Consumer Protection

List of documents

02.02.1988 Offering life insurance contracts to life policyholders (see also LC1/85)

15.07.1985 Offre de contrat d'assurance sur la vie à des titulaires de polices sur la vie (voir aussi LC2/88)

09.09.1980 Redemption and reduction of VIE policies (see also LC2/80)

10.04.1980 Redemption and reduction of VIE policies (see also LC8/80)

20.12.1978 Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC3/76 and LC4/76)

04.11.1976 Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC3/76 and LC4/78)

11.10.1976 Transactions concluded by insurance undertakings and concerning minors (see also LC4/76 and LC4/78)

11, rue Robert Stumper,
L-2557 Luxembourg
GD de Luxembourg
(+352) 22 69 11 - 1