
List of documents

27.01.2025 LC 25/2
Circular letter 25/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

14.01.2025 LC 25/1
Circular letter 25/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances regarding the Digital Operational Resilience Regulation (DORA)

12.03.2024 LC 24/3
Circular letter 24/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report and the additonal special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

07.02.2023 LC 23/2
Circular letter 23/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the annual actuarial report of Luxembourg non-life insurance undertakings 

05.04.2022 LC 22/10
Circular letter 22/10 of the Commissariat aux assurances on the annual reporting of reinsurance undertakings 

15.03.2022 LC 22/7
Circular letter 22/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

30.11.2021 LC 21/18
Circular letter 21/18 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

03.08.2021 LC 21/13
Circular letter 21/13 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the recognition of an approved statutory auditor for a supervised entity 

23.03.2021 LC 21/8
Circular letter 21/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

17.03.2021 LC 21/5
Circular letter 21/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended

07.04.2020 LC 20/8
Circular letter 20/8 of the Commissariat aux Assurances introducing new control statements for PSAs exercising a domiciliation activity and amending circular letter 15/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the reporting of professionals of the insurance sector (PSA)

10.03.2020 LC 20/5
Circular letter 20/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending the amended Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

03.03.2020 LC 20/4
Circular letter 20/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

19.03.2019 LC 19/11
Circular letter 19/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on amendments to Article 47 of CAA Regulation 13/01 of 23 December 2013 on anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing concerning the report to be provided by the auditors of licensed insurance and reinsurance undertakings

05.02.2019 LC 19/4
Circular letter 19/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 09/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

14.01.2019 LC 19/1
Circular letter 19/1 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

21.08.2018 LC 18/8
Circular letter 18/8 on the procedures for communicating the sensitivity assessments provided for in Article 8 of the CAA regulation of 7 December 2015 on insurance and reinsurance undertakings, as amended

14.03.2018 LC 18/3
Circular letter 18/3 from the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special Solvency 2 report

18.12.2017 LC 17/11
Circular letter 17/11 specifying the procedure for submitting the Regular Supervisory Reporting (RSR)

06.04.2017 LC 17/7
Circular letter 17/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the Solvency 2 Special Report

28.02.2017 LC 17/3
Circular letter 17/3 amending the amended Circular letter 09/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

28.02.2017 LC 17/2
Circular letter 17/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

08.02.2017 LC 17/1
Circular letter 17/1 of the Commissariat aux assurances amending circular letter 16/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances specifying the conditions of exemption for the provision of information on external ratings in the detailed statements of investments and derivatives

17.05.2016 LC 16/7
Circular letter 16/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

19.04.2016 LC 16/5
Circular letter 16/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances specifying the conditions of exemption for the provision of information on external ratings in the detailed statements of investments and derivatives 

01.03.2016 LC 16/3
Circular letter 16/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

19.01.2016 LC 16/1
Circular letter 16/1 setting out the conditions for exemption from quarterly reporting under Solvency 2

15.07.2015 LC 15/10
Circular letter 15/10 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the secure electronic transmission of the insurance and reinsurance undertakings' reporting

29.04.2015 LC 15/6
Circular letter 15/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on reporting by professionals of the insurance sector (PSA)

17.12.2014 LC 14/11
Circular letter 14/11 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to EIOPA Guidelines in the use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) + Appendix

16.04.2014 LC 14/6
Circular letter 14/6 of the Commissariat aux Assurances relating to the reporting of management companies of reinsurance undertakings

12.03.2014 LC 14/5
Circular letter 14/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

04.03.2013 LC 13/5
Circular letter 13/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 09/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings 

04.03.2013 LC 13/4
Circular letter 13/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

07.03.2012 LC 12/7
Circular letter 12/7 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

07.03.2011 LC 11/4
Circular letter 11/4 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5) Risk- free rate term structure as of 31.12.2010

11.03.2009 LC 09/5
Circular letter 09/5 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

02.02.2009 LC 09/2
Circular letter 09/2 of the Commissariat aux Assurances on the special report to be provided by the réviseur d'entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor) of reinsurance undertakings + Annex (consolidated text of 3 March 2020 following LC 13/5)

03.03.2008 LC 08/3
Circular letter 08/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

01.02.2005 LC 05/3
Circular letter 05/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

12.02.2003 LC 03/3
Circular letter 03/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances amending Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

26.03.1999 LC 99/6
Circular letter 99/6 on the annual report of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated text of LC99/6 of 16 March 2021 - following LC03/3, LC05/3, LC08/3, LC09/5, LC11/4, LC12/7, LC13/4, LC14/5, LC16/3, LC17/2, LC20/5 and LC21/5)

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1