Life insurance

List of documents

27.01.2025 LC 25/2
Circular letter 25/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

14.01.2025 LC 25/1
Circular letter 25/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances regarding the Digital Operational Resilience Regulation (DORA)

16.12.2024 LC 24/14
Circular letter 24/14 of the Commissariat aux Assurances regarding the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance contracts

19.11.2024 LC 24/11
Circular letter 24/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the Guidelines on the revised Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors – complement of Circular letters 21/16, 23/13 and 23/14

05.11.2024 LC 24/10
Circular letter 24/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the FATF declarations concerning: 
1) High-risk jurisdictions against which enhanced due diligence measures and, where appropriate, counter-measures are required 
2) Jurisdictions under increased monitoring of the FATF

11.06.2024 LC 24/7
Circular letter 24/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances modifying circular letter 21/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recognition of an approved statutory auditor for a supervised entity 

12.03.2024 LC 24/2
Circular letter 24/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report and the additonal special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings 

29.12.2023 LC 23/17
Circular letter 23/17 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

11.12.2023 LC 23/15
Circular letter 23/15 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the definition, validation, implementation and monitoring of compliance plans regarding the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing 

14.11.2023 LC 23/14
Circular letter 23/14 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the Guidelines on policies and controls for the effective management of money laundering and terrorist financing risks when providing access to financial services

14.11.2023 LC 23/13
Circular letter 23/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the Guidelines on the revised Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors - complement of Circular letter 21/16

13.06.2023 LC 23/10
Circular letter 23/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the remote working of managers, key functions and other control functions and the use of electronic signatures 

13.03.2023 LC 23/4
Circular letter 23/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

17.01.2023 LC 23/1
Circular letter 23/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual reporting of unclaimed insurance policies 

22.12.2022 LC 22/22
Circular letter 22/22 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the taking over of intermediation in certain types of life insurance contracts

13.09.2022 LC 22/17
Circular letter 22/17 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on notifications in the event of a request from a foreign authority 

19.08.2022 LC 22/16
Circular letter 22/16 on the outsourcing of critical or important operational functions and activities

The Excel sheet shall be filled in electronically and returned by email to the CAA to the address 

26.07.2022 LC 22/15
Circular letter 22/15 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the board of directors of insurance and reinsurance undertakings

26.07.2022 LC 22/14
Circular letter 22/14 from the Commissariat aux Assurances on EIOPA's Revised Guidelines on Valuation of Technical Provisions and on Contract Boundaries 

03.05.2022 LC 22/11
Circular letter 22/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on reporting on continuing training for authorised intermediaries 

15.03.2022 LC 22/5
Circular letter 22/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 21/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual reporting of Luxembourg direct insurance undertakings 

15.03.2022 LC 22/6
Circular letter 22/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings 

15.03.2022 LC 21/6
Circular letter 21/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual reporting of Luxembourg direct insurance undertakings, as amended 

08.03.2022 LC 22/4
Circular letter 22/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual actuarial report of pension funds 

01.03.2022 LC 22/2
Circular letter 22/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual actuarial report of Luxemboirg life-insurance undertakings

19.01.2022 LC 22/1
Circular letter 22/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on life insurance technical bases 

22.09.2021 LC 21/16
Circular letter 21/16 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the adoption of the guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors - completed by LC 23/13

05.08.2021 LC 21/15
Circular letter 21/15 amending and supplementing Circular letter 20/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on outsourcing to cloud computing service providers 

03.08.2021 LC 21/14
Circular letter 21/14 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on EIOPA Guidelines on PEPP supervisory reporting

03.08.2021 LC 21/13
Circular letter 21/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recognition of an approved statutory auditor for a supervised entity 

03.08.2021 LC 21/12
Circular letter 21/12 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the key functions defined by Solvency II 

14.04.2021 LC 21/10
Circular letter 21/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances setting out quarterly statistical reporting requirements for direct insurance undertakings and pension funds 

23.03.2021 LC 21/9
Circular letter 21/9 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings 

23.03.2021 LC 21/6
Circular letter 21/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual reporting of Luxembourg direct insurance undertakings 

09.03.2021 LC 21/3
Circular letter 21/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 15/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the reporting of professionals of the insurance sector (PSA) 

19.01.2021 LC 21/2
Circular letter 21/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 11/2 on the assessment of the risk of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing and on preventive measures as amended by Circular letters 11/7 and 13/1

01.01.2021 LC 21/1
Circular letter 21/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board of 15 December 2020 on the restrictions applicable to distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic

22.12.2020 LC 20/22
Circular letter 20/22 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the collection of information concerning continuing training in the field of insurance and reinsurance distribution provided for in Article 47 of the Commissariat aux Assurances Regulation no. 19/01 of 26 February 2019 on the insurance and reinsurance distribution, as amended.

18.12.2020 LC 20/21
Circular letter 20/21 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board of 25 May 2020 on liquidity risks arising from margin calls

17.12.2020 LC 20/20
Circular letter 20/20 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the granting of loans for residential property located in Luxembourg

10.11.2020 LC 20/17
Circular letter 20/17 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

31.07.2020 LC 20/15
Circular letter 20/15 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recommendation of the European Systemic Risk Board of 15 December 2020 on the restrictions applicable to distributions during the COVID-19 pandemic

26.05.2020 LC 20/11
Circular letter 20/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the collection of information on insurance and reinsurance distribution

12.05.2020 LC 20/10
Circular letter 20/10 setting up a system of temporary authorisation as an insurance agent or sub-broker in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

07.04.2020 LC 20/8
Circular letter 20/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances introducing new control statements for PSAs exercising a domiciliation activity and amending circular letter 15/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the reporting of professionals of the insurance sector (PSA)

07.04.2020 LC 20/9
Circular letter 20/9 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on EIOPA Guidelines under the Insurance Distribution Directive on insurance-based investment products (IBIPs) that incorporate a structure which makes it difficult for the customer to understand the risks involved

26.02.2020 LC 20/3
Circular letter 20/3 amending the amended Circular letter 09/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings 

05.02.2020 LC 20/2
Circular letter 20/2 on the arrangements for the provision, format and content of the key information document (KID) required by Regulation (EU) N° 1286/2014 on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)

04.02.2020 LC 20/1
Circular letter 20/1 of 4 February 2020 on the collection of information regarding insurance and reinsurance distribution

02.12.2019 LC 19/19
Circular letter 19/19 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

16.10.2019 LC 19/16
Circular letter 19/16 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the collection of quantitative data for the assessment of exposure risks to money laundering and terrorist financing for life insurance companies

31.07.2019 LC 19/15
Circular letter 19/15 from the Commissariat aux Assurances on Recommendations for the insurance sector in light of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union

30.04.2019 LC 19/13
Circular letter 19/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the regular verification of the good repute of insurance sub-brokers, insurance agents and persons who, within insurance and reinsurance undertakings, are directly involved in insurance or reinsurance distribution

19.03.2019 LC 19/11
Circular letter 19/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on amendments to Article 47 of CAA Regulation 13/01 of 23 December 2013 on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing concerning the report to be provided by the auditors of licensed insurance and reinsurance undertakings

13.03.2019 LC 19/10
Circular Letter 19/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances Setting the rules concerning the permanent inventory of the assets matching the technical provisions referred to in article 118 of the law of 7 December 2015, as amended, on the insurance sector

05.03.2019 LC 19/7
Circular letter 19/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

12.02.2019 LC 19/5
Circular letter 19/5 introducing new forms for the notification of natural persons subject to CAA supervision

05.02.2019 LC 19/3
Circular letter 19/3 amending the amended Circular letter 09/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the separate report to be provided by the approved auditor of direct insurance undertakings

15.01.2019 LC 19/2
Circular letter 19/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 15/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on investment rules for unit-linked life insurance products

23.10.2018 LC 18/10
Circular letter 18/10 on the appointment of the person responsible for the distribution of insurance products

22.10.2018 LC 18/9
Circular letter 18/9 from the Commissariat aux Assurances specifying the procedures for introducing new harmonised questionnaires for life insurance companies to assess the risks of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing

21.08.2018 LC 18/8
Circular letter 18/8 on the procedures for communicating the sensitivity assessments provided for in Article 8 of the CAA regulation of 7 December 2015 on insurance and reinsurance undertakings, as amended

09.05.2018 LC 18/6
Circular letter 18/6 from the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the prior notification procedure to be followed by Luxembourg insurance undertakings in the case of operations under the freedom to provide services envisaged in New Caledonia

14.03.2018 LC 18/3
Circular letter 18/3 from the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special Solvency 2 report

09.03.2018 LC 18/2
Circular letter 18/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the maximum technical interest rates applicable to new life insurance policies

18.12.2017 LC 17/11
Circular letter 17/11 specifying the procedure for submitting the Regular Supervisory Reporting (RSR)

06.04.2017 LC 17/7
Circular letter 17/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the Solvency 2 Special Report

08.02.2017 LC 17/1
Circular letter 17/1 of the Commissariat aux assurances amending circular letter 16/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances specifying the conditions of exemption for the provision of information on external ratings in the detailed statements of investments and derivatives

16.08.2016 LC 16/9
Circular letter 16/9 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances
Standard model of the deposit agreement (translation into English and German)

- Annex 2 reserved for Swiss depositaries, French, English and German versions

- Annex 2 reserved for Liechtenstein depositaries, French, English and German versions

17.05.2016 LC 16/7
Circular letter 16/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

19.04.2016 LC 16/5
Circular letter 16/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances specifying the conditions of exemption for the provision of information on external ratings in the detailed statements of investments and derivatives 

15.12.2015 LC 15/13
Circular letter 15/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to supplementary EIOPA guidelines concerning the Solvency 2 regime

15.07.2015 LC 15/10
Circular letter 15/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the secure electronic transmission of the insurance and reinsurance undertakings' reporting

22.06.2015 LC 15/8
Circular letter 15/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the adoption of the Life Insurance Charter of Quality

13.05.2015 LC 15/7
Circular letter 15/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates, as amended (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7 and LC13/13)

29.04.2015 LC 15/6
Circular letter 15/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on reporting by professionals of the insurance sector (PSA)

28.04.2015 LC 15/5
Circular letter 15/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the first EIOPA guidelines concerning the Solvency 2 regime

24.03.2015 LC 15/4
Circular letter 15/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances
Standard model of the deposit agreement (translation into English and German)

- Annex 2 reserved for Swiss depositaries, French, English and German versions

- Annex 2 reserved for Liechtenstein depositaries, French, English and German versions

24.03.2015 LC 15/3
Circular letter 15/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on investment rules for unit-linked life insurance products (see also LC95/3, LC01/8, LC08/1 and LC19/2)

17.12.2014 LC 14/11
Circular letter 14/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to EIOPA Guidelines in the use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) + Appendix

26.05.2014 LC 14/8
Circular letter 14/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances modifying Circular letter 09/7 on the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances (consolidated version of the LC09/7 of 26 May 2014 - following LC11/5 and LC14/8) 

16.04.2014 LC 14/7
Circular letter 14/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the reporting of management companies of pension funds

07.01.2014 LC 14/1
Circular letter 14/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to EIOPA Guidelines on Complaints-Handling by Insurance Undertakings (Annex 1, Annex 2, Annex 3)

23.12.2013 LC 13/13
Circular letter 13/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7 and LC15/7)

23.12.2013 LC 13/14
Circular letter 13/14 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to:
- the entry into force of the Commissariat aux Assurances Regulation No 13/01 of 23 December 2013 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
- the repeal of Circular letters LC 09/6 and 10/7

23.04.2013 LC 13/7
Circular letter 13/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

19.02.2013 LC 13/3
Circular letter 13/3 amending the amended Circular letter 09/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings (consolidated version as of 25 February 2020)

30.01.2013 LC 13/1
Circular letter 13/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending circular letter 11/2 as amended relating to the assessment of risks of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing and preventive measures (consolidated version of 30 January 2013)(see also LC11/2 and LC11/7)

19.12.2012 LC 12/10
Circular letter 12/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 03/5 on technical bases in life insurance (consolidated version of 19 December 2012)

17.02.2012 LC 12/3
Circular letter 12/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the actuarial annual report of Luxembourg life insurance undertakings

31.01.2012 LC 12/1
Circular letter 12/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

11.11.2011 LC 11/10
Circular letter 11/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the collection of quantitative data in the context of the assessment of risks of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing

12.09.2011 LC 11/9
Circular letter 11/9 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the application of international financial sanctions and restrictive measures to professionals of the insurance sector

19.05.2011 LC 11/7
Circular letter 11/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending circular letter 11/2 as amended relating to the assessment of risks of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing and preventive measures (consolidated version of 30 January 2013)(see also LC11/2 and LC13/1)

09.03.2011 LC 11/5
Circular letter 11/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances modifying Circular letter 09/7 on the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances (consolidated version of the LC09/7 of 26 May 2014 - following LC11/5 and LC14/8) 

08.02.2011 LC 11/2
Circular letter 11/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending circular letter 11/2 as amended relating to the assessment of risks of exposure to money laundering and terrorist financing and preventive measures (consolidated version of 30 January 2013)(see also LC11/7 and LC13/1)

27.01.2010 LC 10/3
Circular letter 10/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances concerning the transmission of individual personal data to STATEC

08.12.2009 LC 09/7
Circular letter 09/7 on the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances (consolidated version of the LC09/7 of 26 May 2014 - following LC11/5 and LC14/8) 

18.02.2009 LC 09/3
Circular letter 09/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

13.02.2009 LC 09/4
Circular letter 09/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on restrictive measures with regard to certain States or certain persons

19.01.2009 LC 09/1
Circular letter 09/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of direct insurance undertakings, as amended + Annexe (consolidated version as of 25 February 2020 following Circular letters LC 13/3 and LC 19/3))

02.01.2008 LC 08/1
Circular Letter 08/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on investment rules for unit-linked life insurance products (consolidated version of LC08/1 as at 23 December 2013 - following LC13/15, see also LC95/3, LC01/8 and LC15/3)

18.12.2007 LC 07/4
Circular letter 07/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing

26.06.2007 LC 07/3
Circular letter 07/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

21.06.2006 LC 06/7
Circular Letter 06/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances modifying Circular letter 01/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the deposit of assets matching the technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds under the supervision of th Commissariat aux Assurances 

22.05.2006 LC 06/6
Circular letter 06/6 from the Commissariat aux Assurances refixing some technical rates in life insurance (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

24.01.2006 LC 06/1
Circular letter 06/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to changes in the shareholding structure of direct insurance undertakings (see also the information note of 20 March 2009)

18.02.2005 LC 05/4
Circular letter 05/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC01/10, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

05.01.2004 LC 04/1
Circular letter 04/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the application of Article LIR 111bis

22.12.2003 LC 03/5
Circular letter 03/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on technical bases in life insurance (consolidated version of 19 December 2012 - following LC12/10)

16.12.2002 LC 02/9
Circular letter 02/9 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the application of Article LIR 111bis

30.11.2001 LC 01/10
Circular letter 01/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC00/5, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

21.11.2001 LC 01/8
Circular Letter 01/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on investment rules for unit-linked life insurance products + Annex (consolidated version of LC08/1 as at 17 July 2006 - see also LC95/3, LC08/1 and LC15/3)

22.10.2001 LC 01/7
Circular letter 01/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the deposit of transferable securities and cash used as assets matching technical provisions of direct insurance undertakings and pension funds subject to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances (consolidated version as of 21 June 2006) 

12.10.2001 LC 01/5
Circular letter 01/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances to life insurance undertakings concerning sanctions against the Taliban of Afghanistan and identification and declaration of business relations with terrorist circles

27.06.2000 LC 00/5
Circular letter 00/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending and supplementing amended Circular letter 98/1 on technical interest rates (see also LC98/1, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

20.06.2000 LC 00/4
Circular letter 00/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the use of units in some collective investment undertakings in unit-linked life insurance policies

12.01.2000 LC 00/1
Circular letter 00/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances concerning the OECD Council's recommendations on the valuation of reinsurance undertakings

13.10.1998 LC 98/4
Circular letter 98/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the management of collective pension funds

25.09.1998 LC 98/3
Circular letter 98/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on mergers or demergers of insurance or reinsurance undertakings

15.05.1998 LC 98/1
Circular letter 98/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on technical interest rates (see also LC00/5, LC01/10, LC05/4, LC06/6, LC07/3, LC09/3, LC12/1, LC13/7, LC13/13 and LC15/7)

21.10.1997 LC 97/5
Circular letter 97/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the authorised executive of direct insurance undertakings

21.12.1995 LC 95/7
Circular letter 95/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the accounting treatment of deferred acquisition costs

13.09.1995 LC 95/5
Circular letter 95/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances setting out the rules for taking account of shareholdings in other undertakings in the financial sector for the purposes of determining the solvency margin

28.02.1995 LC 95/3
Circular letter 95/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on prudential rules for life insurance (see also LC01/8, LC08/1 and LC15/3)

02.03.1994 LC 2/94
Mortgage registration

02.02.1988 LC 2/88
Offering life insurance contracts to life policyholders (see also LC1/85)

25.11.1985 LC 3/85
Law of 28 January 1948 to ensure the fair and accurate collection of registration and inheritance taxes

15.07.1985 LC 1/85
Offre de contrat d'assurance sur la vie à des titulaires de polices sur la vie (voir aussi LC2/88)

09.09.1980 LC 8/80
Redemption and reduction of VIE policies (see also LC2/80)

10.04.1980 LC 2/80
Redemption and reduction of VIE policies (see also LC8/80)

20.12.1978 LC 4/78
Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC3/76 and LC4/76)

04.11.1976 LC 4/76
Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC3/76 and LC4/78)

11.10.1976 LC 3/76
Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC4/76 and LC4/78)

02.02.1976 LC 1/76
Loans on insurance policies

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1