Insurance agents

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Name Registration number Address  
D'AIGREMONT Renaud 2015AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

D'ANZICO Pit 2022AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA CONCEICAO GRANGEIA Jakeline 2011AG246 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Jak CONSULTING (2014AC014)

DA COSTA Béatrice 2014AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ERRICO, RASTODER & TORZINI SARL (2012AC041)

DA COSTA CUNHA Cindy 2022AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Joé 2023AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA LOPES Vitor Bruno 2021AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Mario 2016AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Da Costa & Associés S.àr.l. (2016AC016)

DA COSTA Paula 2017AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA TEIXEIRA Teresa 2025AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA COSTA Zulmiro 2011AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

DA CRUZ ANDRE Cindy 2009AG245 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA CRUZ Angela 2014AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA CRUZ Catarina 2019AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : GERONZI & BIERSBACH S.àr.l. (2003AC011)

DA CRUZ Dean 2023AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA CRUZ DIAS Fábio 2009AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Wahl & May S.à r.l. succ. Da Cruz, Rech, Weissen (2018AC009)

DA CRUZ FARIA Jessica 2023AG204 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA CRUZ PAIS Sonia 2023AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA CRUZ Victor 2016AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA CUNHA Daniel 2017AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA FONSECA FERNANDES Sandra 2019AG101 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES FERREIRA SARL (2009AC004)

DA FONSECA Odette 2019AG318 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA NATIVIDADE BASTOS Catia 2016AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

DA QUELHA GONCALVES Ana Paula 2022AG172 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA ROCHA LOURENCO Carina Isabel 2011AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA AFONSO Joëlle 2023AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA ALVES Fernando Manuel 2013AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fernandes Alves Assurances S.à r.l. (2023AC008)

DA SILVA ANGELO Kelly 2023AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Bruno Miguel 2009AG171 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA SILVA Carlos Manuel 2020AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DA SILVA CARNEIRO Vitor 2002AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Cindy 2019AG356 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DA SILVA COLACO Filipa 2025AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DA SILVA CORREIA Leandro José 2016AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Claudiano S.à r.l. (2017AC007)

DA SILVA COSTA Heitor 2016AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA DIAS Marie-Jose 2007AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GOMES Sylvie 2009AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GOMES Yvonne 2018AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GONCALVES Eva 2024AG029 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA GONCALVES Marco 2008AG210 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MN ASSURANCES s.àr.l. (2011AC003)

DA SILVA GONCALVES Nelia 2007AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DA SILVA Johnny 2018AG145 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Lauriane 2017AG067 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES BARONE S.à r.l. (2015AC016)

DA SILVA LOPES Lionela 2012AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA Mauro 2014AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DA SILVA Paula 1994AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA PAULOS Julio 1950AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

DA SILVA Sonia 2022AG113 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DA SILVA SOUSA Filipa 2024AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MobIsto S.à r.l. (2014AC016)

DA SILVA TAVARES Anna 2006AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DA SILVA VIEIRA Jose Antonio 2010AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DACO Denis 2000AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale d'Assurances Rombach-Martelange S.à r.l. (2011AC005)

DADDATO Michelangelo 2019AG265 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAHM Gaston 1960AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAHM Liette 2022AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DALEIDEN Fabienne 2019AG305 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MOLLING Patrick Agence, S. à r.l. (2006AC011)

DALIER Pierre 2023AG198 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DALL'O Nadine 2023AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DALLA-VALERIA Nathalie 2021AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DAMAS MAGALHAES Pedro 2001AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Asfalia s.à r.l. (2011AC009)

DAMIT Henri 1979AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DAMIT Raymond 1986AG099 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DANGLADE Séverine 2024AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DANJOU Xavier 2007AG052 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DAOUD Sami 2007AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DAPRILE Stefanino 2000AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DAS NEVES Audrey 2023AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DAS NEVES BENTO Sandra 2019AG458 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DASKALAKIS Marie 2019AG377 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DAUTBASIC Amer 2019AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DAUTEL Isabelle 1994AG175 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DAVID Americo 1994AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DAVID AMERICO SARL (2011AC008)

DE ALMEIDA NUNES Igor Filipe 2024AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE ALMEIDA Philippe 2015AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : EQUIDEM S.àr.l. (2009AC020)

DE ALMEIDA Sarah 2024AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DE AMORIM ARAUJO Teresa 2017AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

DE AMORIM GONCALVES Ricardo 2019AG274 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE ANGELIS Nicolas 2019AG371 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE BARSY Pauline 2019AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DE BIASIO Stefania 2018AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE BOM VAN DRIESSCHE Eric 2022AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DE BRITO DO SELEIRO Victor 2003AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE BUSSAC Florian-Briac 2023AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DE FREITAS Christine 2018AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : MANZA SSURANCES S.àr.l (2011AC015)

DE GRAEVE Véronique 2023AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE IACO Andrea 2018AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

DE IULIIS Luca 2023AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE LA HOZ Nathalie 2003AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

The agent is attached to the agency : GERCO IMMO S.àr.l. (2009AC019)

DE LA INFIESTA Luis 2019AG476 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : The OneLife Company S.A. avec LPS en Belgique, Espagne, France, Malte, Pologne, Portugal, Royaume-Uni

DE LEMOS MENDES Sergio 2012AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DE LORENZI Luca 2023AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MARC GILSON SARL (2011AC030)

DE MARCHI Daniel 2007AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DE MARIA DI BARI Sabrina 2002AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE MATOS Sandra 2025AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DE METS Lieve 2019AG409 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE MORAIS André 2015AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DE MOURA Andrea 2010AG036 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DE MUYNCK Michele 1996AG080 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

DE OLIVEIRA MEDEIROS Andreia 2022AG086 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE OLIVEIRA NUNES Andy 2019AG109 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DE OLIVEIRA SIMOES Rodrigo 2020AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DE PAOLI Pascale 1992AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES DE PAOLI Sàrl-S (2019AC014)

DE POTTER D'INDOYE Amaury 2012AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Finlande, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni, Suède

DE SOUSA ALVES Samuel 2023AG114 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DE SOUSA Andrea 2019AG464 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Sandro SANTINI S.à r.l. (2022AC019)

DE SOUSA Helder 2014AG274 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DE SOUSA SACRAS Mandy 2023AG179 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DE SOUSA SERRANO KELLY 2022AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

De WAZIERES Ambroise 2014AG146 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DE WEIRT Leene 2019AG364 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DE ZORZI Anne-Laure 2020AG248 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEBATY Sylvie 2011AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEBRA Annick 1999AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

DEBRABANDER Lutgart 2005AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DEBRY Anthonin 2023AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DECKENBRUNNEN Frank 2011AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE F. DECKENBRUNNEN S.à r.l. (2018AC012)

DECKENBRUNNEN Michel 1963AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE GENERALE DECKENBRUNNEN (2010AC020)

DECKER Claudine 2009AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DECKER Marie-Rose 2000AG056 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEGANO Mike 2014AG270 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : DEGANO & PARTNERS (2024AC010)

DEGANO Nino 1973AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DEGANO & PARTNERS (2024AC010)

DEGRAND Romaine 1999AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEHARCHIES Julien 2009AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

DEISKES Roxane 2016AG025 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEISKES Vanessa 2019AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Pundel S.à r.l. (2013AC022)

DEJON Eric 2015AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DEKONING Maxine 2020AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : ASSICURAZIONI GENERALI S.p.A.-LUXEMBOURG BRANCH

DEL BENE Vito 2019AG329 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

Del Mul Fabienne 2019AG429 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DELAGARDELLE Germain 2011AG069 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

DELANNE Mayra 2016AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELANNE Olivier 2019AG341 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DELAPORTE Emile 1963AG038 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELAPORTE Guy 2004AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELAVALLE Jérôme 2023AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DELHEZ Patrick 1996AG153 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DELIGNY Jerome 2008AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURSUD S.à r.l. (2011AC020)

DELLA SCHIAVA Eric 2010AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ACTUEL IMMOBILIERE S.àr.l. (2011AC006)

DELLA SIEGA Stevenson 2003AG005 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

DELLA-VECCHIA Adan 2025AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DELLI CARPINI Alexandre 2025AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

Delli Zotti Isabelle 2019AG465 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DELOT Sandrine 2018AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

DELPLANQUE France 2019AG418 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

DELRUE Nadine 2024AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEMAREST Nicolas 2007AG279 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Royaume-Uni

DEMEULDER Laurent 2010AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEMUTH Christophe 2016AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DENEFFE Christelle 2024AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DENELL Gilbert 1981AG262 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DENGLER Marie-Therese 1993AG061 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DENIGRO Vittorio 2008AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DENTZER Raoul 2025AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DEPIENNE Lynn 2022AG082 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DEPIESSE William 2022AG037 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

DEPREZ Philippe 2023AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DEPREZ Philippe Antoine 1999AG058 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

DERAPPE Jeff 2007AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DERFALOU Karima 2018AG066 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DERIDDER Geert 2020AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DERIEUW Marie-Laure Patricia 2023AG203 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DERSIN Marie-Dominique 2005AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE Henri BRAUN ET ASSOCIES SARL (2024AC011); Bureau d'assurances Braun S.à r.l. (2013AC008)

DESBORDES Isabelle 1989AG264 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DESBORDES Julien 2023AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DESBORDES Yves 1983AG190 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DESSY Eddy 1994AG261 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DETERME Mandy 2014AG177 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DETTORI Davide 2023AG032 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DEUTSCH Nathalie 2021AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

DEVACHT Sabrina 2010AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

DEVILERS Tiffany 2025AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DEVILLET Laurence 2024AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

DEVISCOUR Myriam 2009AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DHUR Patrick 2001AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI BARTOLOMEO Gilles 2011AG136 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI BENEDETTO Claudio 2014AG167 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DI DEDDA Renato 1989AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DI GENNARO Mara 1949AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DI GIAMMATTEO Stéphanie 2017AG093 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI LAURO Maria 2005AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DI NARDO Christian 1998AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : DINA s.à r.l. (2016AC009)

DI PRIZIO Adriano 2024AG097 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DI SANTOLO Albert 2009AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TERESA ALVES Raffaele 2025AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TRANI Nunzio 1995AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DI TULLIO Eloise 2021AG111 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS Catherine 2016AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

DIAS CORREIA Stefanie 2024AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS CORREIRA Catarina 2014AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS DA CRUZ Sam 2015AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DIAS DE CASTRO GONCALVES Helder Joaquim 2018AG122 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS DE MAGALHAES Filipe 2016AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIAS MARQUES Cindy 2010AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

DIAS MATIAS Sara 2023AG192 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DIAS RAMADA Filipe 2008AG169 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DIAS RAMADA Luis 2012AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Figueiredo Patrimonium S.à r.l. (2011AC013); SMART ASSURANCES (2023AC010)

DIAS Rui 2014AG243 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DIAS Sandra 2014AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIAS Silvia 2019AG199 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DIAS TAVARES Solange 2016AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIEDERICH Anna 2024AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIEDERICH Michel 2000AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : A.M.D. S.à r.l. (2024AC008)

DIEDERICH Sven Arnold 2025AG043 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DIENER André 2009AG094 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

DIESCHBOURG Marthe 1991AG305 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIESCHBOURG Tammy 2020AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence GREISCH Steve S.à r.l. (2021AC034)

DIEUDONNE Stéphane 2020AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DIEUX Nicolas 2020AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FM INSURANCE EUROPE S.A.

DILION Tatiana 2019AG298 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIMMER Anne 2016AG208 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

DIN Emine 2013AG024 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIN Hulya 2023AG241 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DIOGO CARVAS Michel 2012AG164 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Versechert s.à r.l. (2015AC009)

DISIVISCOUR Yves 1992AG335 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DO CANTO Dany 2020AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Delagardelle & Thomé S.à r.l. (2021AC040)

DO ESPIRITO SANTO DIAS Fernando Manuel 2014AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

DO NASCIMENTO LOPES Ivo Claudio 2021AG020 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DO SENHOR Edgar 2025AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOHM André 2009AG108 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Générale Santer et Dohm S.à r.l. (2016AC012)

DOIJEN Armand 1994AG039 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOMINGUES Melissa 2016AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DONCKEL Laurent 2008AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : CONFISIO S.à r.l. (2007AC023)

DONDLINGER Marie-France 1998AG022 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : GLOBALIA ASSUR s.à r.l. (2016AC002)

DORE Alexander 2025AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DORSCHNER Jonathan 2017AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS ANJOS Mike 2016AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTEREQUITY INSURANCE AGENCY & MANAGEMENT Cy S.à r.l. (2007AC004)

DOS REIS GONCALO Ludovic 2021AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS REIS TAPADA PEREIRA DE ABREU Rui 2024AG044 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS AUGUSTO Sonia 2024AG045 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Carlos Humberto 2023AG112 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS CARVALHO Patricia 2019AG235 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : VARANDAS & ASSOCIES S.à r.l. (2013AC018)

DOS SANTOS COIMBRA Filipe 2017AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Monica 2023AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DOS SANTOS FIGUEIREDO NEVES Jose 1994AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DOS SANTOS Gilberto 2019AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS LIMA Jerusa 2019AG448 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assur Atert S.à r.l. (2022AC002)

DOS SANTOS MACEDO Dylan 2022AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Manuela 2020AG201 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Carlos Alves S.à r.l. (2018AC003)

DOS SANTOS MARQUES Marco 2007AG131 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS NIETO Sandrine 2012AG154 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : BELLION & SCHMIT S.à r.l. (2011AC004)

DOS SANTOS PALMA Ilda 2000AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

DOS SANTOS PEREIRA Cristina 2018AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOS SANTOS ROSA Marco Paulo 2024AG173 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DOS SANTOS Tanja 2016AG026 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSSER Philippe 2019AG135 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DOSSERAY Sylvie 2009AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSTERT Louis 2007AG200 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DOSTERT Nadine 2019AG460 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DRAGOVIC Dalibor 2013AG063 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRAGOVIC-MARKOVIC Svetlana 2017AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRAUTH Paul 2023AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DRIES Valérie 2009AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DROUET Jacqueline 1993AG182 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DRYVERS Joëlle 2018AG209 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : KOMOMA ET ASSOCIES SARL (2020AC018)

DUARTE Alexandre 2021AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE COELHO Daniela Filipa 2024AG100 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUARTE DA SILVA Davide 2010AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE DE ASSUNCAO Ricardo 2010AG158 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : LOPES AGENCE GENERALE S.à.r.l. (2006AC003)

DUARTE Monica 2019AG238 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

DUARTE Paulo 2004AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PRINCIPALE BENTZ ET DUARTE Sàrl (2014AC015)

DUARTE SIMOES Marco Paulo 2015AG062 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUARTE Sofia 2020AG053 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

DUBOIS Romain 2021AG104 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUBRU Pierre 2018AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DUBUISSON Julie 2022AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CONVEX EUROPE S.A.

DUCAMP Caroline 2019AG119 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUCHENE Chantal 2020AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

DUHR Gilles 2022AG126 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUHR Lynn 2021AG034 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DUHR Nicolas 1979AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMONG Frederic 1991AG373 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMONT Claudine 2007AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUMONT Norbert 1969AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUMOULINS Frédéric 2016AG116 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

DUPREL Martine 2019AG287 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

DUPREZ Joé 2023AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MALGROLUX s.à.r.l. (2006AC008)

DURAND Olivia 2019AG390 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DURIEUX Jessica 2015AG057 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DURMARQUE Juliette 2018AG178 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DURRE Sacha 2023AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

DUSCHENE Deborah 2014AG259 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

DUVAL Claude 1994AG042 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

DÖRING Annett 2024AG148 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1