Insurance agents

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Name Registration number Address  
VALACCHI Andrea 2020AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VALENTINI Luca 2008AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VALLENTHINI Marc 2015AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

VALLET Claire 2015AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

VAN CAUSBROUCK Maxime 2023AG257 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VAN DEN EEDE Frederik 2021AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VAN DER BIEST Michiel 2022AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VAN GENDT Esther Maria 2019AG289 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VAN GENECHTEN Joelle 2019AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VAN LANDEGHEM Patrick 1989AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURA S.à r.l. (2006AC017)

VAN LERBERGHE Benoit 2003AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG; WEALINS

VAN MERRIS Francois-Xavier 1997AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

VAN RIJSWIJCK Jill 2016AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VAN RIJSWIJCK Pit 2014AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VAN ROYE Kris 2021AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VANCROMBRUGGE Nicolaas 2019AG480 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

VANDENDORPE Nathalie 2015AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VANDEVELDE Pierre 2019AG363 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

VANETTI Luc 2013AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VANHECKE Fabian 2020AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

VANHOENACKER Jurgen 2010AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

VASCO DA SILVA Maria 2020AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VASSALO PEREIRA Cindy 2019AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VAZ FERNANDES Megan 2019AG447 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VEIDERS Carl 2020AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VENTRELLA Stéphane 2010AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VERBAERT Didier 1991AG399 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

VERCAUTEREN Sandra 2014AG186 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

VERHAEGHE Sophie 2015AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni

VERHASSELT Cornelia 2019AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VERISSIMO JORDAO Graciosa 2016AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE AXA MONDORF-LES-BAINS S.à r.l. (2017AC006)

VERRYT Angélique 2018AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VICTORIN Florian 2019AG216 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VIEDMA Nuria 2016AG117 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES FEITH S.à r.l. (2013AC005)

VIEIRA DA CUNHA Jose Manuel 1999AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

VIEIRA DIESTE Juan Manuel 2022AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

VIEIRA FEIJO Carla Maria 2019AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

VIEIRA GASPAR FERNANDES Nelson 2009AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MN ASSURANCES s.àr.l. (2011AC003)

VILLARRUBIA Jonathan 2020AG252 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VINANDY Paul 2024AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

VINCENT Valerie 2007AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

VION Pascale 2010AG244 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

VISOCCHI Marco 2019AG400 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

VISSER Carla 2019AG485 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

VLAD Violeta 2024AG068 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

VOLLE Patrice 2021AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

VOLVERT Véronique 2018AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1