Insurance agents

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Name Registration number Address  
SA SANTOS E SILVA Mario 2022AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SAAVEDRA FREITAS Christiane 2024AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SACCHET Maxime 2024AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SACRAS Cristina 2007AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SADLER Michel 2024AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SADLER Romain 1976AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SAELENS Olivier 2024AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SALDANA Alexandria 2006AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SALENTINY Jean 1998AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SALENTINY Patrick 2011AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SALGADO Justine 2024AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SALINGUE Stéphanie Maria 2019AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SALIS Loic 2021AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SALOMON Jil 2012AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SALVATORE Christian 2014AG292 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAMMARTINO Marco 2024AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SANCESARIO Sarah 2021AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DANIEL SANTOS S.à r.l. (2016AC008)

SANCHES CHRISTOVAO Jorge 2010AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANCHIS Marie-Louise 2017AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANCOVA Renée 1993AG286 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

SANDSTROM Eeva 2023AG247 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SANTACA Mara 2019AG366 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SANTER Daniel 2008AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

SANTINHO DE ALMEIDA Joao Luis 2018AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTINHO DE BASTOS Ana Maria 2025AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SANTINI Sandrine 2023AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTINI Sandro 2018AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Sandro SANTINI S.à r.l. (2022AC019)

SANTOS ALVES Cristina 2018AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS CARDOSO Mélanie 2023AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTOS CORDEIRO Tony 2014AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SANTOS Daniel 2014AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DANIEL SANTOS S.à r.l. (2016AC008)

SANTOS Ricardo 2022AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS RODRIGUES Cristina 2012AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SANTOS TEIXEIRA Marco Antonio 2012AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SANTOS TEIXEIRA Tiago Filipe 2024AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

SARDINI Karinne 2013AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SASSEL Jeannot 2003AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SASSI Maria-Antonietta 2019AG319 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE HEIDERSCHEID S.A. (2002AC012)

SASSON Sharon 2008AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAUER Jeanne 1983AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity


The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

SAUFNAY Marie-Alice 2020AG249 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SAUVAGE Frédéric 2018AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SAVARY Jean-Baptiste 2023AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SAVIC Ratomir 2000AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAACK Roland 1992AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAAF Christiane 1997AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAAF Viviane 2016AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : VMC3 S.à r.l. (2015AC015)

SCHAEFER Marc 2005AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHAEFER Mike 2010AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAEFFER Claudine 1992AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAEFFER Patrick 1986AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAFFENER Viviane 2019AG514 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SCHAMMO Eric 2022AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAMSCHULA Audrey 2014AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

SCHAMSCHULA Tania 2000AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Tania Stein S.àr.l. (2018AC004)

SCHANCK Vincent 1993AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHANDELER Alex 2006AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHARSCHMIDT David 2024AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

SCHARTZ Alain 1992AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHAUL Aloyse 1976AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : JACOBY-WAMPACH S.à r.l. (2002AC002)

SCHAUL Chris 2011AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Christian 2020AG035 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHAUS Frank 1997AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Marco 2010AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHAUS Raymond 1984AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Schaus & Co S.à r.l. (2012AC053)

SCHEER Sandra 2019AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHEER Thomas 2019AG475 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES SCHMITZ & LENTZ s.à r.l. (2022AC008)

SCHEIER Tom 2014AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHERER Carmen 1996AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHERRER Mathieu 2020AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHERRER Thomas 2023AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHETGEN Lynn 2019AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHETTGEN Anhil 2021AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SCHILL Renée 2007AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHILLING Elodie 2022AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

SCHILTZ Justine 2019AG361 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHILTZ Marc 2011AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHILTZ Nadia 1989AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHILTZ Sylvie 2002AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Filipe & Schiltz S.à r.l. (2016AC018)

SCHIMBERG Henri 1974AG033 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHIMPFESSEL Rene 1989AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHINTGEN Luc 1999AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : LS Assurances S.àr.l. (2024AC004)

SCHIRTZ Manou 2007AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHIRTZ Romain 1981AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLEICH Jean-Marie 1990AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLEIMER Nadine 2019AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHLESSER Jenny 2019AG520 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHLESSER Ronald 2005AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

SCHLINK Anne-Catherine 2011AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHLOESSER Leon 1959AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHLOESSER Nora 2016AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHLOESSER Patrick 1990AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHLOTTERT Nadine 2014AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMALEN Joël 1998AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

SCHMIDT-BERTEAU Olivier 2022AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Monument Assurance Services Luxembourg S.à r.l. (2022AC006)

SCHMIT Alice 1992AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT André 1966AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SCHMIT Bernard 2013AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Brigitte 1995AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Carlo 1984AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'Assurances Schmit S.àr.l.-S (2021AC042)

SCHMIT Cindy 2015AG128 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Eugene 1956AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Felix 2019AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Gerard 2007AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

SCHMIT Hilaire 1993AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Jeff 2023AG230 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Joé 2012AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Kuhn & Schmit S.à r.l. (2023AC007)

SCHMIT Manon 1990AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHMIT Marc 1974AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SCHMIT S.à.r.l. (2001AC002)

SCHMIT Marcel 1975AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Michele 2011AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMIT Monique 2020AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHMIT Patrick 2008AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Ronny 2011AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMIT Samira 2019AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

SCHMITT Frank 2001AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHMITT Gauthier 2021AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SCHMITT Lex 2018AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Cindy 2024AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SCHMITZ Claude 2004AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Cédric 2020AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

SCHMITZ Isabelle 2021AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHMITZ Jean-Marie 1984AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : BUREAU D'ASSURANCES SCHMITZ & LENTZ s.à r.l. (2022AC008)

SCHMITZ Jean-Paul 2009AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMITZ Jean-Paul 1988AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHMITZ Josiane 2020AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHMITZ Karin 2002AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHMITZ Mickael 2007AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSUREL S.à.r.l. (2014AC001)

SCHMITZ Patrick 2019AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHNAIDT Thilo 2012AG168 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SCHNEIDER Eric 1996AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France; DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau Schneider S.à r.l. (2021AC035)

SCHNEIDER Guillaume 1993AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurance Guillaume Schneider S.àr.l. (2019AC011)

SCHNEIDER Jean-Marie 1978AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHNEIDER Patrick 2001AG072 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHNEIDER Sandra 2020AG256 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.; WEALINS

SCHNEIDERS Steve 2003AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHO Sandra 2011AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOCKWEILER Jean-Marie 1989AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Jean-Marie SCHOCKWEILER S.à.r.l. (2015AC002)

SCHOLER Stéphanie 2018AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHOLER Tom 2017AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHOLTES Fernand 1994AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLTES Luc 2015AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOLTES Maggy 1997AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLTES Mike 1997AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOLTUS Claudine 2020AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

SCHOLTUS Fernand 1972AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOLZEN Ernest 1975AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHOMAKER Patrick 2023AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOMMER Alex 2011AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

SCHOMMER Gabriel 2023AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

SCHOMMER Steven 2010AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHOMMERS Andy 2014AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHON Carlo 1984AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHON Francis 1982AG133 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHON Sandy 2014AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHON Thierry 2008AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHONNEN Michele 1996AG103 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHORTGEN Yves 1999AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHRANK Samira 2012AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHREINER Guy 2021AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHREINER Jean-Claude 1989AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHRENGER Mylène 2018AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Carlo 1998AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE D'ASSURANCES SCHON S.A.R.L. (2010AC004)

SCHROEDER Danielle 1991AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Eliane 2017AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Gilles 2012AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Jean-Paul 1974AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHROEDER Jeanny 1992AG089 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Joe 2014AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

SCHROEDER Marc 1991AG402 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Mireille 1991AG406 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Nadine 1997AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHROEDER Paul 1987AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

SCHROEDER Robert 1978AG021 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHULLER Carole 2010AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHULTE Yasmin 2022AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A.

SCHUMACHER Christophe 2019AG432 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHUMACHER Daniel 2000AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMACHER Danielle 1994AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMACHER Francis 1997AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE WELTER SARL (2005AC023); Assurmoselle (2024AC003)

SCHUMACHER Patrick 1994AG231 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUMAN Philippe 2014AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHUMANN Monique 1999AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHUSTER Mirko 2000AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHUTZ Nathalie 2019AG414 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SCHWALL Nadia 2014AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCHWARTZ Joé 2012AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : HSA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. (2022AC003)

SCHWEBAG Malou 2018AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

SCHWEIG Linda 2020AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SCHWEIGEN Jean-Paul 1995AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SCHWEIKHART Arne 2007AG242 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

SCHWEITZER Laurent 2016AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHWEIZER Ilan 2017AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

SCHWINDENHAMMER Nancy 2014AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SCHÄFER Steffen 2019AG440 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie; LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

SCHÖNEWOLF Christian 2023AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SCHÜTZ Frederick 2007AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SCORNET Francois 2004AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SEBAA Samy 2017AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURPARTNER s.à r.l. (2015AC005)

SEBASTIAN Alexander 2018AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SECKINGER Carsten 2022AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SEGERS Nancy 1990AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SEHIC Melvisa 2019AG183 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SEIL Joelle 1996AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SELIMOVIC Fahret 2022AG076 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SENORANS GRANDE Miguel Angel 2019AG383 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SEPULCHRE DE SOLIERES Nicolas 2022AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

SERAFIM DA CRUZ Nuno Ricardo 2019AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : GALGO S.àr.l. (2012AC054)

SERRURIER Florian 2019AG443 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SEYLER Christiane 1987AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SEYLER Marie-Louise 2001AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SEYLER Romain 1977AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIBONJIC Damir 2011AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SICILIANO Andrea 2023AG205 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SICURANZA Clélia 2023AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SIEBENALER Diane 1988AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIEBENALER Patrick 2000AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

SIEBENALER Paul 1981AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIEBENALER Tom 2022AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER André 1984AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AG SIEBENALLER S.A R.L.-S (2019AC024)

SIEBENALLER Pascale 2005AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER Paul 1991AG341 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIEBENALLER Paul 1996AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES SIEBENALLER S.A. (2011AC016)

SIEBENBORN Eric 2016AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SILVA BASTOS Kevin 2011AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SILVA Carla 1993AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LUX-ASSURANCES (2019AC012)

SILVA FREITAS Joao Tiago 2014AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : THEISEN & ASSOCIÉS, Agence Principale d'Assurances S.à r.l. (2008AC004)

SILVA MADALENO Cristiana 2022AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

SILVA MADALENO Neuza 2022AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

SILVA MONTEIRO Valery 2023AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SILVA PEREIRA José 2013AG194 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SILVA Rita 2023AG118 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

SIMOES CARDOSO Liliana Sofia 2007AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

SIMOES LOPES Daniel 2009AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMOES LOUREIRO Joao Paulo 2025AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

SIMOES MENDES Tãnia 2023AG156 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SIMOES PEREIRA Joana 2024AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SIMOKA David 2021AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SIMON Alain 2004AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMON Joël 1991AG392 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

SIMON Marie-Jeanne 1993AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SIMON Myriam 2016AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SIMON Nadine 1997AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Baloise Distribution SARL (2010AC001)

SIMON Robert 2003AG224 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SINANI David 2019AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SINGER Christine 2019AG466 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SINNER Guy 2023AG254 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SINNER Jean-Baptiste 1979AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : PROTECTIO & IMMO S.à r.l. (2007AC020)

SINNES Guy 2010AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SKIBA Jessica 2022AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SKRIJELJ Aldina 2019AG334 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SKYTH HENRIKSEN Keven 2020AG266 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES RAGUET & HENRIKSEN SARL (2023AC014)

SLAG Marija 2007AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SLEIGHT Lee 2009AG132 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SLIM Hela 2023AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SLOTS Ingrid 2019AG375 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SMOLYANAYA Oxana 2025AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

SNIUKAS Joe 2024AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

SOARES CARVALHO Susana 2004AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SOARES DE JESUS Kevin 2016AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOARES NOGUEIRA Miguel 2012AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOARES Susana 2009AG250 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOARES TEIXEIRA Manuel 2019AG207 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SOFIENKO Olga 2004AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOISSON Nicolas 1986AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOKOLOWSKIJ Michail 2019AG459 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SOLIN Michal 2020AG147 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

SOMMER Yves 2019AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SONNEN Pia 2004AG130 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOSSONG Thierry 2002AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUKNI Yann 2010AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA DOS REIS Mireille 2023AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA MENDES Christine 1998AG054 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SOUSA NASCIMENTO PINTO Otilia Maria 1999AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Schroeder & Molling Agence S.à r.l. (2021AC041)

SOUSA PASSOS Samantha 2023AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SOUSA PINTO Aurélie 2024AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SOUSA PRATA Mélodie 2023AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ALPHA ASSURANCES (2013AC013)

SOUSA Quiteria 2018AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

SPAGNOLO Larissa 2023AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

SPAGNOLO Vincenzo 1995AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SPANIER Georges 2005AG166 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SPANO Moréno 2003AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

SPANO Sébastien 2012AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Monument Assurance Luxembourg S.A.

SPARVELL David 2024AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Swissquote Bank Europe SA (2014AC005)

SPIRIDIGLIOZZI Giovanni 1995AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Gio SPIRIDIGLIOZZI S.à r.l.-S (2022AC014)

SPRENGER Marc 1997AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SQUADRILLI Vittorio 2018AG212 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STACCHIOTTI Raphaël 2024AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STAGLIANO Berardo 2019AG380 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

STAINIER Magali 2005AG073 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

STAMMEL Frank 2003AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

STASSEN Dirk 2018AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

STAUDT Michel 2004AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFEN Alain 2001AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFEN Carine 2019AG282 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STEFFEN Edouard 1989AG283 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEFFEN Jos 1981AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

STEFFEN Yves 2012AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEFFES Alain 1996AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEINBACH Edith 1984AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

STEINER Philippe 2020AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STEINFELD Michael 2019AG206 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

STEINFORT Jeff 2009AG030 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

STEL Barbara 2022AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

STELMES Marc 1998AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances R. STELMES & FILS S.à r.l. (2004AC017); Agence Générale Stelmes & Machado Succ R. Stelmes S.à r.l. (2025AC001)

STEMPER Cedric 2008AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Dorian 2019AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Servais 1979AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEMPER Thierry 2003AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STEPAROVA Oxana 2021AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

STEPHANY Jean 1980AG255 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

STEPHANY Matthieu 2013AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STEPHANY Nina 2012AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

STEVENIN Anne-Sophie 2021AG088 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STEVENS Michel 2020AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

STEYER Linda 2024AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STIWER Yves 1984AG195 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STOCKREISER Cheryl 2007AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STOFFEL Denise 1978AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

STOJADINOVIC Igor 2011AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

STOLINETS Olga 2018AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

STOLTZ Claire 2021AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STOOS Jean-Claude 1994AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

STRACKS Nadia 2023AG223 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KANI S.à r.l. (2018AC010)

STRANDSTRÖM Joanna 2023AG217 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

STRASSER Christian 2018AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

STRASSER Pierre 1989AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurances Pierre STRASSER (2019AC006)

STREICHER Laurent 2020AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STREJMER Katarzyna 2022AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ZURICH EUROLIFE S.A.

STRENG Joel 2007AG040 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

STRICHARTZ Sandy 2017AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES ROLAND HERMES S.à r.l. (2005AC004)

STROTZ Gilles 2011AG102 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SUNNEN Charles 2023AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SVANFELDT Anna 2019AG450 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

SZOLLOSY Chris 2013AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

SZTURMA Eric 1993AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

SZYMANIAK Chloé 2022AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AccountTech S.à r.l. (2021AC038)

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1