
Before starting to fill in the form, and to avoid saving and display problems, please save the blank form on your hard disk, launch a recent version of Acrobat Reader (XI, DC) or Acrobat Pro and then open the form using the Acrobat Reader menu.

List of documents

23.04.2024 Notification of freedom to provide services (FoS) of a re(insurance) intermediary within the European economic area (EEA)

23.04.2024 Notification of freedom of establishment (FoE) of a re(insurance) intermediary within the European economic area (EEA)

15.03.2024 Confirmation form for the brokerage reporting

19.08.2022 Form linked to circular letter 22/16 on outsourcing of significant or critical operational activities or functions

The Excel form shall be completed electronically and returned to the CAA by e-mail to

09.12.2021 Forms to be completed and sent in the context of notifications of freedom to provide services of an insurance untertaking

19.03.2019 Request for out-of-court complaint resolution

19.03.2019 Application for registration of a legal person as an ancillary insurance intermediary

12.02.2019 Application for registration of a natural person as an ancillary insurance intermediary

12.02.2019 Application for approval or notification of a natural person as an insurance sub-broker

12.02.2019 Application for approval or notification of a natural person as a broker or executive of a brokerage firm or as a board member of a brokerage firm

12.02.2019 Application for approval or notification of a natural person as an agent, executive or board member of an insurance agency

12.02.2019 Notification file or application for approval of a natural person for a function at the level of an insurance group for which the CAA is the group controller

12.02.2019 Application for approval or notification of an individual for a position with an undertaking supervised by the CAA other than an insurance or reinsurance intermediary

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1