Insurance agents

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Name Registration number Address  
PAESEN Bart 2007AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique

PAGAIMO Maria De fatima 1994AG095 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAGE Elisabeth 2017AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, Tchéquie

PAIVA FERREIRA Carlos 2002AG015 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PAJARES Maria Isabel 2018AG251 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PALAMAR Haris 2023AG196 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PALERMO Giuseppe 2000AG211 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence d'assurances Giuseppe Palermo (2010AC005)

PALMIOLI Marine 2020AG138 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PALMITO RICARDO Manuel 2008AG079 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PANARO Antoinette 2004AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PANSERA Mathieu 2019AG515 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PANUTA Olesea 2016AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PAPARELLA Maria Grazia 2022AG125 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LOMBARD INTERNATIONAL ASSURANCE S.A.

PAPIER Véronique 2023AG075 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PAQUES Eric 2022AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAQUET Jackie 2020AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Lisa 2019AG324 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Pol 2012AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PAQUET Tom 2024AG142 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PAREDES PEREIRA Sofia 2020AG240 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PARMENTELAT Laurence 2010AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.

PASCOLINI Sara 2012AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PATER Mireille 1998AG003 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PATERNOSTER Ingrid 2020AG268 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PATREGNANI Céline 2020AG098 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PATRICIO VALPACOS Sara Raquel 2023AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PATRIGNANI Gianluca 2014AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Bureau d'Assurances Grettnich, Patrignani & Hartz S.à r.l. (2023AC013); GIMA Invest S.à r.l. (2018AC005)

PAULINO HENRIQUES Marco Aurélio 2018AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.

PAULUS Carine 1996AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAULY Guy 1972AG031 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

PAVADE Danielle 2023AG176 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PAVANT Romina 2019AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PAX Daniel 1991AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PAD Assurances (2010AC021)

PECHE Jean-Sébastien 2019AG487 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PECHEUX Caroline 2021AG083 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PECORARO Calogero 2018AG272 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PEDROSA Fernando 2000AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010); Pedrosa & Associés S.à.r.l. (2024AC012)

PEDROSA Wendy 2019AG281 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE PEDROSA S. à r.l. (2011AC010)

PEDROSO Paula 2001AG123 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE P&P S.à r.l. (2020AC021)

PEDROSO Tina 2011AG193 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEETERS Maria-Louise 2019AG388 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PEFFER Jérôme 2010AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEIFFER Alix 1992AG185 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEIFFER Jeanne 1993AG215 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEIRO Sébastien 2022AG180 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PEIXOTO NUNES Paulo Jorge 2010AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PELGER Stefan 2009AG232 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PELLE Linda 2017AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PELLER Jessi 2019AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PELTZER Myriam 2011AG019 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PENNINCKX Mike 2018AG236 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PENNING Christian 1993AG288 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

PENNING Daniel 1993AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PENNY Yves 2002AG017 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEPIN André 1964AG004 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : M. CROISE ET FILS S.A. (2009AC013)

PEPIN Christian 2003AG014 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEREIRA Anabela 2001AG184 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEREIRA ANTUNES Manuela 2010AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BARBOSA Futre 2022AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BARBOSA Stéphanie 2019AG435 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA BRAGANCA Pedro Miguel 2019AG357 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PEREIRA BRAZ Jessica 2023AG233 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA DA ROCHA Stéphanie 2020AG028 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PEREIRA DE AZEVEDO Roberto 2023AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA DE MELO Hugo 2023AG266 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEREIRA DE SOUSA Luisa 2022AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : PARCIALFINANCE SARL (2014AC022)

PEREIRA DIAS Andrea 2015AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA FERNANDES Pedro 2014AG051 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

PEREIRA GONCALVES Michaël 2010AG006 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PENNING, BIERMANN & ASSOCIES Sàrl (2007AC003)

PEREIRA José Paulo 2020AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG

PEREIRA Lurdes 1988AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA MARQUES Anabela 2017AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PEREIRA MONTEIRO Jose 1999AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PEREIRA QUEIROZ Marco 2022AG018 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Terres Rouges S.à r.l. (2023AC006)

PEREIRA REBELO Susana 2023AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PEREIRA RIBEIRO Sandie 2016AG011 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PERENZIN Clara 2018AG300 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PERNEY Clara 2024AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.

PERREAUX Denis 2010AG049 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : MoDern Assur S.à r.l. (2022AC011)

PERRONE Sandra 2013AG091 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : SST Assurances (2019AC020)

PESCH Romain 1991AG163 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Alex Giesen sàrl (2014AC012)

PETERS Jean-Pierre 2007AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURANCES PETERS HOSINGEN S.à.r.l. (2010AC003)

PETERS Loic 2010AG152 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETERS Pierrette 1989AG197 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETERS Sandra 1992AG221 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PETIT Delphine 2023AG234 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA Wealth Europe

PETRY Paul 2008AG106 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PETRY Paul 2014AG228 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PETTINGER Olivier 2000AG060 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; FOYER-ARAG avec LPS en Belgique; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PETTINGER Pierchen 1993AG023 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PEYRONNET VIDAL de SAINT-URBAIN Alix 2019AG320 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Swiss Life (Luxembourg)

PFEIFFER Florian 2019AG493 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PHILIPPE Véronique 2024AG007 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PIAZZALUNGA Tiziana 2013AG046 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PICARD Jeannot 1983AG071 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Angelo 1995AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Fabiana 1991AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PICCO Luca 1999AG016 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PICHIERRI Alessio 2019AG127 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PICKE Hervé 2018AG064 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PICQUOIN Cédric 2007AG012 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : ASSURFIN s.àr.l. (2012AC056)

PIERAGGI Mélanie 2023AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : Metassur S.à r.l. (2022AC023)

PIERRARD Christel 2020AG237 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PIERRAT Pascal 2017AG139 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES JOËL SIMON S.à r.l. (2009AC006)

PIERSOEL Eric 2021AG070 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PIGAT Fabio 2014AG174 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PIGNEAUX Nicolas 2020AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : VITIS LIFE S.A.

PILARCZYK Laura 2019AG218 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PILON Sophie 2011AG077 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : Foyer Global Health

PINHO DA SILVA Gonçalo 2022AG150 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PINTO ALMEIDA Liliane 2022AG008 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

PINTO Catia Sofia 2018AG013 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PINTO Cristina 2019AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PINTO DA SILVA Steve 2013AG107 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PINTO Dynha 2023AG110 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PINTO Filipe Manuel 2004AG181 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : PITEKO S.à r.l. (2018AC017)

PINTO Gabriel 2019AG332 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE AXA MONDORF-LES-BAINS S.à r.l. (2017AC006)

PIRA Pauline 2020AG155 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PIRAS Yannick 2019AG413 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PIRES DIAS Patricia 2011AG124 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PIRES Iola 2019AG344 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PIRES MIRANDA EP. PETITDEMANGE Celia 2006AG105 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PIRES Sergio 2004AG050 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PIRO Lucie 2019AG258 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

PIRRONE Salvatrice 2019AG406 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

PISCAGLIA Maud 2010AG137 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PITICCO Fabio 2003AG134 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : INTERASSURANCES PAULY & LAMBY et Associés S.à r.l. (2007AC002)

PITISCI Gianluigi 2025AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PLANCKE Graciella 2019AG474 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLANIC Adriana 2024AG143 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

PLANIC Velibor 2002AG204 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg; AXA Wealth Europe

PLEIMLING Bob 2018AG121 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Matim S.à r.l. (2012AC055)

PLEIMLING Gary 2019AG041 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PLEIMLING Sven 2013AG188 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PLETSCHETTE Caroline 2023AG162 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLETSCHETTE John 1994AG092 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PLIER Patrick 2019AG213 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PLOEM Patricia 2019AG260 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLOMP Adriaan 2022AG055 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PLOURDE Belinda 2009AG090 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

POGGI Sergio Carlo 1995AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

POLIVKA Nora 2016AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : FOYER VIE S.A.; RAIFFEISEN VIE S.A.

PONCELET Jérôme 2013AG151 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

PONTES MENDES Jean-Claude 2008AG140 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

POORTERS Dana 2023AG141 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

POORTERS Georges 1992AG001 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

POORTERS Pit Felix 2023AG202 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PORCO Maria 2001AG226 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PORDAN Marco 2009AG047 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

POST Eric 2018AG160 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

POULIN Yves 2023AG078 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : WEALINS

The agent is attached to the agency : ING Luxembourg (2005AC013)

POULL Chrysostome 1992AG273 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

POURPLANCHE Mathilde 2019AG502 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal

PRADIE PFEIFFER Anne-Laure 2019AG048 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A.

PREUD'HOMME Eric 2007AG267 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : AXA ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG; AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg

The agent is attached to the agency : SURE INSURANCE (2002AC010)

PRIESTER Monique 2005AG129 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE P&P S.à r.l. (2020AC021)

PRIM Cynthia 2019AG473 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PRIM Mireille 2004AG170 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PRIM Pascale 2020AG009 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : CARDIF Lux Vie

The agent is attached to the agency : BGL BNP Paribas (1996AC001)

PROBST Nathalie 2009AG065 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Fermassur S.à r.l. (2022AC010)

PROFETA Eric 2023AG074 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUDDU OLIVI Priscilla 2022AG159 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PUISSESSEAU Yann 2006AG161 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : BALOISE ASSURANCES LUXEMBOURG S.A.; BALOISE VIE Luxembourg S.A. avec LPS en Allemagne, Belgique, France

The agent is attached to the agency : YANN PUISSESSEAU S.A R.L.-S (2019AC004)

PULEO Franco 2001AG002 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUNDEL Vincent 2001AG010 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Agence Pundel S.à r.l. (2013AC022)

PURAYE Victor 2004AG165 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

PURAYE Victor 1971AG059 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A. avec LPS en Belgique; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Human Trust S.à.r.l. (2011AC028)

PURCELL Wayne Carl 2016AG081 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUTZ Marco 1996AG027 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : Assurances Pütz S.à r.l. (2017AC004)

PUTZ Serge 2000AG085 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

PUTZ Suzette 1984AG191 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

PUTZIERER Patrick 2010AG084 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE S.A.; LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE-VIE S.A.

Pétré Josette 1967AG115 see the address of the insurance undertaking for the respective activity

Insurance undertakings on behalf of which the agent holds a license : EUROP ASSISTANCE LUXEMBOURG S.A.; FOYER ASSURANCES S.A.; Foyer Global Health; FOYER VIE S.A.; FOYER-ARAG; VEREINIGTE HAGELVERSICHERUNG VVaG

The agent is attached to the agency : AGENCE D'ASSURANCES KLEIN-PÉTRÉ S. à r.l. (2005AC020)

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1