Persons responsible for distribution

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Name of the undertaking Person responsible for distribution Type of undertaking  
D.R.C. S.A. Gérard DARDENNE Reinsurance undertaking
DANONE RE Viviane DESCLES Reinsurance undertaking
DB RE S.A. Jörg DENIS Reinsurance undertaking
DB Vita Frank BREITING Life insurance undertaking
DEME REINSURANCE S.A. Brian COLLINS Reinsurance undertaking
DERICHEBOURG RÉ Rachid ZEROUAL Reinsurance undertaking
DEUTSCHE POST REINSURANCE S.A. Philippe LALOIRE Reinsurance undertaking
DGF REINSURANCE S.A. Sophie VANDEVEN Reinsurance undertaking
DKV LUXEMBOURG S.A. Steve BALANCE Non-Life insurance undertaking
DS SMITH RE S.A. Danilo GIULIANI Reinsurance undertaking

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1