Grand-ducal regulations

List of documents

08.10.2014 Grand-ducal regulation of 8 October 2014 concerning authorisation and operating terms and conditions for insurance and reinsurance intermediaries and professionals in the insurance sector

28.04.2014 Grand-ducal Regulation of 28 April 2014 on contributions to the staff and operating costs of the Commissariat aux Assurances, as amended  (coordinated version of 1 January 2021)

29.10.2010 Grand-ducal Regulation of 29 October 2010 as amended by the grand-ducal regulation of 3 August 2011 enforcing the Law of 27 October 2010 implementing United Nations Security Council resolutions as well as acts adopted by the European Union concerning prohibitions and restrictive measures in financial matters in respect of certain persons, entities and groups in the context of the combat against terrorist financing

01.02.2010 Grand-ducal Regulation of 1 February 2010 providing details on certain provisions of the Law of 12 November 2004 on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, as amended

05.12.2007 Grand-ducal Regulation of 5 December 2007 implementing the law of 6 December 1991 on the insurance sector, as amended, and specifying the procedures for the supplementary supervision of insurance and reinsurance undertakings which are part of an insurance or reinsurance group

05.12.2007 Grand-ducal Regulation of 5 December 2007 specifying the conditions governing the authorisation and operation of reinsurance undertakings, as amended (consolidated version as of 4 July 2014)

17.11.2006 Grand-ducal Regulation of 17 November 2006 on financial conglomerates for which the Commissariat aux assurances acts as coordinator

11.11.2003 Grand-ducal Regulation of 11 November 2003 in implementation of the Law of 16 April 2003 on compulsory insurance against third party motor vehicle liability (consolidated version as of 6 April 2024)

11.11.2003 Grand-ducal Regulation of 11 November 2003 on the operation of the Motor Guarantee Fund, as amended ( consolidated version as of 21 December 2012)

31.08.2000 Grand-ducal regulation of 31 August 2000 implementing Article 26, paragraph 3, of the law of 6 December 1991 on the insurance sector, as amended, and relating to pension funds submitted to the supervision of the Commissariat aux Assurances (consolidated version as of 17 November 2006)

29.06.1995 Grand-ducal Regulation of 29 June 1995 adopted in application of the law of 6 December 1991 on the insurance sector, as amended, and relating to the implementation of the provisions on insurance :
- the Agreement on the European Economic Area ;
- the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on direct insurance other than life assurance

14.12.1994 Grand-ducal Regulation of 14 December 1994 implementing the law of 6 December 1991 on the insurance sector, as amended, and specifying the conditions for the authorisation and operation of direct insurance undertakings (consolidated version as of 14 November 2012)

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