Fernand 1989AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : FF Friederes S.à.r.l. (2006AC010)

FRIEDERES Ken 2017AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : FF Friederes S.à.r.l. (2006AC010)

FRIEDERICH Isabelle 1991AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRIEDRICH Robert 1983AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRIEDRICH Tom 2023AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRIES Sophie 2020AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRIJO Virginie 2022AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

FRIOB Marco 1993AG280 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRISCH Guy 2006AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRISCH Marcel 2024AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRISCH Pit 2021AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRISING Sandra 1997AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FRISING Vanessa 2019AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FRIZZARIN Sandra 2020AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

FRONDIZI Eric 2008AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FROST Christian 2020AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FUMAROLA Vincenza 2011AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

FUNCK Robert 1998AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FUNCKE Jan 2023AG208 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

FUS Alexandre 2024AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

FÜRPASS Yannick 2012AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GAASCH Yann 2018AG290 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GABELLINI Sonia 2014AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GAFFINET Christiane 1994AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GALANO Damien 2020AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GALASSI Astrid 2019AG308 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

GALERA ép. SALABERT Céline 2019AG430 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GALETTO Eric 2023AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GALVEZ NUNES Alain 2019AG384 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

GANDOIN Lisa 2024AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GANINO Domenico 2007AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GANS Agnes 1995AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GARCIA Emeline 2023AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

GARCIAS Pedro 1994AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GP GLOBAL s.à r.l. (2012AC035)

GARGIULO Ciro 2021AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GARSON Steve 2004AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GARULLI Nadia Fiorinda 2020AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GARY Eric 2010AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

GASPAR David 2009AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

GASSER David 2023AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GATTOLINI Francesco 2019AG455 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

GAUDRONT Björn 2015AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

GAUDUCHEAU Arnaud 2003AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GAUL Charel 2014AG289 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Gaul S.à r.l.-S (2019AC016)

GAUTHIER Alex 2018AG292 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GAYET Laurent 2020AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Wealth Europe

GEBHARD Gerd 2007AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GECHELE Christophe 2021AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GEHLEN Carole 2009AG220 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GEHLEN Christophe 2008AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GEISBUSCH Frédéric 2010AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GEMELLI Cindy 2024AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

GEMINEL Nadege 2006AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GENGLER Nicole 2016AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMES & ASSOCIES (2012AC038)

GENGLER Olivier 1999AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GENICOT Philippe 2018AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GENSTERBLUM Anne 2020AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GEORGELIN Sandrine 2025AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GEORGES Lizzie 2019AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GERARD Christel 2019AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GERGEN Michel 2019AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GERGES Denise 2001AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GERIN Myriam 2003AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GERIN Noelle 2019AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GERING Marie 2018AG297 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

GERONZI Fabio 2016AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : GERONZI & BIERSBACH S.àr.l. (2003AC011)

GESNOUIN Adrien 2019AG331 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

GEUDENS Peter 2004AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Pays-Bas, Portugal

The agent is attached to the agency : GNOSIS INTERNATIONAL SàRL (2024AC007)

GEYER Danielle 1986AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GIALLOMBARDO Mauro 2004AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GIAMPAOLO Sandra 2009AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GIANNI Sabrina 2019AG263 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

GIBOUX Isabelle 2021AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

GIESEN Alexander 2007AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

GILLEN Thierry 2003AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GILLET Nathalie 2005AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GILLET Odile 2019AG444 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GILMAIRE Elodie 2020AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GILSON Marc 1989AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MARC GILSON SARL (2011AC030)

GILSON Martine 2012AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MARC GILSON SARL (2011AC030)

GINEPRI Martine 1998AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GINEPRI Martine S.à.r.l. (2020AC025); GOEDERT & GINEPRI S.à.r.l. (2013AC004)

GIORDANO Rocco 2018AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GIRA Guy 1980AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : COLPRASSUR (2005AC024)

GIRAO FRANQUELIM Gina 2005AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : FRANQUELIM ASSURANCES S.àr.l. (2014AC010)

GIROST Johann 2020AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GIRST Romain 1992AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GITT Stéphane 2022AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GIUNTA Youri 2000AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GLASER Cedric 2018AG291 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GLESENER Max 2022AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GLIGA Mirela 2019AG374 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GLODEN Marianne 2005AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GLODT Laurence 2016AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GLOESENER Georges 2004AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GNIADEK Jonathan 2020AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

GODFROID Steven 2020AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GODINHO BRANCO Juliana 2019AG479 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GOEDERT Pierrette 2019AG285 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GOEDERT Steve 2019AG415 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

GOERES Alain 2012AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOERES Guy 2013AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GOERGEN Marc 1981AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES C&M GOERGEN S.à r.l. (2005AC018)

GOIE Christian 2025AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GOLDSCHMIT Claude 1989AG269 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

GOLENIOWSKI Yves 2025AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOMES DA COSTA Paulo Jorge 2023AG252 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GOMES DA SILVA FAJARDO Fernando Manuel 1992AG295 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

GOMES DA SILVA Helder 1999AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

GOMES DE ABREU Patricia 2002AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOMES DE SOUSA Sabrine 2021AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOMES DOMINGUES Marco Paulo 2019AG349 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GOMES FELICIANO Cristiana 2019AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GOMES FERRAZ Dany 2022AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOMES Lisa 2020AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

GOMES LOPES Carla 2002AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GOMES NOBRE Célia 2022AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GOMES Sylvie 2005AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GONCALVES BENEDITO André 2024AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GONCALVES DA CUNHA Vanda 2001AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

GONCALVES DA SILVA Carmen 1992AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GONCALVES DE SOUSA Paula Susana 2016AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kohl & Associés (2011AC014)

GONCALVES MARTINS Vanda 2020AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GONCALVES OLIVEIRA Manuel 1981AG222 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

GONCALVES OLIVEIRA Sofia 2020AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

GONCALVES PEREIRA Silvia 2011AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GONCALVES TEIXEIRA Jimmy 2022AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GONCALVES TEIXEIRA Joana Filipa 2022AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GONCALVES VIEIRA Gustavo Joao 2013AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

GONDRINGER Marc 1986AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES GONDRINGER Sàrl (2018AC008)

GONRY Marc 1995AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ERGO INSURANCE

The agent is attached to the agency : MARG RESOURCES (2004AC013)

GONZALEZ VICENTE Samuel 2019AG328 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GONÇALVES NUNES Luís 2005AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : GALGO S.àr.l. (2012AC054)

GOOS Liesbet 2023AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GORBUTT Madelaine 2017AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

GORDO Paulo Sergio 1999AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GORET Michaël 2020AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

GORRASI Pasquale 2020AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

GORZA Véronique 2014AG278 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOSSART Bruno 2000AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GOUVEIA Laurinda 2019AG367 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GOUVEIA RODRIGUES Pedro Miguel 2011AG204 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

GRAAS Felicie 1961AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRAAS Lucien 1962AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GRAAS Martine 1985AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRAMDI Saël 2011AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GRANCI Claudio 1994AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRANDJEAN David 2023AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRANDJEAN Marie-Christin 2025AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GREGORIUS Sylvain 1991AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GREHTEN Yannick 2024AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GREISCH Steve 2015AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence GREISCH Steve S.à r.l. (2021AC034)

GREISCHER Jean-Marie 2013AG187 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GREMLING Niki 2021AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GRESSANI Dario 2020AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Nico Zago & Partners SARL. (2024AC009); T.J.B. SARL (2005AC009)

Greter Pascal 1989AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WELTER SARL (2005AC023)

GRETHEN Christiane 1973AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRETHEN Laura 2021AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GRETHEN Pierre 2013AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

GRETTNICH Patrick 2014AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES PATRICK GRETTNICH SARL (2014AC020); Bureau d'Assurances Grettnich, Patrignani & Hartz S.à r.l. (2023AC013)

GRIFFET Nicolas Joseph 2020AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

GRIFFI Luca 2022AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRIFFI Patrice 1992AG222 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRIMEE Emmanuel 2020AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GRIMEE Perrine 2020AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

GRIMLER Danielle 1999AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GRISIUS Nancy 2020AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

GRITTI Carole 2003AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GROEBER Silvia 2015AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GROF Michel 2006AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Misch GROF S.à r.l. (2019AC005)

GROMMES Georges 1987AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRÂCES Jérôme 2022AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRÂCES Louis 2022AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRÂCES Philippe 1999AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GRÜN Ben 2017AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GRÜN John René 2011AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCE GRUEN JOHN SARL (2012AC047)

GRÜTZNER Anne-Kathrin 2016AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GUDEN Sonja 2010AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GUDENDORFF Christian Henri 2015AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

GUERREIRO LUIS Susana 2023AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011); Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

GUERREIRO REBELO Bryan 2023AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

GUILLAUME Christopher 2006AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GUILLAUME Yannic 2020AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

GUYONNET Ambre 2024AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

GUYOT Clément 2020AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AIG EUROPE S.A.

GUZZETTA Noemi 2022AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

GUZZO Marcello 1994AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Guzzo Marcello S.à r.l. (2012AC028)

GUÉRY Gonzague 2016AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

GÜL Ahmet Ayhan 2018AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HAAS Josiane 1993AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HAAS Laurent 2000AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HAAS Marc 2001AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAAS Nathalie 2016AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HAAS, ép. THOMMES Nina 2024AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

HACQUARD Maryline 2020AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AFI.ESCA Luxembourg S.A.

HADDADI-TEITEN Jeannine 2018AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HAGELL Ella Francesca 2024AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : THE BRITANNIA STEAM SHIP INSURANCE ASSOCIATION EUROPE M.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Tindall Riley Europe S.à r.l. (2019AC002)

HAHN Jean-Paul 1996AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HAJ ISMAIL Mohamed Iheb 2024AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAJDAREVIC Mirnes 2014AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAJDARPASIC Medina 2022AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HAKIMY Hakima 2016AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HALASZ Orsolya Emilia 2016AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HALL Francine 1993AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

HALMES-COUMONT Claudia 2002AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HALTER Cyndie 2022AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

HAMADA Lamjed 2020AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HAMES Michel 2007AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HAMILIUS Brett 2023AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAMMANN Romain 2019AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HAMMES Sophie 2010AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAMON Cedric 2018AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HAMOUDI Sébastien 2011AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : Amiral Holding (2013AC003)

HAMZAOUI Ahmed 2025AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HANCK Tina 2013AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

HANIN Pierre-Yves 2020AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

HANNECART Vincent 2023AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HANOT Jérémie 2018AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HANOWSKI Arnold 2018AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HANSEN Joseph 1972AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HANSEN Romain 1993AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HANSEN Tom 1996AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HANSEN Yannick 2022AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence FISO (2007AC026)

HAQUIN Corentin 2023AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HARMELIN Cyril 2009AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HARPES Christiane 2002AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HARPES Remy 2000AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HARSCH Claude 2005AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HARTLEY Nigel 2019AG269 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

HARTZ Sven 2009AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Grettnich, Patrignani & Hartz S.à r.l. (2023AC013)

HARY Mandy 2017AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HARZ Mario 2023AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HASANOVIC Kenan 2025AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HASTERT Ben Jean Xavier 2023AG225 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HATSTATT Claire 2020AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

HAUPERT Andree 1998AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HAVE Jean-Paul 1994AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HAYARD Marc 2004AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HEBELER Joyce 2016AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HEBERT Elodie 2020AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HECK Marco 2012AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HECK Samantha 2019AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HEDDAD Samy 2022AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HEIDERSCHEID Alex 2006AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE HEIDERSCHEID S.A. (2002AC012)

HEIDERSCHEID Daniel 2005AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PRINCIPALE HEIDERSCHEID S.à r.l. (2010AC009)

HEIDERSCHEID Stefania 2008AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

HEILES Laurent 1998AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

HEIMES Marc 2023AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HEINEN Alain 2018AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HEINEN Andree 1974AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HEINEN Christian 2021AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

HEINEN Jean-Marc 1995AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HEINEN Jérôme 2007AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence générale d'assurances COLLETTE & HEINEN S.à r.l. (2021AC033)

HEINEN Pascale 1977AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

HEINEN Saskia 2019AG292 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HEINERS Luca 2014AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

HEINERSCHEID Yasmine 2012AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Kraus - Meneses S.à r.l. (2022AC012)

HEINTZ Christiane 1991AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HELLERS Antoinette 1987AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CapAssurances S.à r.l. (2012AC048)

HELTEN Anne 2024AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HELTEN Claude 1988AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HEMMER Chantal 2019AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CLEES ASSURANCES S.A R.L. (2004AC012)

HEMMER Charles 1985AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HEMMER Marylène 2020AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HEMMERLING Brigitte 2011AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HENGEL Henri 1965AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE HENRI HENGEL S.à r.l. (2019AC009)

HENGEL Viviane 2014AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE HENRI HENGEL S.à r.l. (2019AC009)

HENGEL Yves 2020AG244 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HENGEN Georges 2008AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HENGEN Philippe 2022AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Philippe Hengen SARL (2022AC016)

HENNES Luc 1996AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HENQUINET Isabelle 2023AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

HENRARD Emmanuel 2014AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

HENRARD Kim 2025AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HENRARD Michel 2019AG490 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HENRIQUES Fabio 2023AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURA S.à r.l. (2006AC017)

HENROTTE Yannick 1997AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HENRY Joëlle 2023AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A.

HENTZEN Romy 2008AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HERMES Aloyse 1978AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HERMES Caroline 2023AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GINEPRI Martine S.à.r.l. (2020AC025)

HERMES Claude 1996AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE CLAUDE HERMES (1999AC002)

HERMES Roland 1988AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

HERNANDEZ IZQUIERDO Alfredo 2023AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HERR Christophe 2010AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUR OMNIUM S.A. (2004AC003)

HERR Robert 1982AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUR OMNIUM S.A. (2004AC003)

HERSPERGER-CREMER Stephan 2022AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HERTGES Pascale 1993AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HEUSCHLING Nathalie 2006AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HEUSLICH Anouck 2018AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

HEYARD Sandra 2001AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURIMMO CONCEPT S.à r.l. (2010AC026)

HEYNEN Mike 2015AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

HEYTENS Karine 2019AG393 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

HIENTGEN Jean-Marc 2000AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HILBERT Michèle 2017AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HILGER Patrick 2016AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HILGER Thierry 1995AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HILGER Vera 2019AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HILGERT Eric 2021AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HILGERT Nadine 2009AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HIPP Sascha 2023AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HIRSCH Annick 2020AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HISCHKE Siegfried 2022AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

HISPART Sophie 2020AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HODZIC Teuta 2023AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HOFFMANN Alex 1990AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HOFFMANN Claude 2020AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOFFMANN Jesse 2016AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : HSA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (2022AC003)

HOFFMANN Jessica 2012AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HOFFMANN Jérôme 2008AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

HOFFMANN Marianne 1991AG310 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HOFFMANN Marie-Anne 1991AG344 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOFFMANN Marie-Pia 2006AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HOFFMANN Nadine 1995AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOFFMANN Patty 2015AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HOFFMANN Paul 1985AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOFFMANN Tessy 2008AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HOFFMANN Yann 2022AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HOFMANN Sven 2016AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HOLCHER Renee 1992AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOLLERICH Guy 2013AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE HOLLERICH GUY s.à r.l. (2016AC006)

HOLTZ Alain 2014AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES HOLTZ S.à r.l. unipersonnelle (2002AC007)

HOLTZ Marc 2000AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES HOLTZ S.à r.l. unipersonnelle (2002AC007)

HOLZEM Astrid 1981AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : FRANSISSI SARL (2017AC011)

HONG Ti 2024AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HOPP Nadine 2004AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HORDAN Angélique 2020AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

HORR Sonia 2023AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

HOSCHEIT Sonny 1989AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOSINGER Henriette 1994AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HOSTERT Christian 2020AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

HOSTERT Henri 1995AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : APROBAT LALUX-ASSURANCES (2010AC030)

HOUEHOU Sewanan 2022AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Wealth Europe

HRKIC Edisa 2019AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HU Jing 2022AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HUBER Carole 2012AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HUBERTY Alain 2002AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HUBERTY Jeannot 1981AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HUBERTY Joseph 1997AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HUET Vincent 2023AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HUG Eva-Marie 2019AG503 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HUKIC Ibrahim 2023AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HUMANN Laurence 2019AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

HUMARTUS Jessica 2020AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

HUMBERT Eddy 2024AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

HUMBERT Joel 2007AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurZen s.àr.l. (2011AC026)

HURT Carlo 2010AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

HUSTING Yvette 1979AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

HUT Manuel 2021AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HUTMACHER Gerard 1979AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

HUTMACHER-DEMANGEL Pascale 2019AG489 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

HUYSMANS Els 2021AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

IANNIZZI Marc 1995AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

IENTILE Fabien 2023AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

IENTILE Roberto 2016AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

IMANI DACO David 2023AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

IMHOFF Julien 2024AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

IMPENS Julien 2015AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

INBAR Assaf 2021AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

INGLEBERT Valérie 2019AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

INOCENCIO Alcidia 2006AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

IRRTHUM Melissa 2023AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ISMAILI Ilir 2005AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

IVANOVIC Dejana 2014AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

IZAM Adil 2013AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

JACOBS Elise 2020AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

JACOBY Daniel 2000AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

JACOBY Marco 1993AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JACOBY-WAMPACH S.à r.l. (2002AC002)

JACOBY Ted 2000AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

JACOBY Theo 1972AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

JACQUE-BOURGUIGNON Louis 2014AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

JACQUIN Natacha 2022AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

JADIN Martina 2014AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

JAEGER Claudine 1972AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

JANES Chantal 2020AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

JANES Marc 1986AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

JANKOWOY Jean 2019AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

JANSEN Niels 2024AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

JANSEN Simon 2024AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

JANSSEN Thibault 2018AG281 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

JEANJEAN Christophe 2002AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

JEANMART Véronique 2015AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

JEBLICK Alain 1998AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

JEITZ Henriette 2008AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

JENNÉ Alexander 2024AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

JERONIMO MARTINS Fabio Junior 2017AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

JI Mei 2024AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

JOACKIM René 2019AG225 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

JODOCY Viviane 1997AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

JOFFIN-ZIDOUN Sarah 2021AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

JONAS Jeff 2023AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

JONAS Myriam 2021AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

JORDAO Césario Manuel 1996AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JENNY ASSURANCES S. à r.l. (2023AC005)

JOSEFSSON Roberth 2019AG391 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

JOSSE Grégory 2014AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

JOST Yohan 2022AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

JOURDAN Jérôme 2019AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

JULIAO GOUVEIA Kevin 2022AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

JUNCK Pascale 2005AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Philippe Hengen SARL (2022AC016)

JUNG Carlo 1992AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

JUNG Marc 2002AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

JUNGBLUTH Gilles 2010AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES GILLES JUNGBLUTH s.àr.l. (2012AC057)

JUNK Marc 2007AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

JURINE Sandra 2020AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

JUSTEN Frank 1993AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KAISER Emmanuelle 2009AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KALAC Edina 2019AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KAMOUNI Tarek 2023AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KANTZ Tirza 2010AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KAPGEN Aloyse 1995AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KAPGEN Claude 1992AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KAPGEN Georges 1994AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KAPGEN Joseph 1996AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KAPGEN Tim 2023AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KARAKATSANIS Petros 2022AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

KARTHEISER Guy 1989AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances KARTHEISER S.à r.l. (2022AC005)

KARTHEISER Michel 2007AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KASEL Michel 1990AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KASS Constant 1983AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KASS Patrick 2019AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KASTURA Axel 2010AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

KATOLICHY ROGET Céline 2020AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KAUFFMANN Cornelia Victorine Jeanne 2013AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KAYL Gérard 1991AG299 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KAYSER Annick 2004AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KAYSER Chantal 1991AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurances Chantal Kayser S.à r.l. (2024AC001)

KELLNER Marny 2013AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KEMP Constant 1956AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KEMP Daniel 2011AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KEMP Marc 2000AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances R. STELMES & FILS S.à r.l. (2004AC017)

KERSCHEN Carole 1992AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KETTEL Christine 1979AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Kettel S.à r.l. (2014AC011)

KETTMAN Mandy 2013AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KHELIF Wissam 2021AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

KHENDEK Raphaël 2019AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

KIEFFER Christine 1989AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE HENRI HENGEL S.à r.l. (2019AC009)

KIEFFER Laurent 1990AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KIENLEN-REMETTER Arnaud 2022AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KIES Dan 2004AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KIGGEN Linda 2016AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KILL François 2003AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale F.Kill S.à r.l. (2017AC014)

KIRCH Nadine 2010AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KIRCH Philippe 2019AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KIRCHEN Gérard 2011AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KIRCHER-IOOS Pauline 2018AG245 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KIRPACH Tamara 2010AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KIRSCH Carlo 2011AG244 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Braconnier & Kirsch (2022AC007)

KIRSCH Eliane 2019AG471 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

KIRSCH Marie-Anne 2008AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KIRSCH Maurice 2005AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE KIRSCH s. à r.l. (2019AC010)

KIRSCH Michele 1997AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KIRSCHT Cindy 2013AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Braconnier & Kirsch (2022AC007)

KLEIN Kim 2025AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KLEIN Marc 2007AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KLEIN Mélanie 2022AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

KLEIN Pascal 2015AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KLEIN Patrick 2009AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KLEIN-WAGNER Mick 2023AG248 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KLOPP David Mathias 2023AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KNEIP Andre 1997AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KNEIP Romain 1985AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KNEIP Sonja 2013AG208 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale F.Kill S.à r.l. (2017AC014)

KNEIP Veronique 1993AG247 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KNOOP Alfred 1960AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOBBA Nadia 2023AG220 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOCH Ben 2014AG275 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOENER Kris 2016AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : HSA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (2022AC003)

KOEUNE Francine 1992AG342 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KOHL Claude 2007AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOHL Claudine 1983AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOHL Stéphanie 2019AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOHL Sébastien 2008AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kohl & Associés (2011AC014)

KOHN Charles 2016AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOHNEN Daniel 1995AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOHNEN Thierry 2001AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES THIERRY KOHNEN s.à r.l. (2023AC003)

KOK Thomas 2023AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOKLENBERG Vicky 2024AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KOLZ Andreas 2013AG229 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie; LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Suède; WEALINS avec LPS en Allemagne

The agent is attached to the agency : Firstance Agency Luxembourg S.A. (2018AC014)

KOMES Claude 2009AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMES & ASSOCIES (2012AC038)

KOMES Nathalie 2002AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMES & ASSOCIES (2012AC038)

KONNEN Nicole 2011AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KONZ Martine 2011AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOPECKY Tom 2004AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

KOPP Michael 2023AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

KOPPES Marc 1982AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOPPES Pol 1987AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOPPES Raymond 1991AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOPS, ép. METZLER Marcia 2019AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KORBAA Françoise 2008AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PITEKO S.à r.l. (2018AC017)

KORHONEN Minna-Maarit 2016AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Chypre, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

KORNEK Sophie 2015AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KOSTER Carlo 1982AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurance Koster Carlo S.àr.l. (2010AC011)

KOSTER Marco 1991AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOSTER Nathalie 2014AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOSTER Sarah 2019AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KOWA Sandra 2013AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOZAR Alma 2023AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KOZAR Melisa 2024AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KRACK Robert 1982AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Krack-Minette S.à r.l. (2019AC021)

KRATZER Jean 2010AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES WEISS Sàrl (2013AC002)

KRAUS Vincent 2019AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KRAUS Yves 2002AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Kraus - Meneses S.à r.l. (2022AC012)

KRECKE Patrick 2004AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

KREE Sven 2009AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KREE Tom 2003AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KREINS Patrick 2002AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KREITZ Steve 1996AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KREMER Charlotte 2020AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KREMER Mike 1996AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KREMER Sacha 1999AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KRETTELS Laurent 2009AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KRIER Fabienne 2010AG237 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KRIER Laurent 1999AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KRIER Tessy 2019AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KRIES Jean-Paul 2000AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KRISTIANSEN Eric 2022AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KRUNANSKI Anouchka 2024AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KRZYSZTAL Beata 2007AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KRÄMER Alfred 2000AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KUBORN Jean-Marie 2000AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KUFFER Sonja 1995AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

KUGENER Alexandra 2014AG263 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

KUGENER Nicole 2019AG492 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

KUGENER Val 2003AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

KUHN Daniel 2009AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CGFP Assurances (2012AC034)

KUHN Yves 2005AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kuhn & Schmit S.à r.l. (2023AC007)

KUHNAU Christoph 2010AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AIG EUROPE S.A.

KULL Charlyne 2020AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

KUNNAS Antti 2008AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Royaume-Uni, Suède; WEALINS avec LPS en Finlande, Norvège, Suède

The agent is attached to the agency : Firstance Agency Luxembourg S.A. (2018AC014)

KUTTEN Muriel 2012AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CGFP Assurances (2012AC034)

KÜHN Pit 2011AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

L'HERMITE Nicolas 2018AG289 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LABATE Vincent 2015AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LABY Olivier 1989AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LACAFFE Nathalie 2005AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

LACENTRA Francois 2001AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LACHAISE Manuel 2018AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

LACROIX Gauthier 2023AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LADRIERE Louis 2020AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LAEVAERT Tim 2017AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAFLEUR Marc 1984AG219 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAFLEUR Robert 2013AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LAFOND Mathieu 2005AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LAGE FERNANDES Marylène 2013AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAGE MARINHO Charlie 2025AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LAGOCKI Benoit 2018AG227 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LAIGLE Mickael 2006AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAKEHAL Aicha 2018AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAKLACHE Sarah 2024AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LALLEMAND Samantha 2016AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

LALLEMANG Marc 1987AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LALLEMENT Anaïs 2024AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAMBERT Jerome 2008AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAMBERT Peggy 2020AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

LAMBERT Philippe 2000AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAMBERT Pierre-Yves 2024AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

LAMBRECHTS Léo 2014AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni

LAMBY Jean-Jacques 1983AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

LAMBY Marc 2006AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

LAMESCH Christiane 1994AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LAMIRAULT Deborah 2023AG187 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

LAMPACH Tamara 2016AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAMPERTZ Anne 2023AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

LAMPERTZ Véronique 2023AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LANG Mike 2017AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

LANNERS Marc 2007AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LANNERS Vanessa 2023AG206 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAPIERRE Sonia 2019AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAPLANCHE Cindy 2019AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES SCHMITZ & LENTZ s.à r.l. (2022AC008)

LAPLANTE Jérôme 2012AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : La Mondiale Europartner S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Portugal

LATA PEREIRA Denise 2019AG346 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LATINI Serge 2003AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LATINI & BOJCOVSKI Assurances S.à r.l. (2015AC011)

LAUBACH Yves 2015AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAUGS Guillaume 2006AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

LAURENT Corine 1997AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LAUTERBACH Cindy 2004AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LAUTERBACH Lynn 2019AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LAUTH Catherine 2022AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LAVIGNE (de vries) Chantal 2023AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LAZERGES Patrice 2021AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

LE BESCOND Olivier 2021AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : THE WEST OF ENGLAND SHIP OWNERS MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION

The agent is attached to the agency : West of England Insurance Services (Luxembourg) S.A. (2004AC020)

LE FOLL Loïc 2016AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : La Mondiale Europartner S.A.

LE GRELLE Edouard 2022AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : SI INSURANCE (EUROPE), SA

The agent is attached to the agency : CIRCLES GROUP (2022AC001)

LE GUEN Céline 2024AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LE ROCH Alexandre 2019AG234 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

LEAL PEREIRA PINTO Manuel 1991AG420 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LEBAS Maxime 2024AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LEBERRE Yann 2002AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

LEBLANC Chantal 1997AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : SQUARE INSURANCES S.à r.l. (2023AC001)

LECHAT Mélanie 2023AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LECOQ Thierry 1997AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

LECUYER Mélanie 2014AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LEFEBVRE Alexis 2015AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LEFORT Valérie 2020AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LEGGIO Benedetta 2019AG385 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

LEGRAND Christophe 2007AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LEHNERTZ Suzette 1984AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SCHMIT S.à.r.l. (2001AC002)

LEICK Bob 2007AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Rollinger & Leick (2012AC037)

LEIFGEN Fiona 2021AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Kraus - Meneses S.à r.l. (2022AC012)

LEITE PINTO Joao Paulo 2022AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LEJEUNE Gregory 2019AG519 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LEJEUNE Valérie 2015AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

LEMAITRE Catherine 2025AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LEMMER Sam 2021AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CGFP Assurances (2012AC034)

LENAERS Machteld 2020AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LENERS Marie-Josee 1974AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LENERS Sandra 2009AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LENOIR Albin 2009AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LENTZ Noël 2002AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

LENTZ Steven 2010AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LENZ Dirk 2023AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : R+V Lebensversicherung AG Niederlassung Luxemburg

The agent is attached to the agency : DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. (2023AC002)

LEONARD Valérie 2019AG427 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LEPAIN Murielle 2019AG484 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LEPERLIER Floriane 2023AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LERAY Alexandra 2023AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

LEROY Christophe 2023AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MUTUEL LIFE

LESSURE Yvette 1998AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LESURE Michel 1982AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LETY Lionel Christian Roger 2019AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LEURS Marc 2012AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LEWECK Pascal 2012AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LEYERS Marc 2013AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LHERMEROUT Sophie 2008AG227 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

LIAIGRE Nicolas 2014AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

LIBOTTE Fabienne 2020AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LICINA Dzeko 2007AG297 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : EURO-ASSUR Sàrl (2003AC007)

LICINA Dzemail 2025AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

LICKES Kelly 2019AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LIEBMANN David 2017AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

LIEFGEN Jean-Paul 1986AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LIEFGEN Marianne 1996AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LIES Conny 1996AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LIES Georgette 1991AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

LIESCH Claude 1994AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LIETZ Manon 2014AG271 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LILLANDT Tom 2019AG362 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

LIMA SANTOS Elisabete Patricia 2024AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LIMA SILVA Jessica 2016AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LIMET Simon 2020AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LIMPACH Claude 2003AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

LIMPACH Marc 2014AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALIGO s.à r.l. (2014AC019)

LIN Yi 2016AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LINCKELS Jean-Paul 1989AG265 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LINDEN Aline 2000AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LINK Magali 2003AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LINSTER Daniel 2012AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LION Danielle 2014AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LIPPERT Fernand 2014AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES BROSSARD S. à r.l. (2014AC002)

LISBOA Celeste 2003AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

LISBOA GIL Gilberto 2006AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

LIU Pei Pei 1998AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LIVESTRO Annemarie 2003AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LLAVALLOL Josefina 1999AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : J&G S.à r.l. (2016AC014)

LOBO Ruth 2003AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOCKHART Alexandra 2022AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

LOGELIN Claude 1993AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOMRE Nicolas 2022AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

LONGARO Serena 2020AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

LONGHINO Marc 2013AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LONGO Barbara 2017AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LONGTON Ida 2000AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LONUZZO Massimo 2019AG354 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LOPES ALMEIDA Anabela 1997AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOPES BATISTA Jose Antonio 1996AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

LOPES CARVALHO Sandy 2020AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOPES DE CARVALHO Eduardo Amadeu 2019AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LOPES MARGATO Jennifer 2019AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURSUD S.à r.l. (2011AC020)

LOPES MOURA Helder 2020AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOPES Pedro 1991AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

LOPES RODRIGUES Carla 2011AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUR.LU (2008AC008)

LOPES RODRIGUES Tiago Miguel 2021AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

LOPES SOARES Celia Adilia 2010AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

LOPES VIEIRA João Carlos 2019AG278 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

LOPEZ Charisse 2024AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : USAA S.A.

LORANG Marc 1997AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LORANG Marc 2011AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LORGE Tania 2006AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LORGNIER Du Mesnil Constance 2019AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LOSCH Monique 2023AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LOSSON Julien 2008AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

LOUCAO ANDRADE Mike 2019AG252 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LOUSSAÏEF Sindy 2018AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

LOUVARD Ségolène 2020AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

LUCA Xiomara del Carmen 2024AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Da Costa & Associés S.àr.l. (2016AC016)

LUCAS Eric 2016AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PARTENA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG (2017AC005)

LUCAS FREIRE Ana Carolina 2008AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

LUCAS Jérôme 2011AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

LUCENA VILLAR Tommy 2023AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LUCIUS Marc 2021AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LUDOVICY Joe 2017AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LUDWIG Stephan 2020AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

LUISI Antonio 2019AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Alunni & Luisi S.à r.l. (2022AC017)

LUKANOV Hristo 2022AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LULLING Carole 2012AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

LUMIA Aldo 1991AG418 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : LUMIA ASSURANCES S.à r.l. (2016AC003)

LUPO Carla 2011AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

LURION Juliane 2013AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LUTGEN Nadine 2019AG208 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LUX Angelika 2019AG461 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

LUX Marc 1989AG254 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

LUYCKFASSEEL Jeroen 2019AG411 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

MAAMOURI Fatima 2019AG500 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MACEDO GASPAR Michel 2019AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MACEDO GASPAR Sandra 2005AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MACEDO TEIXEIRA Luis 2023AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MACHADO Alice 1999AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Stelmes & Machado Succ R. Stelmes S.à r.l. (2025AC001)

MACHADO DIAS Stéphanie 2022AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MACHADO FERNANDES David 2022AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MACHADO Jose 1988AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURA S.à r.l. (2006AC017)

MACHADO MEDEIROS Daniel 2015AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MACHADO SOARES Olga Francesca 2018AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

MACIECH Marianne 1990AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MACK Frank 1989AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurlux Consulting S.à r.l. (2018AC001)

MADARIAGA COSTA Béatrice Del carmen 2007AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAEDER Claudine 2014AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAEKELBERG Niké 2014AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

MAES Heidi 2019AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MAES Kevin 2023AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAES Paul 2014AG252 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAGALHAES BRIGA Sandy 2023AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MAGALHAES DE OLIVEIRA Carla 2024AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AlvesAssur (2017AC017)

MAGALHAES DOS SANTOS Silvia 2005AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MAGANTO Laurent 2018AG234 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MAGGIO Patrizio 2000AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : L.P. Europe Consulting & Life S.e.c.s. (2018AC002); L.P. EUROPE S.e.c.s. (2014AC027)

MAGNIER Mickaël 2023AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

MAHNEN Jacques 2011AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAHOWALD Jil 2014AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MAIER Aurélien 2024AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

MAIO Jose 2000AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MAIORANO Elio 1998AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAIORANO Jonah 2025AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAJ Torben 2011AG237 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Danemark, Danemark, Espagne, Finlande, France, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, Suède

The agent is attached to the agency : (2012AC026)

MAJERUS François 1989AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MAJERUS Gilles 2022AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAJERUS Pablo 2023AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAJERUS Rene 1992AG346 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MAJERUS Sacha 2023AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAJERUS Yannick 2013AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAKA Corinne 2018AG254 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MALGET Cynthia 2012AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MALGET Patrick 2020AG262 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AccountTech S.à r.l. (2021AC038)

MALGET Serge 1991AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

MALGET Tom 2008AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

MALINOV Alexandra 1988AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MALINOV Nathalie 2019AG290 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MALKI Célia 2024AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

MALLARDI Tiziana 2019AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MALVA Gianluca 2023AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

MAMMONE Sandra 2024AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MANCA Andrea 2022AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MANZA SSURANCES S.àr.l (2011AC015)

MANGEN Monique 2002AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

MANGEN Pit 1989AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

MANZARI Anna Maria 2022AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MARASSE Alison 2019AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MARCHIOL Morgane 2024AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARCHIORI Paolo 2020AG206 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

MARCHITELLI Lise 2023AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MARCY Paul 1990AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MARINELLI AMBROGIO Gino 2013AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARINILLI Claudia 1996AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARMELO Joao 2018AG293 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

MARNACH Armand 1982AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARNACH Catherine 2023AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurZen s.àr.l. (2011AC026)

MARNACH Marianne 1999AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARONG Nadia 1991AG379 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAROTTA Danielle 2012AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MAROTTE Amandine 2018AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARQUES ALMEIDA Sonia Cristina 2012AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MARQUES CARREIRA Odilia 2006AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARQUES DA COSTA Katy 2012AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARQUES DA SILVA Marco 2019AG360 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MARQUES DIONISIO Daniel 2009AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARQUES DOS SANTOS Milena 2022AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MARQUES GONCALVES Manuel Antonio 2017AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARQUES LOPES Isidro 2023AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ZÜRCHER & ASSOCIES S.à.r.l. (2001AC001)

MARQUES NAVE Mélodie 2024AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

MARQUES PINTO Luis Daniel 2024AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARQUES PINTO Marina 2019AG433 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MARQUET Alissia 2023AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE HEIDERSCHEID S.A. (2002AC012)

Marry Fiona Elizabeth 2024AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : USAA S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : USAA International Services S.à r.l. (2019AC025)

MARTIN Danielle 1990AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARTIN Emilie 2017AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MARTIN Jessica 2012AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Belfralux S.à r.l. (2015AC013)

MARTIN Lynn 2016AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTIN Marcel 1993AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MARTIN Myriam 2019AG187 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MARTIN Veronica 2009AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTINELLI Joé 2024AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTINES Lou-Anne 2023AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MARTINS ALVES David 2023AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence générale Alba (2006AC009)

MARTINS ALVES Hugo 2023AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTINS CACHAPA Stéphanie 2012AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTINS FERNANDES Marina 2025AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MARTINS FERREIRA Antonio 2001AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MARTINS Franck 2017AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARTINS OLIVEIRA Inês 2024AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

MARTINS REIS Sara 2022AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MARX Carlo 2013AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MARX Gilles 2016AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Charpantier S.à r.l. (2015AC007)

MARX Jérôme 2011AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MASI Maria-Lucia 1992AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MASSART Astrid 2020AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MASSON Fanny 2004AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MASSON Philippe 2005AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ARFRA CONSEILS S.à r.l. (2011AC019)

MASTRAPASQUA Maria 2003AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GLOBALIA ASSUR s.à r.l. (2016AC002)

MATERGIA Emanuele 2018AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MATHEKOWITSCH Tom 2011AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MATHGEN Nicole 1996AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MATHIAS Heike 2001AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Cler & Conrad S.A R.L. (2003AC009)

MATHIEU Anthony 2017AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MATHIEU Camille 2023AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MATHIOTTE Christelle 2024AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

MATHIS Aline 2019AG401 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

MATIAS Christophe 2002AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MATIAS Jorge 1997AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : M.J. ASSURANCES sàrl (2007AC010)

MATOS Gil 2016AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kohl & Associés (2011AC014)

MATOS GONCALVES Catia 2004AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MATYSSEK Carsten 2005AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MATZET Sylvie 1997AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAUCHIEN Mathilde 2023AG270 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAUFFREY Annick 2019AG394 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAUFORT Laurence 2000AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAUGERI Nunzio 2021AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MAUS Frédéric 2011AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

MAUS Katrin 2022AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAUSEN Sven 2025AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAY Gerald 2000AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MAYER Elisabeth 1996AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAYER Max 2016AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MAYER Nicolas 2024AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

MAZIERS Jonathan 2004AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MAZLOUM Alexandre 2022AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : GENERALI Luxembourg avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie

MAZUIS Myriam 2007AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MEDERNACH Georges 1991AG317 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEDINGER Carlo 1984AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEDINGER Patrick 1979AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEDIOUNI Raphael 2004AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEDJUGORAC Robert 2023AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence EWERS S.à.r.l (2008AC002)

MEHIC Emir 2016AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEHLEN Maggy 1975AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEI Julienne 2009AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MEILCHEN Sandy 2019AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

MEIRELES ALVES Laetitia 2024AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MEIS Frédéric 2007AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEISCH Monique 2001AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEISCH Norbert 2012AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEKHANNEF Alexandra 2021AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MELAN Marc 2020AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MELCHIOR Patrick 2010AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ORTIS Assurances (2016AC011)

MELO SINTRA Sandy 2021AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence GREISCH Steve S.à r.l. (2021AC034)

MENDES Bruno 2006AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MENDES Elisabete 2018AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MENDES Manuela 1997AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MENDES RIBEIRO Julia 1990AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ADYA (2006AC004)

MENDES Ricardo 2015AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MENDEZ Daniel 2014AG249 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MENENDEZ Maria Rosina 2021AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MENESES Alan 2005AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Kraus - Meneses S.à r.l. (2022AC012)

MENESES LOPES João 2020AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

MENTZ Yannick 2020AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Pascale et Yannick Mentz S.à r.l. (2007AC021)

MERCIER Françoise 2012AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MERCURIO Tania 2011AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MERGAUX Pierre-Etienne 2022AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MERGULHAO COELHO Liliana 2024AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MERKES Carole 2002AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MERLIO Yann 2019AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MERSCH Carole 2019AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MERSCH Luca 2023AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MERSCH Mandy 2014AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MERSCH Sacha 2021AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MERSIN Deniz 2018AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

MERTENS Daniel 2021AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MERTENS Markus 2014AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : westPOINT LUXEMBOURG S.à r.l. (2014AC006)

MERTZIG Peggy 2019AG303 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

MES Adrianus 2013AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MESQUITA Anna 2008AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

MESSANA Pierre 2019AG436 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MESTACH Thierry 2019AG498 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

METZ Romain 2013AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : METZ-KANTZ S.à r.l. (2017AC013)

METZ Yannick 2015AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

METZLER Raphaël 2019AG463 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEUNIER Alain 2000AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEUNIER Hubert 1980AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEUNIER Jessie 2014AG247 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MEYER Alex 1994AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances MEYER S.à r.l. (2020AC026)

MEYER Bob 2017AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances MEYER S.à r.l. (2020AC026)

MEYER Christine 2022AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Pascal Ruault S.à r.l. (2019AC015)

MEYER Christine 2011AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEYER Nelly 2020AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

MEYER Sven 2011AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE MEYER & RENARD (2023AC015)

MEYERS Carlo 1991AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEYERS Claude 2002AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MEYERS Martine 2010AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MEYERS Patrick 1987AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Patrick Meyers S.à r.l.-S (2022AC009)

MEYFROID Mélanie 2020AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MEYSEMBOURG Pascale 1983AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MICHAUX Bianca 2023AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MICHEL Jonathan 2023AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MICHEL Laurent 1993AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MICHELET Marianne 2019AG441 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

MICHELS Alain 1985AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MICHELS Alain 2013AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MICHELS Claudia 2015AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

MICHELS Frank 2007AG263 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MICHELS Georges 1989AG285 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MICHELS Rene 1979AG225 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MICHELS Stéphanie 2022AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MICHELY Kim 2012AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MICHIELS Muriel 2022AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MICHIENZI Giovanna 2019AG511 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

MICK Arnaud 2023AG245 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MICUCCI Grazziella 2019AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES FEITH S.à r.l. (2013AC005)

MICUCCI Isabel 2017AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MIDA Boguslaw 2013AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MILAO VARANDAS Joao Carlos 2013AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

MILLANG Claudine 2003AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MILLE Gabrielle 1996AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MILLER Nancy 2004AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MILLER Nicole 1998AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Axa Fernandes, Tranchida & Neumann S.à r.l. (2020AC016)

MILLMEISTER Ben 2010AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MILLOT Sylvie 1996AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MILTGEN Alain 2002AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MINN Danielle 2001AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MIOTTO Jean-Baptiste 2024AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MIRKES Claude 1967AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MISLER Hugues 2019AG302 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GINEPRI Martine S.à.r.l. (2020AC025)

MISSAIR Brigitte 1997AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MISTERI Fernand 1977AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MOCKELS Emanuel 2022AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOES Laurent 2011AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOHR Eric 2007AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU SERVICE MOHR Sarl (2010AC017)

MOHR Sally 2023AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREPRO-LUX S.à r.l (2007AC001)

MOITA NUNES Sérgio Miguel 2010AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

MOITROT Romain 2024AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MOLITOR Cédric 2021AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Molitor Assurances S.à r.l. (2023AC004)

MOLITOR René 2013AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOLITOR Serge 2014AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

MOLLE Pierre-Henri 2020AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ATRADIUS CREDITO Y CAUCION S.A. DE SEGUROS Y REASEGUROS avec LPS en Belgique, France

MOLLING Ben 2018AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOLLING Patrick 1991AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011); Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

MONACO Gabriela 2024AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MONTEIRO DA CUNHA Nelson 2023AG265 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MONTEIRO DOS SANTOS ANTUNES Carla 2016AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MONTEIRO DOS SANTOS José Pedro 2010AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MONTEIRO NETO Ana Marisa 2016AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MONTEIRO TEIXEIRA MACHADO Barbara Cristina 2018AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MONTEIRO TORRAO Alain 2021AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MONTEL Nicolas 2015AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MONTET Marie-Line 2024AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : USAA S.A.

MONTOITO MARQUES Daniela 2022AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MORAIS TEIXEIRA Véronique 2019AG442 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MORANG Christophe 2000AG232 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MORAY Muriel 2018AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MORDANT (ép. LARSON) Catherine 2002AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MOREELS Christian 1996AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MOREIRA Carlo 1993AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

MOREIRA PEREIRA Bruno Miguel 2019AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOREIRA SCHILTZ Adalgiza 2023AG255 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES RISK & MANAGEMENT s.àr.l. (2010AC008)

MOREL DE WESTGAVER Tanguy 2023AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

MORES Antoine 2019AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

MORES Monique 1989AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MORILLO CHACON Vanessa 2017AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MORINA Leonida 2018AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MORIS Camille 2015AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MORITZ Jean Pierre 1960AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MORO Christian 2013AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOROCUTTI Ilario 2000AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

MOSSONG Christian 1993AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MOSSONG Michele 2007AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MOSTADE Valérie 2021AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MOTA RIBEIRO Dani 2023AG222 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MOTA VIDEIRA Tania 2020AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

MOUCHETTE Thibaut 2022AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MOUILLEAU Sébastien 2021AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MOURA Joseph 2006AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES RISK & MANAGEMENT s.àr.l. (2010AC008)

MOURTON Gérald 2017AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

MOUSEL Anja 2023AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

MOUWANNES Stéphanie 2023AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MUCA Adriatik 2024AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

MUCYN Estelle 2019AG321 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

MUELLER Stéphanie 2018AG275 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MUHIRE KAREMERA Christian 2022AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

MUHOVIC Anita 2020AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

MUHOVIC Damir 2015AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MUHOVIC Elvedin 2025AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MUHOVIC Lejla 2016AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MUJKIC Adin 2016AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MULLER Anne 2013AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MULLER Daniel 1996AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MULLER Pascale 2003AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MULLER Patricia 2001AG220 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurJR S.à r.l. (2016AC013)

MULLER Serge 1991AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MULLER Thibaut 2021AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

MUMINOVIC Inas 2023AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

MURATOVIC Adelisa 2020AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

MÜLLENBACH Claude 2000AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : VMC3 S.à r.l. (2015AC015)

NARCISSE Sandy 2001AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NASCIMENTO Anita 2008AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

NASSERI Behrouz 2014AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NAU Josiane 1990AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

NAVAL Loic 2022AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NEIERS Martine 2020AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

NEISSEN Stéphanie 2021AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

NEPPER Frank 1989AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FRANK NEPPER S.A.R.L. (2003AC004)

NEPPER Frédéric 2017AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NEPPER Pascal 1996AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : AGN (1997AC002); ASSUR.LU (2008AC008)

NERO Romain 2004AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NESER Sylvie 1983AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

NETO OLIVEIRA Barbara 2023AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

NEUSER Chris 2016AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NEVEN Johan 2021AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

NEVES DA SILVA Ana 2016AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NEVES Luis 2017AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NEVES ROCHA Yvelurene 2008AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

NEY Alain 1989AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NEY Christiane 2007AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NEY Murielle 2003AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NGUIRANE Aicha 2024AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

NGUYEN Bao 2016AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

NGUYEN DANG Hong Phuoc 2022AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

NGUYEN Vinh Vu The 2019AG453 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

NIANG Khady 2024AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

NICHOLS David 2024AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NICKELS Marie-France 1992AG309 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

NICKELS Phil 2014AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NICKELS Vladimir 2025AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NICOLAI Alain 1995AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

NICOLAS Carlo 1994AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NICOLAS Eddy 2021AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NICOLAS Marc 2018AG284 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

NIEDERCORN Kris 2012AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

NIEDERKORN Catherine 2020AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

NIEDERKORN Nelly Nathalie Patrice 2025AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NIEDERKORN Patrick 2014AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

NIGGEL Christian 1987AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NIKOLIC Nemanja 2023AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

NILLES Jeff 2012AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NITSCHKE Marjorie 2001AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NOGUEIRA ABREU David 2018AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

NOLL Benoît 2009AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NOMMER Marjorie 2002AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NOTHOMB Jean-Marc 2020AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NOTHUM Alain 1994AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

NOTHUM Claudine 2021AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

NOURA Malika 2022AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AFI.ESCA Luxembourg S.A.

NOVIKOVA Elena 2018AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NUNES Angela 2015AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

NUNES CARVALHO Maryse 2017AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : VMC3 S.à r.l. (2015AC015)

NUNES FILIPE André 2018AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

NYS James 2024AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

NÜSSLE Marco 1995AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

OBERWEIS Marc 2014AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

OCHOISKI Ingrid 2018AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ODEM Emilie 2021AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LATINI & BOJCOVSKI Assurances S.à r.l. (2015AC011)

OE Carlo 1998AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

OESCH David 2005AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : OESCH Pitt & David S.àr.l. (2012AC029)

OESTREICHER Michel 2017AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

OFFERMANN Fabienne 2023AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLESEN Marjanne Myrtue 2013AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

OLINGER Gilles 2010AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OLINGER Max 2021AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLINGER Nadine 1997AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA DA COSTA Pedro Miguel 2007AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

OLIVEIRA DE FREITAS Duarte Rafael 2013AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OLIVEIRA DOS REIS Nathalie 2021AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

OLIVEIRA FELIX Miguel 2024AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA JACINTO Sandra 2021AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA LOPES David 2016AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA Luisa 1992AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OLIVEIRA MOTA Fabio 2025AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OLIVEIRA RAPOSEIRO Eurico 2021AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA RAPOSEIRO Filipe 2014AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

OLIVEIRA Thibaut 2018AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

OLIVERA Didier 2015AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OLOMANI Arjan 1992AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

OLTEANU Amelia-Nicoleta 2024AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OMBRI Natacha 2024AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ONO VEDOVELLI Angelo 2023AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

OOGWIT Bertrand 2007AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OPLYNUS Grégory 2023AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ORIGER Thierry 1997AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale ORIGER S.à r.l. (2011AC002); Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

ORIGER Yolande 1989AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

OSTROWSKA Agnieszka 2019AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Jean-Marie SCHOCKWEILER S.à.r.l. (2015AC002)

OSWALD Alphonse 2005AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

OSWEILER Simone 2019AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

OTRADINA Natalya 2016AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ORTIS Assurances (2016AC011)

OTTAVINO Marco 2019AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

OUKKAL Jonathan 2025AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAESEN Bart 2007AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique

PAGAIMO Maria De fatima 1994AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAGE Elisabeth 2017AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

PAIVA FERREIRA Carlos 2002AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PAJARES Maria Isabel 2018AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PALAMAR Haris 2023AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PALERMO Giuseppe 2000AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurances Giuseppe Palermo (2010AC005)

PALMIOLI Marine 2020AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PALMITO RICARDO Manuel 2008AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PANARO Antoinette 2004AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PANSERA Mathieu 2019AG515 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PANUTA Olesea 2016AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PAPARELLA Maria Grazia 2022AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

PAPIER Véronique 2023AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PAQUES Eric 2022AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAQUET Jackie 2020AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Lisa 2019AG324 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Pol 2012AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Tom 2024AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PAREDES PEREIRA Sofia 2020AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PARMENTELAT Laurence 2010AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.

PASCOLINI Sara 2012AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PATER Mireille 1998AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PATERNOSTER Ingrid 2020AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PATREGNANI Céline 2020AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PATRICIO VALPACOS Sara Raquel 2023AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PATRIGNANI Gianluca 2014AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Grettnich, Patrignani & Hartz S.à r.l. (2023AC013); GIMA Invest S.à r.l. (2018AC005)

PAULINO HENRIQUES Marco Aurélio 2018AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

PAULUS Carine 1996AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAULY Guy 1972AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

PAVADE Danielle 2023AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAVANT Romina 2019AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PAX Daniel 1991AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PAD Assurances (2010AC021)

PECHE Jean-Sébastien 2019AG487 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PECHEUX Caroline 2021AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PECORARO Calogero 2018AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PEDROSA Fernando 2000AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

PEDROSA Wendy 2019AG281 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010)

PEDROSO Paula 2001AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE P&P S.à r.l. (2020AC021)

PEDROSO Tina 2011AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEETERS Maria-Louise 2019AG388 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PEFFER Jérôme 2010AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEIFFER Alix 1992AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEIFFER Jeanne 1993AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEIRO Sébastien 2022AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PEIXOTO NUNES Paulo Jorge 2010AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PELGER Stefan 2009AG232 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PELLE Linda 2017AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PELLER Jessi 2019AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PELTZER Myriam 2011AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PENNINCKX Mike 2018AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PENNING Christian 1993AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

PENNING Daniel 1993AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PENNY Yves 2002AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEPIN André 1964AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

PEPIN Christian 2003AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEREIRA Anabela 2001AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEREIRA ANTUNES Manuela 2010AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BARBOSA Futre 2022AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BARBOSA Stéphanie 2019AG435 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BRAGANCA Pedro Miguel 2019AG357 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PEREIRA BRAZ Jessica 2023AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA DA ROCHA Stéphanie 2020AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEREIRA DE AZEVEDO Roberto 2023AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA DE MELO Hugo 2023AG266 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEREIRA DE SOUSA Luisa 2022AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : PARCIALFINANCE SARL (2014AC022)

PEREIRA DIAS Andrea 2015AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA FERNANDES Pedro 2014AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

PEREIRA GONCALVES Michaël 2010AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

PEREIRA José Paulo 2020AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

PEREIRA Lurdes 1988AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA MARQUES Anabela 2017AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA MONTEIRO Jose 1999AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PEREIRA QUEIROZ Marco 2022AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

PEREIRA REBELO Susana 2023AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA RIBEIRO Sandie 2016AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PERENZIN Clara 2018AG300 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PERNEY Clara 2024AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

PERREAUX Denis 2010AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MoDern Assur S.à r.l. (2022AC011)

PERRONE Sandra 2013AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : SST Assurances (2019AC020)

PESCH Romain 1991AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

PETERS Jean-Pierre 2007AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES PETERS HOSINGEN S.à.r.l. (2010AC003)

PETERS Loic 2010AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETERS Pierrette 1989AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETERS Sandra 1992AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PETIT Delphine 2023AG234 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Wealth Europe

PETRY Paul 2008AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PETRY Paul 2014AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PETTINGER Olivier 2000AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETTINGER Pierchen 1993AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEYRONNET VIDAL de SAINT-URBAIN Alix 2019AG320 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

PFEIFFER Florian 2019AG493 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PHILIPPE Véronique 2024AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PIAZZALUNGA Tiziana 2013AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PICARD Jeannot 1983AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Angelo 1995AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Fabiana 1991AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Luca 1999AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PICHIERRI Alessio 2019AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PICKE Hervé 2018AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PICQUOIN Cédric 2007AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

PIERAGGI Mélanie 2023AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

PIERRARD Christel 2020AG237 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PIERRAT Pascal 2017AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

PIERSOEL Eric 2021AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PIGAT Fabio 2014AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PIGNEAUX Nicolas 2020AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

PILARCZYK Laura 2019AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PILON Sophie 2011AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

PINHO DA SILVA Gonçalo 2022AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PINTO ALMEIDA Liliane 2022AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PINTO Catia Sofia 2018AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PINTO Cristina 2019AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PINTO DA SILVA Steve 2013AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PINTO Dynha 2023AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PINTO Filipe Manuel 2004AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PITEKO S.à r.l. (2018AC017)

PINTO Gabriel 2019AG332 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE AXA MONDORF-LES-BAINS S.à r.l. (2017AC006)

PIRA Pauline 2020AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PIRAS Yannick 2019AG413 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PIRES DIAS Patricia 2011AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PIRES Iola 2019AG344 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PIRES MIRANDA EP. PETITDEMANGE Celia 2006AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PIRES Sergio 2004AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PIRO Lucie 2019AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PIRRONE Salvatrice 2019AG406 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PISCAGLIA Maud 2010AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PITICCO Fabio 2003AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

PITISCI Gianluigi 2025AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PLANCKE Graciella 2019AG474 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLANIC Adriana 2024AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PLANIC Velibor 2002AG204 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

PLEIMLING Bob 2018AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

PLEIMLING Gary 2019AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PLEIMLING Sven 2013AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PLETSCHETTE Caroline 2023AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLETSCHETTE John 1994AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PLIER Patrick 2019AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PLOEM Patricia 2019AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLOMP Adriaan 2022AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLOURDE Belinda 2009AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

POGGI Sergio Carlo 1995AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

POLIVKA Nora 2016AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PONCELET Jérôme 2013AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

PONTES MENDES Jean-Claude 2008AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

POORTERS Dana 2023AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

POORTERS Georges 1992AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

POORTERS Pit Felix 2023AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PORCO Maria 2001AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PORDAN Marco 2009AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

POST Eric 2018AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

POULIN Yves 2023AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

POULL Chrysostome 1992AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

POURPLANCHE Mathilde 2019AG502 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PRADIE PFEIFFER Anne-Laure 2019AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PREUD'HOMME Eric 2007AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

PRIESTER Monique 2005AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE P&P S.à r.l. (2020AC021)

PRIM Cynthia 2019AG473 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PRIM Mireille 2004AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PRIM Pascale 2020AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PROBST Nathalie 2009AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fermassur S.à r.l. (2022AC010)

PROFETA Eric 2023AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUDDU OLIVI Priscilla 2022AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PUISSESSEAU Yann 2006AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : YANN PUISSESSEAU S.A R.L.-S (2019AC004)

PULEO Franco 2001AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUNDEL Vincent 2001AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Pundel S.à r.l. (2013AC022)

PURAYE Victor 1971AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

PURAYE Victor 2004AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

PURCELL Wayne Carl 2016AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUTZ Marco 1996AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Pütz S.à r.l. (2017AC004)

PUTZ Serge 2000AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PUTZ Suzette 1984AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUTZIERER Patrick 2010AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

Pétré Josette 1967AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES KLEIN-PÉTRÉ S. à r.l. (2005AC020)

QUAAS Alexandra 2006AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

QUELLAIEN Rosemarie 2023AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

QUIAIOS ARANTES Sabrina 2023AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

QUILLE Vincent 2019AG478 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

QUIRIN Marc 2021AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

QUIRIN Nico 1981AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : QUIRIN S.à r.l. (2020AC027)

QUIROS Aurélie 2009AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAFAILOVIC Dejan 2012AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RAFFAELE Thomas 2024AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

RAGOT Mickaël 2015AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RAGUET Cédric 2019AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES RAGUET & HENRIKSEN SARL (2023AC014)

RAINALDI David 2018AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

RAISON Chantal 2019AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CLEES ASSURANCES S.A R.L. (2004AC012)

RAMA Amandine 2019AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

RAMCILOVIC Haris 2012AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAMDEDOVIC Meris 2019AG421 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Meris Ramdedovic S.à r.l (2022AC021)

RAMON Micheline 1995AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAMOS COELHO Isabel Cristina 2018AG298 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RAMOS DOS SANTOS Jessica 2017AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DANIEL SANTOS S.à r.l. (2016AC008)

RAMOS SILVA Damien 2020AG255 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RAMOS SOARES Juliana Filipa 2024AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

RAMPA Philippe 2018AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RAMPON Estelle 2005AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

RANNASTE Kadi 2012AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RAOUL Maxence 2017AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAPOSO Nuno 2014AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

RASCHELLA Allan 2022AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RASPADO Angélique 2010AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RASTODER Enes 2003AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

RAUS Christophe 2012AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RAUSCH Marie-Louise 1990AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAUSCH Sophie 2000AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RAVENEL Yannick 2006AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

RAVIGNAT Malou 2007AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

REBELO FERNANDES Nadia Carina 2019AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ZÜRCHER & ASSOCIES S.à.r.l. (2001AC001)

REBERT Alexandre 2020AG241 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RECH Christian 2017AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Wahl & May S.à r.l. succ. Da Cruz, Rech, Weissen (2018AC009)

RECH Daniel 2017AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Wahl & May S.à r.l. succ. Da Cruz, Rech, Weissen (2018AC009)

RECH Sabrina 2021AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CGFP Assurances (2012AC034)

REDING Cathy 2006AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REDING Jean-Claude 2000AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REDING Leon 1992AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REDING Lucienne 1994AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REDING Olivier 2022AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

REDING Pit 2004AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurJR S.à r.l. (2016AC013)

REGIS Roxanne 2020AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REHBERG Claudia 2011AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

REINARD Danielle 2014AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Axa Fernandes, Tranchida & Neumann S.à r.l. (2020AC016)

REINARDT Romain 1999AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REINERT Daniel 2012AG187 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REINERT, ép. HETTINGER Janine 2024AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

REINIG Paul 1972AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

REIS ADONIS (ADONIS REIS) Marta Maria 2006AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

REIS DA SILVA Filipe 2020AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

REIS DE SOUSA Silvia Patricia 2011AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

REIS DUARTE Cinthia 2019AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

REIS LOURENCO Ana Lucia 2023AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

REIS Sandy 2014AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REISDORFF Laurent 2015AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

REISDORFF Patrick 2018AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

REISER Coralie 2003AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

RENARD Arnaud 2016AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE MEYER & RENARD (2023AC015)

RENCKENS Sandy 2001AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RENNEL Ernestine 1984AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RENTAO PINTO GOMES Mara 2024AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE HOLLERICH GUY s.à r.l. (2016AC006)

RENY Wilfried 2024AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REOT Florent 2024AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RESIA MOUTINHO Maria Isabel 2020AG220 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RESL Perry 2006AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REULAND Jean-Paul 1987AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

REUTER Andy 2014AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMES & ASSOCIES (2012AC038)

REUTER Christian 2000AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REUTER Guy 2023AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REUTER Jacques 1999AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REUTER Johny 1983AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

REUTER Jérôme 2009AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence principale d'assurances NESER & REUTER s.à.r.l. (2009AC024)

REUTER Magali 2018AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

REUTER Manon 2019AG353 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

REUTER Manuela 1993AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

REUTER Marc 2003AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

REUTER Rita 2008AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RIBEIRO Cristina 1991AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA Gracinda Gabriela 2020AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

RIBEIRO DE SOUSA Paulo Alexandre 2013AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RIBEIRO DIAS Henrique 2019AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

RIBEIRO GONCALVES Emanuel 2023AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

RIBEIRO MELO Dany 2023AG239 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

RIBEIRO Rute 2025AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RIBEIRO SERRA Dino 2023AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RICARDO Audrey 2007AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RICCI Carla 2024AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

RICHARD Olivier 2014AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RICHIER Cynthia 2019AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

RIEFF Jean-Jacques 1983AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RIES Emmanuelle 2024AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RIES Tania 1989AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RIITANO Giovan 2023AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

RINK Danielle 1995AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RIPPINGER Guy 1984AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RISCH Annick 2015AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RISCHARD Christian 2000AG087 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RISCHARD Julien 2000AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RISSE Sophie 2010AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

RISSO Giulia 2016AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

RITZ Christian 2017AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

RIVERA-MARTINEZ Vanessa 2024AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RIVIERE Sabrina 2018AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : La Mondiale Europartner S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Portugal

RIXHON Régis 2024AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

RIZVIC Aida 2016AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RIZZI Cosima 2002AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

RIZZI Sébastien 2019AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RIZZO Mélissa 2023AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROBALO Lucilia 2006AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ROBERT Coralie 2025AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

ROBERTO Antonio 2021AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ROBIN Marie-Laure 2024AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ROBLIN Xavier 2019AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ROCHA Dirce 2019AG469 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

ROCHA Vivianne 2019AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODANO Luca 2014AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : RODANO S.à r.l. (2016AC015)

RODANO Salvatore 2012AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : RODANO S.à r.l. (2016AC015)

RODEN Victor 1977AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODESCH Marc 2007AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Marc Rodesch SARL (2024AC005)

RODICK Bernard 2003AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Rodick et Associé S.à r.l. (2013AC025)

RODRIGUES ALEXANDRE Nuno 2019AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

RODRIGUES Angela 2014AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES BERTOLO Ricardo 2020AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MARC GILSON SARL (2011AC030)

RODRIGUES CARAMELO Mariana 2024AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RODRIGUES Carla 2004AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES Cristina 2010AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES CUNHA Michel 2021AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AssurJR S.à r.l. (2016AC013)

RODRIGUES DA CRUZ AUGUSTO Catia Sofia 2020AG217 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Tania Stein S.àr.l. (2018AC004)

RODRIGUES DOS SANTOS Liliana Sofia 2009AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES E SOUSA Anabela 1994AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WELTER SARL (2005AC023)

RODRIGUES ESTEVES Isaias 2009AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES Filipe 2010AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

RODRIGUES GRILLO Silvia 2016AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RODRIGUES Jessica 2025AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES Kevin 2013AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011)

RODRIGUES Michel 2009AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREL S.à.r.l. (2014AC001)

RODRIGUES Paulo 2024AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUES PEREIRA Miguel 2001AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

RODRIGUEZ Emeline 2024AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RODRIGUEZ GARCIA Juan José 2014AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

ROESCH KOHELVOERAI Fabian 2023AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ROESER Aurélie 2020AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ROGER Sam 2023AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ROHARD Lionel 2014AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

ROILGEN Claudine 2019AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ROISEUX Làëtitia 2020AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ROLA Christian 2024AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE EUROPE SE; LLOYD'S INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Liberty Specialty Markets Europe S.à r.l. (2017AC009); Liberty Specialty Markets Europe Two S.à r.l. (2019AC023)

ROLAND Thierry 2017AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ROLLINGER Serge 2024AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROMAO CLAUDIANO Cédric 2013AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Claudiano S.à r.l. (2017AC007)

ROMMELFANGER Fabienne 2022AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A.

ROOB Lynn 2018AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

ROOS Géraldine 2019AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ROOS Myriam 1988AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROSA MARTINS Isabelle 2009AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ROSA Sheila 2019AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FERREIRA SARL (2009AC004)

ROSEN Liane 1996AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ROSENFELD Lionel 2016AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Lionel Rosenfeld (2022AC022)

ROSENSTEIN Ivry 2024AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROSKAMP Eric 2022AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ROSSI Andrea 1998AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

ROSSIT ép. SARTORI Ophélie 2024AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ROTOLO Marino 2008AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ROUAULT Mireille 1996AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROUGEAUX Géraldine 2009AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ROUSSEAU Joris 2013AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RUARO Virginie 2023AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RUAULT Pascal 1999AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Pascal Ruault S.à r.l. (2019AC015)

RUBIO Alvaro 1991AG359 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

RUBIO BOIX Juan 2022AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RUCART Cathy 1991AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUR.LU (2008AC008)

RUELLAN Laura 2023AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

RUFFATO Gilles 2010AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

RUSPICIONI Sonia 2008AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

RUZZENE Jessica 2023AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES HOLTZ S.à r.l. unipersonnelle (2002AC007)

SA SANTOS E SILVA Mario 2022AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SAAVEDRA FREITAS Christiane 2024AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SACCHET Maxime 2024AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SACRAS Cristina 2007AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SADLER Michel 2024AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SADLER Romain 1976AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SAELENS Olivier 2024AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SALDANA Alexandria 2006AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SALENTINY Jean 1998AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SALENTINY Patrick 2011AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SALGADO Justine 2024AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SALINGUE Stéphanie Maria 2019AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SALIS Loic 2021AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SALOMON Jil 2012AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SALVATORE Christian 2014AG292 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAMMARTINO Marco 2024AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SANCESARIO Sarah 2021AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DANIEL SANTOS S.à r.l. (2016AC008)

SANCHES CHRISTOVAO Jorge 2010AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANCHIS Marie-Louise 2017AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANCOVA Renée 1993AG286 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

SANDSTROM Eeva 2023AG247 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SANTACA Mara 2019AG366 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SANTER Daniel 2008AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

SANTINHO DE ALMEIDA Joao Luis 2018AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTINHO DE BASTOS Ana Maria 2025AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SANTINI Sandrine 2023AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTINI Sandro 2018AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Sandro SANTINI S.à r.l. (2022AC019)

SANTOS ALVES Cristina 2018AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS CARDOSO Mélanie 2023AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTOS CORDEIRO Tony 2014AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SANTOS Daniel 2014AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DANIEL SANTOS S.à r.l. (2016AC008)

SANTOS Ricardo 2022AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS RODRIGUES Cristina 2012AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS TEIXEIRA Marco Antonio 2012AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTOS TEIXEIRA Tiago Filipe 2024AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

SARDINI Karinne 2013AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SASSEL Jeannot 2003AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SASSI Maria-Antonietta 2019AG319 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE HEIDERSCHEID S.A. (2002AC012)

SASSON Sharon 2008AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAUER Jeanne 1983AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

SAUFNAY Marie-Alice 2020AG249 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SAUVAGE Frédéric 2018AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SAVARY Jean-Baptiste 2023AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAVIC Ratomir 2000AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAACK Roland 1992AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAAF Christiane 1997AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAAF Viviane 2016AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : VMC3 S.à r.l. (2015AC015)

SCHAEFER Marc 2005AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHAEFER Mike 2010AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAEFFER Claudine 1992AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAEFFER Patrick 1986AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAFFENER Viviane 2019AG514 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SCHAMMO Eric 2022AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAMSCHULA Audrey 2014AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

SCHAMSCHULA Tania 2000AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Tania Stein S.àr.l. (2018AC004)

SCHANCK Vincent 1993AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHANDELER Alex 2006AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHARSCHMIDT David 2024AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

SCHARTZ Alain 1992AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAUL Aloyse 1976AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JACOBY-WAMPACH S.à r.l. (2002AC002)

SCHAUL Chris 2011AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Christian 2020AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHAUS Frank 1997AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Marco 2010AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Raymond 1984AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Schaus & Co S.à r.l. (2012AC053)

SCHEER Sandra 2019AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHEER Thomas 2019AG475 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES SCHMITZ & LENTZ s.à r.l. (2022AC008)

SCHEIER Tom 2014AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHERER Carmen 1996AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHERRER Mathieu 2020AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHERRER Thomas 2023AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHETGEN Lynn 2019AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHETTGEN Anhil 2021AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SCHILL Renée 2007AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHILLING Elodie 2022AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

SCHILTZ Justine 2019AG361 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHILTZ Marc 2011AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHILTZ Nadia 1989AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHILTZ Sylvie 2002AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Filipe & Schiltz S.à r.l. (2016AC018)

SCHIMBERG Henri 1974AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHIMPFESSEL Rene 1989AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHINTGEN Luc 1999AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : LS Assurances S.àr.l. (2024AC004)

SCHIRTZ Manou 2007AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHIRTZ Romain 1981AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLEICH Jean-Marie 1990AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLEIMER Nadine 2019AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHLESSER Jenny 2019AG520 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHLESSER Ronald 2005AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

SCHLINK Anne-Catherine 2011AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHLOESSER Leon 1959AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHLOESSER Nora 2016AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHLOESSER Patrick 1990AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLOTTERT Nadine 2014AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMALEN Joël 1998AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

SCHMIDT-BERTEAU Olivier 2022AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Monument Assurance Services Luxembourg S.à r.l. (2022AC006)

SCHMIT Alice 1992AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT André 1966AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SCHMIT Bernard 2013AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Brigitte 1995AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Carlo 1984AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Schmit S.àr.l.-S (2021AC042)

SCHMIT Cindy 2015AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Eugene 1956AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Felix 2019AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Gerard 2007AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

SCHMIT Hilaire 1993AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Jeff 2023AG230 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Joé 2012AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kuhn & Schmit S.à r.l. (2023AC007)

SCHMIT Manon 1990AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHMIT Marc 1974AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SCHMIT S.à.r.l. (2001AC002)

SCHMIT Marcel 1975AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Michele 2011AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Monique 2020AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHMIT Patrick 2008AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Ronny 2011AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Samira 2019AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

SCHMITT Frank 2001AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMITT Gauthier 2021AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SCHMITT Lex 2018AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Cindy 2024AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SCHMITZ Claude 2004AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Cédric 2020AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SCHMITZ Isabelle 2021AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Jean-Marie 1984AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES SCHMITZ & LENTZ s.à r.l. (2022AC008)

SCHMITZ Jean-Paul 1988AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHMITZ Jean-Paul 2009AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMITZ Josiane 2020AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHMITZ Karin 2002AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMITZ Mickael 2007AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREL S.à.r.l. (2014AC001)

SCHMITZ Patrick 2019AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHNAIDT Thilo 2012AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SCHNEIDER Eric 1996AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France; DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau Schneider S.à r.l. (2021AC035)

SCHNEIDER Guillaume 1993AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurance Guillaume Schneider S.àr.l. (2019AC011)

SCHNEIDER Jean-Marie 1978AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHNEIDER Patrick 2001AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHNEIDER Sandra 2020AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.; WEALINS

SCHNEIDERS Steve 2003AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHO Sandra 2011AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOCKWEILER Jean-Marie 1989AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Jean-Marie SCHOCKWEILER S.à.r.l. (2015AC002)

SCHOLER Stéphanie 2018AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHOLER Tom 2017AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHOLTES Fernand 1994AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLTES Luc 2015AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOLTES Maggy 1997AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLTES Mike 1997AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOLTUS Claudine 2020AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

SCHOLTUS Fernand 1972AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLZEN Ernest 1975AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOMAKER Patrick 2023AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOMMER Alex 2011AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

SCHOMMER Gabriel 2023AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SCHOMMER Steven 2010AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOMMERS Andy 2014AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHON Carlo 1984AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHON Francis 1982AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHON Sandy 2014AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHON Thierry 2008AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHONNEN Michele 1996AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHORTGEN Yves 1999AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHRANK Samira 2012AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHREINER Guy 2021AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHREINER Jean-Claude 1989AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHRENGER Mylène 2018AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Carlo 1998AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHROEDER Danielle 1991AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Eliane 2017AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Gilles 2012AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Jean-Paul 1974AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Jeanny 1992AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Joe 2014AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

SCHROEDER Marc 1991AG402 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Mireille 1991AG406 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Nadine 1997AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Paul 1987AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHROEDER Robert 1978AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHULLER Carole 2010AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHULTE Yasmin 2022AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A.

SCHUMACHER Christophe 2019AG432 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHUMACHER Daniel 2000AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMACHER Danielle 1994AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMACHER Francis 1997AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WELTER SARL (2005AC023); Assurmoselle (2024AC003)

SCHUMACHER Patrick 1994AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMAN Philippe 2014AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHUMANN Monique 1999AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUSTER Mirko 2000AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHUTZ Nathalie 2019AG414 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SCHWALL Nadia 2014AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHWARTZ Joé 2012AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : HSA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (2022AC003)

SCHWEBAG Malou 2018AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

SCHWEIG Linda 2020AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHWEIGEN Jean-Paul 1995AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHWEIKHART Arne 2007AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

SCHWEITZER Laurent 2016AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHWEIZER Ilan 2017AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

SCHWINDENHAMMER Nancy 2014AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHÄFER Steffen 2019AG440 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie; LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

SCHÖNEWOLF Christian 2023AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHÜTZ Frederick 2007AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCORNET Francois 2004AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SEBAA Samy 2017AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

SEBASTIAN Alexander 2018AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SECKINGER Carsten 2022AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SEGERS Nancy 1990AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SEHIC Melvisa 2019AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SEIL Joelle 1996AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SELIMOVIC Fahret 2022AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SENORANS GRANDE Miguel Angel 2019AG383 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SEPULCHRE DE SOLIERES Nicolas 2022AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SERAFIM DA CRUZ Nuno Ricardo 2019AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : GALGO S.àr.l. (2012AC054)

SERRURIER Florian 2019AG443 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SEYLER Christiane 1987AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SEYLER Marie-Louise 2001AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SEYLER Romain 1977AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIBONJIC Damir 2011AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SICILIANO Andrea 2023AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SICURANZA Clélia 2023AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SIEBENALER Diane 1988AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIEBENALER Patrick 2000AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

SIEBENALER Paul 1981AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIEBENALER Tom 2022AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER André 1984AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AG SIEBENALLER S.A R.L.-S (2019AC024)

SIEBENALLER Pascale 2005AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER Paul 1991AG341 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER Paul 1996AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SIEBENALLER S.A. (2011AC016)

SIEBENBORN Eric 2016AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SILVA BASTOS Kevin 2011AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SILVA Carla 1993AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LUX-ASSURANCES (2019AC012)

SILVA FREITAS Joao Tiago 2014AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

SILVA MADALENO Cristiana 2022AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

SILVA MADALENO Neuza 2022AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

SILVA MONTEIRO Valery 2023AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SILVA PEREIRA José 2013AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SILVA Rita 2023AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

SIMOES CARDOSO Liliana Sofia 2007AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SIMOES LOPES Daniel 2009AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMOES LOUREIRO Joao Paulo 2025AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

SIMOES MENDES Tãnia 2023AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIMOES PEREIRA Joana 2024AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SIMOKA David 2021AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SIMON Alain 2004AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMON Joël 1991AG392 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

SIMON Marie-Jeanne 1993AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMON Myriam 2016AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SIMON Nadine 1997AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

SIMON Robert 2003AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SINANI David 2019AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SINGER Christine 2019AG466 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SINNER Guy 2023AG254 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SINNER Jean-Baptiste 1979AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : PROTECTIO & IMMO S.à r.l. (2007AC020)

SINNES Guy 2010AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SKIBA Jessica 2022AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SKRIJELJ Aldina 2019AG334 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SKYTH HENRIKSEN Keven 2020AG266 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES RAGUET & HENRIKSEN SARL (2023AC014)

SLAG Marija 2007AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SLEIGHT Lee 2009AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SLIM Hela 2023AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SLOTS Ingrid 2019AG375 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SMOLYANAYA Oxana 2025AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SNIUKAS Joe 2024AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

SOARES CARVALHO Susana 2004AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SOARES DE JESUS Kevin 2016AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOARES NOGUEIRA Miguel 2012AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOARES Susana 2009AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOARES TEIXEIRA Manuel 2019AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SOFIENKO Olga 2004AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOISSON Nicolas 1986AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOKOLOWSKIJ Michail 2019AG459 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SOLIN Michal 2020AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SOMMER Yves 2019AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SONNEN Pia 2004AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOSSONG Thierry 2002AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUKNI Yann 2010AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA DOS REIS Mireille 2023AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA MENDES Christine 1998AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA NASCIMENTO PINTO Otilia Maria 1999AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

SOUSA PASSOS Samantha 2023AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SOUSA PINTO Aurélie 2024AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOUSA PRATA Mélodie 2023AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

SOUSA Quiteria 2018AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

SPAGNOLO Larissa 2023AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SPAGNOLO Vincenzo 1995AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SPANIER Georges 2005AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SPANO Moréno 2003AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SPANO Sébastien 2012AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

SPARVELL David 2024AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Swissquote Bank Europe SA (2014AC005)

SPIRIDIGLIOZZI Giovanni 1995AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Gio SPIRIDIGLIOZZI S.à r.l.-S (2022AC014)

SPRENGER Marc 1997AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SQUADRILLI Vittorio 2018AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STACCHIOTTI Raphaël 2024AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STAGLIANO Berardo 2019AG380 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

STAINIER Magali 2005AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

STAMMEL Frank 2003AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

STASSEN Dirk 2018AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

STAUDT Michel 2004AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFEN Alain 2001AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFEN Carine 2019AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STEFFEN Edouard 1989AG283 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEFFEN Jos 1981AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

STEFFEN Yves 2012AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFES Alain 1996AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEINBACH Edith 1984AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

STEINER Philippe 2020AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEINFELD Michael 2019AG206 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

STEINFORT Jeff 2009AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

STEL Barbara 2022AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

STELMES Marc 1998AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances R. STELMES & FILS S.à r.l. (2004AC017); Agence Générale Stelmes & Machado Succ R. Stelmes S.à r.l. (2025AC001)

STEMPER Cedric 2008AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Dorian 2019AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Servais 1979AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Thierry 2003AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STEPAROVA Oxana 2021AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STEPHANY Jean 1980AG255 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

STEPHANY Matthieu 2013AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STEPHANY Nina 2012AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

STEVENIN Anne-Sophie 2021AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEVENS Michel 2020AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

STEYER Linda 2024AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STIWER Yves 1984AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STOCKREISER Cheryl 2007AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STOFFEL Denise 1978AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

STOJADINOVIC Igor 2011AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

STOLINETS Olga 2018AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

STOLTZ Claire 2021AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STOOS Jean-Claude 1994AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STRACKS Nadia 2023AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

STRANDSTRÖM Joanna 2023AG217 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

STRASSER Christian 2018AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STRASSER Pierre 1989AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurances Pierre STRASSER (2019AC006)

STREICHER Laurent 2020AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STREJMER Katarzyna 2022AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A.

STRENG Joel 2007AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STRICHARTZ Sandy 2017AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

STROTZ Gilles 2011AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SUNNEN Charles 2023AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SVANFELDT Anna 2019AG450 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SZOLLOSY Chris 2013AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SZTURMA Eric 1993AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SZYMANIAK Chloé 2022AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AccountTech S.à r.l. (2021AC038)

TAGLIAFERRI Michela 2019AG369 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

TAN Alex 2020AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

TANA Dany 2018AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Kettel S.à r.l. (2014AC011)

TARA José Manuel 2019AG477 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Malte, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni

TARDIVON Alice 2004AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau Schneider S.à r.l. (2021AC035)

TARPANI Cynthia 2024AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

TAVAN Vanessa 2015AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TAVARES CAMPOS Paulo Jorge 2022AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

TAVARES DA VEIGA Zoélie 2024AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TAVARES DE ALMEIDA Carlos Alberto 2006AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

TAVARES DE OLIVEIRA Ana Patricia 2021AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TAVARES DE PINHO Antonio Carlos 2006AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ANTONIO TAVARES ASSURANCES SARL-S (2023AC012)

TAVARES ESTRELA Sara 2016AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TAVARES José 2006AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

TAVARES MOTA Carlos Miguel 2012AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES TAVARES S.à r.l. (2020AC020)

TAVEIRA DA SILVA Nuno Andre 2014AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

TEERLINCK Marc 2011AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

TEIXEIRA DE CARVALHO Nelson 2006AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : NelAssur S.à r.l. (2019AC022)

TEIXEIRA GONCALVES Marisa 2008AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

TEIXEIRA Jorge 2018AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TEIXEIRA PEREIRA Gabriel Tiago 2017AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

TENNINA Pietro 1995AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TERRANA Joseph 2013AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

TERRENS Laurent 2020AG144 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : 360° Terrens Assurances S.à r.l. (2020AC022)

TERZIMUSTAFIC Edin 2022AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011)

THAI Quan 2002AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THANIER Aurélie 2003AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ZÜRCHER & ASSOCIES S.à.r.l. (2001AC001)

THEIN Daniel 2010AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

THEIS Martine 2000AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : SCHAUS ATM s.à.r.l. (2005AC001)

THEIS Olivier 2021AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THEISEN Gérard 2012AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THEISEN Marylène 2016AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THEISEN Sylvie 1991AG096 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THEISEN Yvette 1987AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

THERASSE Charles 2021AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

THERRES Consty 2004AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

THEVES Christian 2000AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THEWES Veronique 1990AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THIEL Christian 2011AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THIEL Marc 2012AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THIELEN Olivier 2005AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THIERRY Stefan 2023AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

THIEX Christelle 2022AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

THILL Chantal 2007AG291 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THILL Claudine 2011AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

THILL Eric 1999AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

THILL Gaby 1955AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THILL Monique 1994AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THILL Myriam 1994AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THILL Tom 2010AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THILLEN Jacqueline 1992AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THIMMESCH Alain 2016AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

THIMMESCH Mike 1999AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

THINK Olivier Yves 2024AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

THIRY Charel 2016AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

THIRY John 2020AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

THIRY Serge 2022AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

THIRY Yoan 2009AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THIX Paulette 1979AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU SERVICE MOHR Sarl (2010AC017)

THOLL Mireille 1993AG120 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THOMAS Julien 2013AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; Foyer Global Health; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CONCEPT ASSURANCES LUX S.A R.L. (2022AC004)

Thomas Marianne 2003AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

THOME Jean 2023AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

THOME Pascal 1991AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

THOME Steve 2008AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THOMMES Jean-luc 2002AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

THOMMES Joseph 1992AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Jos Thommes (2023AC009)

THORN Christian 2003AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Thorn & Weyer (2015AC008)

THOSS Pia 2001AG214 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THULL Madeline 2017AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

THUM Michael 2001AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

THURMES Steve 1995AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

THYS Philippe 2019AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

TIBOR Ploy 2018AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TIHY Cyrille 2018AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Philippe Hengen SARL (2022AC016)

TILLY Alexandre 2014AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

TINELLI Deborah 2019AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TISNE Romain 2018AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

TITE Mimoza 2019AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TOCCACELI Cindy 2005AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

TOLEDANO Maël 2019AG529 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

TOMAS BREDA TORRES Sonia 2021AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TOMASSINI Luca 2024AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

TOMPERS Carlo 2019AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

TONDU Mylène 2013AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TONIZZO David 2015AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TONIZZO Stéphane 2020AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREL S.à.r.l. (2014AC001)

TORELLI Fabio 1995AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TORRE William 2019AG253 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

TORRES Chantal 2005AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TORRETTI Thierry 2007AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TORZINI Eric 2010AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

TOSSING Romain 2008AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

TOUSCH Franck 2007AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TOUSSAINT Larissa 2024AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TOUSSAINT Muriel 2020AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

TOUVIER Franck 2012AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

TRANCHIDA Ted 2019AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Axa Fernandes, Tranchida & Neumann S.à r.l. (2020AC016)

TRAPANI Davina 2009AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

TRAUDEN John 1976AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TRAUSCH Charles 2007AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TRAVASCIO Monica 2023AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

TREFF Claude 1998AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011)

TRIERWEILER Mathis 2025AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TRIERWEILER Paul 2018AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TRIERWEILER Philippe 2009AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurance Philippe Trierweiler S.à r.l.-S (2018AC006)

TRIFFAUX Jean-François 2023AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

TRINDADE MADEIRA Kevin 2015AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fermassur S.à r.l. (2022AC010)

TRINE Jérôme 2023AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TRIQUET Olivier 2007AG280 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TROCHUT Delphine 2015AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : CASTEL ASSURANCES S.à r.l. (2004AC016)

TRUBLJANIN Elvir 2012AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TUNKL Barbara 1998AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

TURMES Joe 2007AG253 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TURMES Nico 1973AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES TURMES-DHUR S.à r.l. (2007AC022)

TURMES Serge 2004AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

TUZZE Maria Lena 2023AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ULTSCH Julie 2019AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ULVELING Liz 2024AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

URBANI Georges 1977AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

URHAUSEN Jos 2001AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : SECHER ASS SECHER s.à r.l. (2017AC012)

UROSEVIC Goran 2010AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

URSO Romain 2010AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

URSO Stéphanie 2011AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

URTH Alain 2022AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

URY Luc 2003AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CONFISIO S.à r.l. (2007AC023)

UZHAKOVA Evgenia 2021AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VALACCHI Andrea 2020AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VALENTINI Luca 2008AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VALLENTHINI Marc 2015AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

VALLET Claire 2015AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

VAN CAUSBROUCK Maxime 2023AG257 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VAN DEN EEDE Frederik 2021AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VAN DER BIEST Michiel 2022AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VAN GENDT Esther Maria 2019AG289 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VAN GENECHTEN Joelle 2019AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VAN LANDEGHEM Patrick 1989AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURA S.à r.l. (2006AC017)

VAN LERBERGHE Benoit 2003AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG; WEALINS

VAN MERRIS Francois-Xavier 1997AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

VAN RIJSWIJCK Jill 2016AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VAN RIJSWIJCK Pit 2014AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VAN ROYE Kris 2021AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VANCROMBRUGGE Nicolaas 2019AG480 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

VANDENDORPE Nathalie 2015AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VANDEVELDE Pierre 2019AG363 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

VANETTI Luc 2013AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VANHECKE Fabian 2020AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VANHOENACKER Jurgen 2010AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

VASCO DA SILVA Maria 2020AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VASSALO PEREIRA Cindy 2019AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VAZ FERNANDES Megan 2019AG447 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VEIDERS Carl 2020AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VENTRELLA Stéphane 2010AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VERBAERT Didier 1991AG399 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

VERCAUTEREN Sandra 2014AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

VERHAEGHE Sophie 2015AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni

VERHASSELT Cornelia 2019AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VERISSIMO JORDAO Graciosa 2016AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE AXA MONDORF-LES-BAINS S.à r.l. (2017AC006)

VERRYT Angélique 2018AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VICTORIN Florian 2019AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VIEDMA Nuria 2016AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES FEITH S.à r.l. (2013AC005)

VIEIRA DA CUNHA Jose Manuel 1999AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VIEIRA DIESTE Juan Manuel 2022AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

VIEIRA FEIJO Carla Maria 2019AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VIEIRA GASPAR FERNANDES Nelson 2009AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MN ASSURANCES s.àr.l. (2011AC003)

VILLARRUBIA Jonathan 2020AG252 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VINANDY Paul 2024AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VINCENT Valerie 2007AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

VION Pascale 2010AG244 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VISOCCHI Marco 2019AG400 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

VISSER Carla 2019AG485 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VLAD Violeta 2024AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VOLLE Patrice 2021AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

VOLVERT Véronique 2018AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

WAAIJENBERG Annick 1961AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

WAGENER Marc 2018AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGENER Marc 2001AG227 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGENER Nadine 2004AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WAGENER Nicole 1957AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WAGNER Alexa 1982AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WAGNER Christophe 2019AG452 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WAGNER Eric 2018AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Heike 2016AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Jean 1983AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Léonard 2012AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Martine 2011AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MARTINE WAGNER S.à r.l. (2013AC019)

WAGNER Maximilian René 2025AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Michel 2007AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAGNER Nadia 2019AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

WAGNER Nathalie 1995AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WAGNER Pascale 2005AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Pascale et Yannick Mentz S.à r.l. (2007AC021)

WAGNER Roland 2007AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAHL Cindy 1996AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WALESCH Mike 1997AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

WALSH Clair-Louise 2024AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : USAA S.A.

WALTER Frédérique 2023AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MUTUEL LIFE

WAMPACH Deborah 2014AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAMPACH Max 2024AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WAMPACH Nancy 1998AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WAMPACH Patrick 1992AG269 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WAMPACH Patrick 1993AG149 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JACOBY-WAMPACH S.à r.l. (2002AC002)

WAMPACH Yves 2016AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WANTZ Christiane 1994AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WANTZ Tom 2011AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WARKEN Alain 1989AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WARKEN Tom 2004AG189 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WARKEN S.à r.l. (2022AC018)

WARLOMONT Marlène 2009AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

WASMES Alexandre 2022AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

WATRY Stéphanie 1999AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE ZENNER s.à r.l. (2017AC016)

WAX Francine 1995AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

WEBER Colette 1987AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEBER Elisa 2025AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEBER Fernande 1991AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Frank 2016AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Gabriel 1996AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Gilles 2011AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Juliette 1991AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Kemp-Weber S.à r.l.-S. (2021AC036)

WEBER Justin 1971AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEBER Jörg 2002AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Natascha 2003AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Pascale 2014AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Philippe 2010AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE F. DECKENBRUNNEN S.à r.l. (2018AC012)

WEBER Pierre 1985AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

WEBER Pit 2016AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEBER Vicky 1989AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEBER Yves 2011AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEEMAES Delphine 2024AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

WEIBEL Antoinette Anne 2018AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

WEIDES Marc 1981AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEIDIG Claudine 1991AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEIER Sam 2023AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WEILER Eliane 1987AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEILER Fernand 1990AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEILER Luc 2017AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEILER Patrick 2006AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEILER Sandra 1997AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEIMERSKIRCH Guy 1989AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

WEINZIERL Raoul 1991AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEIS Doris 1989AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEIS Stefan 2019AG386 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

WEISER Anne-Marie 2019AG437 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WEISS Christian 2001AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES WEISS Sàrl (2013AC002)

WEISS Rosy 1996AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

WEISS Yannick 2002AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES WEISS Sàrl (2013AC002)

WEISSEN Jeff 2014AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Wahl & May S.à r.l. succ. Da Cruz, Rech, Weissen (2018AC009)

WELBES Philippe 2014AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : westPOINT LUXEMBOURG S.à r.l. (2014AC006)

WELFRING Anita 2008AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau Schneider S.à r.l. (2021AC035)

WELSCHBILLIG Nathalie 2018AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WELSCHER Veronique 1995AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

WELTER Claude 2003AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WELTER Isabelle 2022AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

WELTER Marc 2003AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WELTER Marie-France 1998AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WELTER Viviane 1989AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WELZ Jérôme 2013AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WENNER Philippe 1989AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

WERNER Françoise 2021AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WEWER Marie-Paule 1959AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEWER Sandra 2021AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEYDERT Gaby 1981AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

WEYER Tom 2007AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Thorn & Weyer (2015AC008)

WEYLAND Eric 2000AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

WEYLAND Romain 2021AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEYNANDT Corinne 2014AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WEYNANDT Roland 1981AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WEYRICH Laurent 2003AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WICKLER Mariette 1947AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

WILHELM Erik 2024AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WILHELM Pierre 2023AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WILLEMS Carole 2002AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WILLEMS Samuel 2020AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

WILLEMSEN Alexandra 2020AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fernandes Alves Assurances S.à r.l. (2023AC008)

WILTGEN Anouk 2021AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Rollinger & Leick (2012AC037)

WINANDY Alain 2007AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WINANDY Anna Teresa Maria 2025AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WINANDY Anne 2014AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Kettel S.à r.l. (2014AC011)

WINANDY Florent 2023AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WINANDY Joseph 1976AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WINANDY Marc 1987AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WINKIN Pierre 1956AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WINTERSDORF Guy 1979AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

WINTERSDORFF Jean-Marc 2006AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WIRTH Chantal 2002AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WIRTZ-PEITZ Christina 2017AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WIWINIUS Jerome 2004AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WODELET Michel 1991AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WOLAK Edmond 1993AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

WOLETZ Bernd 2007AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WOLFF Claude 1991AG157 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WOLFF Sony 1998AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

WOLMERING Vicky 2023AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

WOLTER Carole 2017AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WOLTER Gilbert 1986AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : FOYER DISTRIBUTION (2010AC015)

WOLTER Mike 2022AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

WOUTERS Luc 2005AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

XAVIER Isabel 2021AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

YIP Vincent 2009AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZACCAGNINI Manuela 2020AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ZACCARIA Salvatore 2020AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ZAGALO RIBEIRO Fernando Manuel 2020AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ZAGO Bob 2020AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZAGO Nico 1994AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Nico Zago & Partners SARL. (2024AC009); T.J.B. SARL (2005AC009)

ZAHLEN Jacques 2019AG472 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

ZANELLA Anicée 2024AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

ZANON Diana 2019AG232 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURIMMO CONCEPT S.à r.l. (2010AC026)

ZANUSSI Cristina 1999AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZAOUI Mimouna 2007AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ZAWORSKI Christelle 2012AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

ZAYER Kevin 2018AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

ZEGAI Sonia 2024AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LLOYD'S INSURANCE COMPANY S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Howden Specialty Agency Luxembourg S.à r.l. (2020AC023)

ZEIEN Sandro 2016AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ZEIMET Jerry 2014AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZEIMET Ralph 2013AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZEIMETZ Charles 2012AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ZELENIKA Jadranko 2001AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURSUD S.à r.l. (2011AC020)

ZENNER David 2013AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE ZENNER s.à r.l. (2017AC016)

ZENNER Nico 1982AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE ZENNER s.à r.l. (2017AC016)

ZEYEN Jacques 1992AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZEZOVSKI Goran 2018AG249 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZHAN Nico 2017AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : 8 Infinity S.à r.l. (2023AC011)

ZHANG Cindy Xin 2024AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUR OMNIUM S.A. (2004AC003)

ZIEBART Patrick 2019AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ZIGRAND Christiane 1993AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZIMMER Gérard 2009AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZIMMER Jean-Paul 2011AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZIMMER José 2009AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ZIMMER Laurent 2020AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ZIMMER Laurent 1992AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZIMMER Ralph 2009AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

ZIMMER Samantha 2011AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZIMMERMANN Valérie 2019AG419 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

ZINNEN Guido 1999AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

ZITTERBART Lisa 2017AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

ZOGRAFOU Olga 2020AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

ZOUAOUI Hassina 2023AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

ZUIDBERG Angela 1993AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

ZWIEBEL Mariette 1987AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURA S.à r.l. (2006AC017)

ÖSTLUND Frederik 2023AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1